php xml与数组相互转化

来源:互联网 发布:c语言ri什么意思 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 05:43
<?phpclass xmlConstruct extends XMLWriter{    /**     * Constructor.     * @param string $prm_rootElementName A root element's name of a current xml document     * @param string $prm_xsltFilePath Path of a XSLT file.     * @access public     * @param null     */    public function __construct(){            }    public function setOpenUri($uri)    {        $this->openUri($uri);        $this->setIndent(true);        $this->setIndentString(' ');        $this->startDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');        $this->startElement('root');    }    /**     * Set an element with a text to a current xml document.     * @access public     * @param string $prm_elementName An element's name     * @param string $prm_ElementText An element's text     * @return null     */    public function setElement($prm_elementName, $prm_ElementText){        @$this->startElement($prm_elementName);        $this->text($prm_ElementText);        $this->endElement();    }    /**     * Construct elements and texts from an array.     * The array should contain an attribute's name in index part     * and a attribute's text in value part.     * @access public     * @param array $prm_array Contains attributes and texts     * @return null     */    public function fromArray($prm_array){      if(is_array($prm_array)){        foreach ($prm_array as $index => $element){          if(is_array($element)){            if(is_numeric($index)){$index = 'sub';}            $this->startElement($index);            $this->fromArray($element);            $this->endElement();          }          else{                $this->setElement($index, $element);            }        }      }    }    /**     * Return the content of a current xml document.     * @access public     * @param null     * @return string Xml document     */    public function getDocument(){        $this->endElement();        $this->endDocument();        return $this->outputMemory();    }    /**     * Output the content of a current xml document.     * @access public     * @param null     */    public function output(){          //header('Content-type: text/xml');          echo $this->getDocument();    }  }//$XmlConstruct = new XmlConstruct('root');//$XmlConstruct->fromArray($contents);//$XmlConstruct->output();?>

<?php/** @access        public * @version        $Revision: 1.1 $ * @homepage * @copyright    Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Sofee Development Team.( * @since        2005-05-30 * @see            PEAR:XML_Parser | SimpleXML extension */ class myXmlReader {          /**     * XML parser handle     *     * @var        resource     * @see        xml_parser_create()     */     var $parser;     /**     * source encoding     *     * @var        string     */     var $srcenc;     /**     * target encoding     *     * @var        string     */     var $dstenc;     /**     * the original struct     *     * @access    private     * @var        array     */     var $_struct = array();     /**     * Constructor     *     * @access        public     * @param        mixed        [$srcenc] source encoding     * @param        mixed        [$dstenc] target encoding     * @return        void     * @since             */     function myXmlReader($srcenc = null, $dstenc = null) {         $this->srcenc = $srcenc;         $this->dstenc = $dstenc;                  // initialize the variable.         $this->parser = null;         $this->_struct = array();     }     /**     * Free the resources     *     * @access        public     * @return        void     **/     function free() {         if (isset($this->parser) && is_resource($this->parser)) {             xml_parser_free($this->parser);             unset($this->parser);         }     }     /**     * Parses the XML file     *     * @access        public     * @param        string        [$file] the XML file name     * @return        void     * @since             */     function parseFile($file) {         $data = @file_get_contents($file) or die("Can't open file $file for reading!");         $this->parseString($data);     }     /**     * Parses a string.     *     * @access        public     * @param        string        [$data] XML data     * @return        void     */     function parseString($data) {         if ($this->srcenc === null) {             $this->parser = @xml_parser_create() or die('Unable to create XML parser resource.');         } else {             $this->parser = @xml_parser_create($this->srcenc) or die('Unable to create XML parser resource with '. $this->srcenc .' encoding.');         }                  if ($this->dstenc !== null) {             @xml_parser_set_option($this->parser, XML_OPTION_TARGET_ENCODING, $this->dstenc) or die('Invalid target encoding');         }         xml_parser_set_option($this->parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, 0);    // lowercase tags         xml_parser_set_option($this->parser, XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE, 1);        // skip empty tags         if (!xml_parse_into_struct($this->parser, $data,$this->_struct)) {             printf("XML error: %s at line %d",                      xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($this->parser)),                      xml_get_current_line_number($this->parser)             );             $this->free();             exit();         }                  $this->_count = count($this->_struct);         $this->free();     }     /**     * return the data struction     *     * @access        public     * @return        array     */     function getTree() {         $i = 0;         $tree = array();         $tree = $this->addNode(             $tree,              $this->_struct[$i]['tag'],              (isset($this->_struct[$i]['value'])) ? $this->_struct[$i]['value'] : '',              (isset($this->_struct[$i]['attributes'])) ? $this->_struct[$i]['attributes'] : '',              $this->getChild($i)         );         unset($this->_struct);         return ($tree);     }     /**     * recursion the children node data     *     * @access        public     * @param        integer        [$i] the last struct index     * @return        array     */     function getChild(&$i) {         // contain node data         $children = array();         // loop         while (++$i < $this->_count) {             // node tag name             $tagname = $this->_struct[$i]['tag'];             $value = isset($this->_struct[$i]['value']) ? $this->_struct[$i]['value'] : '';             $attributes = isset($this->_struct[$i]['attributes']) ? $this->_struct[$i]['attributes'] : '';             switch ($this->_struct[$i]['type']) {                 case 'open':                     // node has more children                     $child = $this->getChild($i);                     // append the children data to the current node                     $children = $this->addNode($children, $tagname, $value, $attributes, $child);                     break;                 case 'complete':                     // at end of current branch                     $children = $this->addNode($children, $tagname, $value, $attributes);                     break;                 case 'cdata':                     // node has CDATA after one of it's children                     $children['value'] .= $value;                     break;                 case 'close':                     // end of node, return collected data                      return $children;                     break;             }                  }         //return $children;     }     /**     * Appends some values to an array     *     * @access        public     * @param        array        [$target]     * @param        string        [$key]     * @param        string        [$value]     * @param        array        [$attributes]     * @param        array        [$inner] the children     * @return        void     * @since             */     function addNode($target, $key, $value = '', $attributes = '', $child = '') {         if (!isset($target[$key]['value']) && !isset($target[$key][0])) {             if ($child != '') {                 $target[$key] = $child;             }             if ($attributes != '') {                 foreach ($attributes as $k => $v) {                     $target[$key][$k] = $v;                 }             }                          $target[$key]['value'] = $value;         } else {             if (!isset($target[$key][0])) {                 // is string or other                 $oldvalue = $target[$key];                 $target[$key] = array();                 $target[$key][0] = $oldvalue;                 $index = 1;             } else {                 // is array                 $index = count($target[$key]);             }             if ($child != '') {                 $target[$key][$index] = $child;             }             if ($attributes != '') {                 foreach ($attributes as $k => $v) {                     $target[$key][$index][$k] = $v;                 }             }             $target[$key][$index]['value'] = $value;         }         return $target;     } }


<?phprequire 'myXmlReader.class.php'; require 'xmlConstruct.class.php';   $xml=new xmlConstruct();   $xml->setOpenUri(time().'.xml');           $content['info']= array('username'=>'test1','uid'=>'test2','name'=>array('tttt'=>'wwww1','www2'=>'sfgsd')) ;  $xml->fromArray($content); // $xml->output(); $xml_=new myXmlReader(); $xml_->parseFile('1408355059.xml'); $tree = $xml_->getTree(); //print_r($tree);

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