sgu 142解题记录

来源:互联网 发布:如何识别网络虚假信息 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/09 22:12

142. Keyword

time limit per test: 0.5 sec. 
memory limit per test: 16384 KB

Kevin has invented a new algorithm to crypt and decrypt messages, which he thinks is unbeatable. The algorithm uses a very large key-string, out of which a keyword is found out after applying the algorithm. Then, based on this keyword, the message is easily crypted or decrypted. So, if one would try to decrypt some messages crypted with this algorithm, then knowing the keyword would be enough. Someone has found out how the keyword is computed from the large key-string, but because he is not a very experienced computer programmer, he needs your help. The key-string consists of N characters from the set {'a','b'}. The keyword is the shortest non-empty string made up of the letters 'a' and 'b', which is not contained as a contiguous substring (also called subsequence) inside the key-string. It is possible that more than one such string exists, but the algorithm is designed in such a way that any of these strings can be used as a keyword. Given the key-string, your task is to find one keyword.


The first line contains the integer number N, the number of characters inside the key-string (1 <= N <= 500 000). The next line contains N characters from the set {'a','b'} representing the string.


The first line of output should contain the number of characters of the keyword. The second line should contain the keyword.

Sample Input


Sample Output



给出一个仅由'a',‘b’组成的字符串S,长度小于500 000,求一个长度最小的由‘a’,‘b’组成的不是S子串的字符串T。






        模拟之所以时间复杂度高,是因为有大量的信息没有用到,假设我aab已经在整个字符串中找到,那么我要找aaba,就只需要在aab找到的基础之上再进行筛选。而模拟需要再重新一个个匹配一次,浪费了之前已经获取的信息。 然而在aab基础上再筛选操作难度较大,就采用hash的方式,将每个字符前的19个字符的状态都hash。最后再从小到大的方式寻找没有标记的状态。这也是一种变相的利用已得信息。


5*10^5,估算最大情况,1位即可表示一个状态,2^18 < 5*10^ < 2^19,那么所求的T最大为19,将字符串每长度为19的子串的所有状态全部hash,然后再从小到大寻找没有被hash的子串。


#include <cstdio>int n, cnt;bool f[19][530000];int main() {scanf("%d\n", &n);for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {int tmp=(getchar()=='a');cnt = (cnt<<1)+tmp;for (int j = 1, mop=0; (j <= 19 && i-j>=0); j++) {mop = (mop<<1)+1;f[j-1][cnt&mop]=true;}}for (int i = 1, mop=1; i <= 19; i++) {mop = mop<<1;for (int j = 0; j < mop; j++)if (!f[i-1][j]) {printf("%d\n", i);for (int k = 1, sum=1<<(i-1); k <= i; k++, sum >>= 1)if (j&sum)printf("a");elseprintf("b");printf("\n");return 0;}}}

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