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############################################################# File: py_search.py - 查找文件里的特定字符(串)#       - 遍历目录和搜索文件中的关键字# Date: 2014/08/19# By  : LinJK############################################################import os  import sys  import cmd        print( sys.argv  )                            #当前.py文件所在路径      class Tool(cmd.Cmd):      def __init__(self):        bDir = "false"        cmd.Cmd.__init__(self)                #Initialize the base class                  print ( "Please set you search directory first : ")        print ( "Usage: <pathname: d:> <dirname: //dir1//dir2> ")        while bDir == "false":                        self.pathname = input("1>Input pathname: ")              self.dirname  = input("2>Input dirname : ")            choice        = input("Ensure? y/n ")            if choice == "y":                  bDir = "true"                print( "@@Set pathname as: '%s'" %self.pathname )                print( "@@Set dirname  as: '%s'" %self.dirname  )                self.prompt   = "(find)$"                self.intro    = '''--FindKeywordInFileVv0.1 usage:                 set            # set dir and path parameters                 export         # export result file                 find (keyword) # set finding keyword                 ?              # show commands that you can enter                q              # exit current program, or use Ctrl+D(UNIX)|Ctrl+C(Dos/Windows)                '''                                        elif choice == "n":                continue            else:                print ("Please input y or n, enter again!")                continue              def help_q(self):          print ("<HELP>Quits the program")    def do_q(self, line):          print ("Bye !")        sys.exit()      #----------------------------------------------------------------------          def help_set(self):          print ("<HELP>Set parameter program used" )     def do_set(self, choice):          print ( "Current para is: ")          print ( "-->pathname: '%s'" %self.pathname )         print ( "-->dirname : '%s'" %self.dirname  )        choice = input("Do you wanna change? y/n ")          if choice == "y":            print ( "Please enter you search directory : ")            print ( "Usage: <pathname: d:> <dirname: //dir1//dir2> ")            self.pathname = input("input pathname: ")              self.dirname  = input("input dirname : ")          print( "@@Set pathname as: '%s'" %self.pathname )        print( "@@Set dirname  as: '%s'" %self.dirname  )    #----------------------------------------------------------------------      def help_find(self):                                #Input<help find>        print("<HELP>Set finding keyword,Input: find (KeyowrdToFind)")     def do_find(self, keyword):          if keyword == "":                               #When just input<find>            keyword = input("input finding keyword: ")          print ("@@The keyword to find is: '%s'" %keyword)        GrepFromFile(self.pathname + self.dirname, keyword)          print ("<<<<<Find over !>>>>>" )     #----------------------------------------------------------------------    def help_export(self):          print ("<HELP>Export result file"  )    def do_export(self, para):          print ("Pathname: '%s'" %sys.path[0])                    #export to the root-dir where .py file exist        WriteDirList(sys.path[0] + "//OS", "output.txt")         #export appointed dir's info to txt file     #----------------------------------------------------------------------    def help_lcd(selef):        print ("<HELP>List cur path's or appointed path's info.")    def do_lcd(self, para):        listCurDir = os.listdir()        for lstdir in listCurDir:            print (lstdir)    #==============================================================================              # write file lists in according path  def WriteDirList(path, file):    print ("txt file exporting, please wait...")    export = ""      for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):          export += "\n%s %s %s" %(root, dirs, files)    open(file, "w").write(export)    print ("export over !" )       # grep keyword from txt type file only  def GrepFromFile(path, keyword):    listCppFiles = []    listTxtFiles = []    try:        filelist = os.listdir(path)            #print (filelist )                                 #打印当前目录下存在的所有文件,包括隐藏文件及目录    except FileNotFoundError as err:        print (err)        print ("Please enter \"set\" to set the correct directory!")        return            #对要搜索的文件进行分类            for file in filelist:                               if ".cpp" in file:            listCppFiles.append(file)        if ".txt" in file:            listTxtFiles.append(file)    #print (listCppFiles)    #print (listTxtFiles)    #分文件类型进行查找    for cppfile in listCppFiles:        curfile = open(path + "//" + cppfile)        # print (curfile)   #curfile是文件的完整路径等信息        scanfiles(curfile, cppfile, keyword)    print ("--------------------------------------------------")    for txtfile in listTxtFiles:        curfile = open(path + "//" + txtfile)        scanfiles(curfile, txtfile, keyword)                    #查找文件里的关键字def scanfiles(curfile, file, keyword):    bFind = ""    txtfilevalidCnt = 0        print ("-->Scanning <%s>..." %(file)  )    for line in curfile.readlines():                        if keyword in line:            txtfilevalidCnt += 1            print ("   " + str(txtfilevalidCnt) + ". " + line)              bFind = "true"                        if bFind != "true":          print( "   Find nothing in <%s>" %(file) )          ######################################################################  # Start  ######################################################################if __name__ == '__main__':      cdc = Tool()      cdc.cmdloop()  print( "End" ) 

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