cocos2d lua集成XML教程

来源:互联网 发布:java统计字符出现次数 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/17 16:09

</pre>Installation</h1><ol class="task-list" style="padding:0px 0px 0px 2em; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:16px; color:rgb(51,51,51); font-family:'Helvetica Neue',Helvetica,'Segoe UI',Arial,freesans,sans-serif; font-size:16px; line-height:25.600000381469727px"><li style="">Copy the xmlSimple.lua file to your project.</li><li style="">Create a local variable <code style="font-family:Consolas,'Liberation Mono',Menlo,Courier,monospace; font-size:14px; padding:0.2em 0px; margin:0px">local xml = require("xmlSimple.lua").newParser()</code></li><li style="">Read xml using <code style="font-family:Consolas,'Liberation Mono',Menlo,Courier,monospace; font-size:14px; padding:0.2em 0px; margin:0px">xml:ParseXmlText(xmlString)</code> or <code style="font-family:Consolas,'Liberation Mono',Menlo,Courier,monospace; font-size:14px; padding:0.2em 0px; margin:0px">xml:loadFile(xmlFilename, base)</code></li></ol><h1 style="font-size:2.25em; margin:1em 0px 16px; line-height:1.2; position:relative; padding-bottom:0.3em; border-bottom-width:1px; border-bottom-style:solid; border-bottom-color:rgb(238,238,238); color:rgb(51,51,51); font-family:'Helvetica Neue',Helvetica,'Segoe UI',Arial,freesans,sans-serif"><a target=_blank target="_blank" name="user-content-parsing-xml" class="anchor" href="" style="color:rgb(65,131,196); text-decoration:none; position:absolute; top:0px; bottom:0px; left:0px; display:block; padding-right:6px; padding-left:30px; margin-left:-30px; background:transparent"></a>Parsing XML</h1><div class="highlight highlight-xml" style="margin-bottom:16px; color:rgb(51,51,51); font-family:'Helvetica Neue',Helvetica,'Segoe UI',Arial,freesans,sans-serif; font-size:16px; line-height:25.600000381469727px"><pre style="overflow:auto; font-family:Consolas,'Liberation Mono',Menlo,Courier,monospace; font-size:14px; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; padding:16px; line-height:1.45; word-wrap:normal; word-break:normal; background-color:rgb(247,247,247)"><span class="nt" style="color:navy"><test</span> <span class="na" style="color:teal">one=</span><span class="s" style="color:rgb(221,17,68)">"two"</span><span class="nt" style="color:navy">></span>    <span class="nt" style="color:navy"><three</span> <span class="na" style="color:teal">four=</span><span class="s" style="color:rgb(221,17,68)">"five"</span> <span class="na" style="color:teal">four=</span><span class="s" style="color:rgb(221,17,68)">"six"</span><span class="nt" style="color:navy">/></span>    <span class="nt" style="color:navy"><three></span>eight<span class="nt" style="color:navy"></three></span>    <span class="nt" style="color:navy"><nine</span> <span class="na" style="color:teal">ten=</span><span class="s" style="color:rgb(221,17,68)">"eleven"</span><span class="nt" style="color:navy">></span>twelve<span class="nt" style="color:navy"></nine></span><span class="nt" style="color:navy"></test></span>

You can access values in two ways:

Using the simple method:

xml.test["@one"] == "two"xml.test.nine["@ten"] == "eleven"xml.test.nine:value() == "twelve"xml.test.three[1]["@four"][1] == "five"xml.test.three[1]["@four"][2] == "six"xml.test.three[2]:value() == "eight"

or if your XML is a little bit more complicated you can do it like this:

xml:children()[1]:name() == "test"xml:children()[1]:children()[2]:value() == "eight"xml:properties()[1] == {name = "one", value = "two"}


There's no support for namespaces. When I see namespaces I immediately start to remember days when I worked at corporate. We had to use namespaces only because XML was so convoluted we would not be able to handle it without them. In the end XML parsing took longer for some APIs then actual logic of the API. If you're in this situation it is better to step back and do something about it rather than asking for namespace support. I am using this module to read fairly simple XML. Even if it is a large XML string, the structure is still simple, so I was not able to test it properly. Please create a new Issue if you spot a problem. Please take a loook at xmlTest.lua for an example of use.

Final notes

This is a modified version of Corona-XML-Module by Jonathan Beebe which in turn is based on Alexander Makeev's Lua-only XML parser found here

xmlSimple.lua 的代码

module(..., package.seeall)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- xml.lua - XML parser for use with the Corona SDK.---- version: 1.2---- CHANGELOG:---- 1.2 - Created new structure for returned table-- 1.1 - Fixed base directory issue with the loadFile() function.---- NOTE: This is a modified version of Alexander Makeev's Lua-only XML parser-- found here: newParser()    XmlParser = {};    function XmlParser:ToXmlString(value)        value = string.gsub(value, "&", "&"); -- '&' -> "&"        value = string.gsub(value, "<", "<"); -- '<' -> "<"        value = string.gsub(value, ">", ">"); -- '>' -> ">"        value = string.gsub(value, "\"", """); -- '"' -> """        value = string.gsub(value, "([^%w%&%;%p%\t% ])",            function(c)                return string.format("&#x%X;", string.byte(c))            end);        return value;    end    function XmlParser:FromXmlString(value)        value = string.gsub(value, "&#x([%x]+)%;",            function(h)                return string.char(tonumber(h, 16))            end);        value = string.gsub(value, "&#([0-9]+)%;",            function(h)                return string.char(tonumber(h, 10))            end);        value = string.gsub(value, """, "\"");        value = string.gsub(value, "'", "'");        value = string.gsub(value, ">", ">");        value = string.gsub(value, "<", "<");        value = string.gsub(value, "&", "&");        return value;    end    function XmlParser:ParseArgs(node, s)        string.gsub(s, "([%w_]+)%s*=%s*([\"'])(.-)%2", function(w, _, a)            node:addProperty(w, self:FromXmlString(a))        end)    end    function XmlParser:ParseXmlText(xmlText)        local stack = {}        local top = newNode()        table.insert(stack, top)        local ni, c, label, xarg, empty        local i, j = 1, 1        while true do            ni, j, c, label, xarg, empty = string.find(xmlText, "<(%/?)([%w_:]+)(.-)(%/?)>", i)            if not ni then break end            local text = string.sub(xmlText, i, ni - 1);            if not string.find(text, "^%s*$") then                local lVal = (top:value() or "") .. self:FromXmlString(text)                stack[#stack]:setValue(lVal)            end            if empty == "/" then -- empty element tag                local lNode = newNode(label)                self:ParseArgs(lNode, xarg)                top:addChild(lNode)            elseif c == "" then -- start tag                local lNode = newNode(label)                self:ParseArgs(lNode, xarg)                table.insert(stack, lNode)top = lNode            else -- end tag                local toclose = table.remove(stack) -- remove top                top = stack[#stack]                if #stack < 1 then                    error("XmlParser: nothing to close with " .. label)                end                if toclose:name() ~= label then                    error("XmlParser: trying to close " .. .. " with " .. label)                end                top:addChild(toclose)            end            i = j + 1        end        local text = string.sub(xmlText, i);        if #stack > 1 then            error("XmlParser: unclosed " .. stack[#stack]:name())        end        return top    end    function XmlParser:loadFile(xmlFilename, base)if not xmlFilename thenreturn nil;end base = base or "";        path = base .. xmlFilename;        local hFile, err =, "r");        if hFile and not err then            local xmlText = hFile:read("*all"); -- read file content            io.close(hFile);            return self:ParseXmlText(xmlText), nil;        else            print(err)            return nil        end    end    return XmlParserendfunction newNode(name)    local node = {}    node.___value = nil    node.___name = name    node.___children = {}    node.___props = {}    function node:value() return self.___value end    function node:setValue(val) self.___value = val end    function node:name() return self.___name end    function node:setName(name) self.___name = name end    function node:children() return self.___children end    function node:numChildren() return #self.___children end    function node:addChild(child)        if self[child:name()] ~= nil then            if type(self[child:name()].name) == "function" then                local tempTable = {}                table.insert(tempTable, self[child:name()])                self[child:name()] = tempTable            end            table.insert(self[child:name()], child)        else            self[child:name()] = child        end        table.insert(self.___children, child)    end    function node:properties() return self.___props end    function node:numProperties() return #self.___props end    function node:addProperty(name, value)        local lName = "@" .. name        if self[lName] ~= nil then            if type(self[lName]) == "string" then                local tempTable = {}                table.insert(tempTable, self[lName])                self[lName] = tempTable            end            table.insert(self[lName], value)        else            self[lName] = value        end        table.insert(self.___props, { name = name, value = self[name] })    end    return nodeend

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