
来源:互联网 发布:mac怎么安装sass 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/19 17:05




void T264_predict_16x16_mode_0_c (uint8_t* dst, int32_t dst_stride, uint8_t* top, uint8_t* left);
void T264_predict_16x16_mode_1_c (uint8_t* dst, int32_t dst_stride, uint8_t* top, uint8_t* left);
void T264_predict_16x16_mode_2_c (uint8_t* dst, int32_t dst_stride, uint8_t* top, uint8_t* left);
void T264_predict_16x16_mode_20_c(uint8_t* dst, int32_t dst_stride, uint8_t* top, uint8_t* left);
void T264_predict_16x16_mode_21_c(uint8_t* dst, int32_t dst_stride, uint8_t* top, uint8_t* left);
void T264_predict_16x16_mode_22_c(uint8_t* dst, int32_t dst_stride, uint8_t* top, uint8_t* left);
void T264_predict_16x16_mode_3_c (uint8_t* dst, int32_t dst_stride, uint8_t* top, uint8_t* left);

// 亮度预测的精确模式,一个9种

4x4 luma (6 functions)
void T264_predict_4x4_mode_0_c(uint8_t* dst, int32_t dst_stride, uint8_t* top, uint8_t* left);
void T264_predict_4x4_mode_1_c(uint8_t* dst, int32_t dst_stride, uint8_t* top, uint8_t* left);
void T264_predict_4x4_mode_2_c(uint8_t* dst, int32_t dst_stride, uint8_t* top, uint8_t* left);
void T264_predict_4x4_mode_20_c(uint8_t* dst, int32_t dst_stride, uint8_t* top, uint8_t* left);
void T264_predict_4x4_mode_21_c(uint8_t* dst, int32_t dst_stride, uint8_t* top, uint8_t* left);
void T264_predict_4x4_mode_22_c(uint8_t* dst, int32_t dst_stride, uint8_t* top, uint8_t* left);

void T264_predict_4x4_mode_3_c(uint8_t* dst, int32_t dst_stride, uint8_t* top, uint8_t* left); 
void T264_predict_4x4_mode_4_c(uint8_t* dst, int32_t dst_stride, uint8_t* top, uint8_t* left);
void T264_predict_4x4_mode_5_c(uint8_t* dst, int32_t dst_stride, uint8_t* top, uint8_t* left);
void T264_predict_4x4_mode_6_c(uint8_t* dst, int32_t dst_stride, uint8_t* top, uint8_t* left);
void T264_predict_4x4_mode_7_c(uint8_t* dst, int32_t dst_stride, uint8_t* top, uint8_t* left);
void T264_predict_4x4_mode_8_c(uint8_t* dst, int32_t dst_stride, uint8_t* top, uint8_t* left);


// 8x8 chroma (7 functions)
void T264_predict_8x8_mode_0_c (uint8_t* dst, int32_t dst_stride, uint8_t* top, uint8_t* left);
void T264_predict_8x8_mode_1_c (uint8_t* dst, int32_t dst_stride, uint8_t* top, uint8_t* left);
void T264_predict_8x8_mode_2_c (uint8_t* dst, int32_t dst_stride, uint8_t* top, uint8_t* left);
void T264_predict_8x8_mode_20_c(uint8_t* dst, int32_t dst_stride, uint8_t* top, uint8_t* left);
void T264_predict_8x8_mode_21_c(uint8_t* dst, int32_t dst_stride, uint8_t* top, uint8_t* left);
void T264_predict_8x8_mode_22_c(uint8_t* dst, int32_t dst_stride, uint8_t* top, uint8_t* left);
void T264_predict_8x8_mode_3_c (uint8_t* dst, int32_t dst_stride, uint8_t* top, uint8_t* left); 

上面的注释的几种是对应的标准中的说明,可以进行参照。而进行实现(T264)中的函数就变得多了,但是类型还是一样的,比如在亮度16x16的20、21、22就是对应的一个类型的预测,就是16x16中的所谓第二种DC预测模式。说起这个类型,在其他两个块中也是有的,就其说明来看,是很牛的:Mode 2 (DC prediction)
is modified depending on which samples A–M have previously been coded; each of the other
modes may only be used if all of the required prediction samples are available。模式2(DC预测):取决于A-M中在前面已经编码的采样进行修正,而其他的模式只能在其需要的象素全部可得的时候才可以用。这样看,好像其是很厉害的,用了甚么方法可以使得其不用要求固定象素可得来预测呢?其实这样也太为难人家了,谁也不能在甚么都不知道的情况下,做个精确的预测,而模式2其实就是一种很简单的处理,是在象素不可得的时候的一种很无赖的处理:牺牲了精确性。看代码:

// none available 注意:全不可得
T264_predict_16x16_mode_22_c(uint8_t* dst, int32_t dst_stride, uint8_t* top, uint8_t* left)
    int32_t i, j;

    for(i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i ++)
        for(j = 0 ; j < 16 ; j ++)
            dst[j] = 128;
        dst += dst_stride;



//Mode 4 Intra_4x4_DIAGONAL_DOWNRIGHT when Top and left are available
void T264_predict_4x4_mode_4_c(uint8_t* dst, int32_t dst_stride, uint8_t* top, uint8_t* left)
 uint8_t *cur_dst = dst;

    *(cur_dst + 12) = (left[3] + (left[2] << 1) + left[1] + 2) >> 2;
    *(cur_dst + 8) = *(cur_dst + 13) = (left[2] + (left[1] << 1) + left[0] + 2) >> 2;
    *(cur_dst + 4) = *(cur_dst + 9) = *(cur_dst + 14) = (left[1] + (left[0] << 1) + *(left - 1) + 2) >> 2;
    *(cur_dst) = *(cur_dst + 5) = *(cur_dst + 10) = *(cur_dst + 15) = (left[0] + (*(left - 1) << 1) + top[0] + 2) >> 2;
    *(cur_dst + 1) = *(cur_dst + 6) = *(cur_dst + 11) = (*(top - 1) + (top[0] << 1) + top[1] + 2) >> 2;
    *(cur_dst + 2) = *(cur_dst + 7) = (top[0] + (top[1] << 1) + top[2] + 2) >> 2;
    *(cur_dst + 3) = (top[1] + (top[2] << 1) + top[3] + 2) >> 2; 

。 。 。 。 。

。 x    x    x    x

。 x    x    x    x

。 x    x    x    x

。 x   x     x    x



