防追踪创安全网络环境 EFF推Beta版“Privacy Badger”扩展

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自棱镜监控丑闻曝光之后在线安全和个人隐私成为网络上热门的话题,为此电子前沿基金会(EFF)今天推出了beta测试版本“Privacy Badger”扩展程序,为Chrome和Firefox浏览器用户打造安全的在线网络环境,阻挡一系列目前网络上使用的追踪技术。

Do Not Track is bolstered by EFF's Privacy Badger extension

EFF的技术项目总监Peter Eckersley表示:“‘Like this page on Facebook’或者“Tweet this”这样的插件通常都允许这些公司来访问查看用户正在访问的页面,哪怕你从来没有点击过这些插件按钮。Privacy Badger扩展能够帮助你对此类插件进行检测,并阻挡这些插件,屏蔽追踪。”




Privacy Badger blocks spying ads and invisible trackers. It's there to ensure that companies can't track your browsing without your consent.

This extension is designed to automatically protect your privacy from third party trackers that load invisibly when you browse the web. We send the Do Not Track header with each request, and our extension evaluates the likelihood that you are still being tracked. If the algorithm deems the likelihood is too high, we automatically block your request from being sent to the domain. Please understand that Privacy Badger is in beta, and the algorithm's determination is not conclusive that the domain is tracking you.

Our extension has three states. Red means Privacy Badger believes this domain is a tracker, and has blocked it.Yellow means the domain is believed to be both a tracker and necessary for the functioning of the page, so Privacy Badger is allowing it but blocking its cookies.Green means that Privacy Badger believes this is not tracker. You can click on the Privacy Badger icon in your browser's toolbar if you wish to override the automatic blocking settings. Or, you can browse in peace as Privacy Badger starts finding and eating up web trackers one by one.

Nothing can stop the Privacy Badger from eating cookies when it's hungry!

Privacy Badger is a project of the Electronic Frontier Foundation.


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