HDU4973A simple simulation problem.(线段树,区间更新)

来源:互联网 发布:数据擦除机 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 23:36

A simple simulation problem.

Time Limit: 10000/5000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/65536 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 330    Accepted Submission(s): 132

Problem Description
There are n types of cells in the lab, numbered from 1 to n. These cells are put in a queue, the i-th cell belongs to type i. Each time I can use mitogen to double the cells in the interval [l, r]. For instance, the original queue is {1 2 3 3 4 5}, after using a mitogen in the interval [2, 5] the queue will be {1 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 5}. After some operations this queue could become very long, and I can’t figure out maximum count of cells of same type. Could you help me?

The first line contains a single integer t (1 <= t <= 20), the number of test cases.

For each case, the first line contains 2 integers (1 <= n,m<= 50000) indicating the number of cell types and the number of operations.

For the following m lines, each line represents an operation. There are only two kinds of operations: Q and D. And the format is:

“Q l r”, query the maximum number of cells of same type in the interval [l, r];
“D l r”, double the cells in the interval [l, r];

(0 <= r – l <= 10^8, 1 <= l, r <= the number of all the cells)

For each case, output the case number as shown. Then for each query "Q l r", print the maximum number of cells of same type in the interval [l, r].

Take the sample output for more details.

Sample Input
15 5D 5 5Q 5 6D 2 3D 1 2Q 1 7

Sample Output
Case #1:23


2014 Multi-University Training Contest 10


#include<stdio.h>#define N 50005#define ll __int64struct nn{    ll sum,maxlen,mulit;//分别代表当前节点区间总个数,同一个数最多个数,子节点需更新的倍数}tree[N*3];void builde(ll l,ll r,int k){    tree[k].sum=r-l+1;    tree[k].maxlen=1; tree[k].mulit=1;    if(l==r)return ;    ll m=(l+r)/2;    builde(l,m,k*2); builde(m+1,r,k*2+1);}ll MAX(ll a,ll b){return a>b?a:b;}void setchilde(int k){        tree[k*2].mulit*=tree[k].mulit;        tree[k*2].sum*=tree[k].mulit;        tree[k*2].maxlen*=tree[k].mulit;        tree[k*2+1].mulit*=tree[k].mulit;        tree[k*2+1].sum*=tree[k].mulit;        tree[k*2+1].maxlen*=tree[k].mulit;        tree[k].mulit=1;}void set(ll l,ll r,int k,ll L,ll R,ll suml){    ll m=(l+r)/2;    if(L<=suml+1&&suml+tree[k].sum<=R)    {        tree[k].maxlen*=2; tree[k].mulit*=2;  tree[k].sum*=2;        return ;    }    else if(l==r)    {        if(tree[k].sum+suml>=R&&suml+1>=L)            tree[k].sum=tree[k].sum+suml-R+(R-suml)*2;        else if(tree[k].sum+suml>=R&&suml+1<=L)            tree[k].sum=tree[k].sum+suml-R+L-suml-1+(R-L+1)*2;        else if(tree[k].sum+suml<=R&&suml+1<=L)            tree[k].sum=(tree[k].sum+suml-L+1)*2+L-suml-1;        tree[k].maxlen=tree[k].sum;            return ;    }    if(tree[k].mulit>1)        setchilde(k);    ll sum=tree[k*2].sum;    if(suml+sum>=L)set(l,m,k*2,L,R,suml);    if(suml+sum+1<=R)set(m+1,r,k*2+1,L,R,suml+sum);    tree[k].sum=tree[k*2].sum+tree[k*2+1].sum;    tree[k].maxlen=MAX(tree[k*2].maxlen,tree[k*2+1].maxlen);}ll query(ll l,ll r,int k,ll L,ll R,ll suml){     ll m=(l+r)/2, maxlen;    if(suml+1>=L&&tree[k].sum+suml<=R)    {        return tree[k].maxlen;    }    else if(l==r)    {       if(tree[k].sum+suml>=R&&suml+1>=L)            maxlen=R-suml;        else if(tree[k].sum+suml>=R&&suml+1<=L)            maxlen=R-L+1;        else if(tree[k].sum+suml<=R&&suml+1<=L)            maxlen=tree[k].sum+suml-L+1;            return maxlen;    }    if(tree[k].mulit>1)        setchilde(k);    if(tree[k*2].sum+suml>=R)        maxlen=query(l,m,k*2,L,R,suml);    else if(tree[k*2].sum+1+suml<=L)maxlen=query(m+1,r,k*2+1,L,R,tree[k*2].sum+suml);    else maxlen= MAX(query(l,m,k*2,L,R,suml),query(m+1,r,k*2+1,L,R,tree[k*2].sum+suml));    return maxlen;}int main(){    ll n,m,L,R,t,tt=0;    char s[5];    scanf("%I64d",&t);    while(t--)    {        scanf("%I64d%I64d",&n,&m);        builde(1,n,1);        printf("Case #%I64d:\n",++tt);        while(m--)        {            scanf("%s%I64d%I64d",s,&L,&R);            if(s[0]=='D')set(1,n,1,L,R,0);            else printf("%I64d\n",query(1,n,1,L,R,0));        }    }}


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