
来源:互联网 发布:中国人存款数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/07 00:32


public class SqoopTest {    public static void main(String[] args) {        SqoopOptions options = new SqoopOptions();        options.setConnectString("jdbc:oracle:thin:@");                options.setTableName("STUDENT2");                options.setWhereClause("id > 0");     // this where clause works when importing whole table, ie when setTableName() is used        options.setUsername("edata");        options.setPassword("edata");        options.setDirectMode(true);    // Make sure the direct mode is off when importing data to HBase        options.setNumMappers(1);         // Default value is 4        options.setSqlQuery("SELECT * FROM student2 WHERE $CONDITIONS ");        options.setSplitByCol("id");                String[] strs = {"id","name","age"} ;        options.setColumns(strs);                // HBase options        options.setHBaseTable("xun_sq");        options.setHBaseColFamily("f");        options.setCreateHBaseTable(true);    // Create HBase table, if it does not exist        options.setHBaseRowKeyColumn("id,name");//        options.setHBaseRowKeyColumn("age");        Configuration config = new Configuration();        //如果该语句不起作用,就在sqoop的conf.xml文件配置下并重启sqoop,这行是自定义rowkey生成规则        config.set("sqoop.hbase.insert.put.transformer.class", "com.edata.sqoop.DdtMapInfoTransFormat");//        config.set("sqoop.hbase.add.row.key","true");        config.setBoolean("sqoop.hbase.add.row.key",true);       String dd = config.get("sqoop.hbase.add.row.key");        options.setConf(config);        int ret = new ImportTool().run(options);            }}


 public class DdtMapInfoTransFormat extends PutTransformer {   public static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(DdtMapInfoTransFormat.class.getName());  private Map<String, byte[]> serializedFieldNames;   public DdtMapInfoTransFormat() {      serializedFieldNames = new TreeMap<String, byte[]>();  }     /**   * Return the serialized bytes for a field name, using the cache if it's   * already in there.   */  private byte[] getFieldNameBytes(String fieldName) {      byte[] cachedName = serializedFieldNames.get(fieldName);      if (null != cachedName) {          // Cache hit. We're done.          return cachedName;      }      // Do the serialization and memoize the result.      byte[] nameBytes = Bytes.toBytes(fieldName);      serializedFieldNames.put(fieldName, nameBytes);      return nameBytes;  }   @Override  /** {@inheritDoc} */  public List<Put> getPutCommand(Map<String, Object> fields)throws IOException {            String rowKeyCol = getRowKeyColumn();            //if many columns  make up rowkey            String colFamily = getColumnFamily();            String[] rowkeyFamilys = rowKeyCol.split(",");      String rowKey = "";      for(int i = 0;i < rowkeyFamilys.length;i++){           rowKey += fields.get(rowkeyFamilys[i])+"";      }            byte[] colFamilyBytes = Bytes.toBytes(colFamily);      //      Object rowKey = fields.get(rowKeyCol);      //      com.cloudera.sqoop.SqoopOptions      if (null == rowKey) {          // If the row-key column is null, we don't insert this row.          LOG.warn("Could not insert row with null value for row-key column: "+ rowKeyCol);          return null;      }      Put put = new Put(Bytes.toBytes(rowKey.toString() + ":uuid"));            for (Map.Entry<String, Object> fieldEntry : fields.entrySet()) {          String colName = fieldEntry.getKey();                    List rowkeyColList = Arrays.asList(rowkeyFamilys);                        // This is a regular field, not the row key.              // Add it if it's not null.              Object val = fieldEntry.getValue();              if (null != val) {                  put.add(colFamilyBytes, getFieldNameBytes(colName),Bytes.toBytes(val.toString()));              }          //              }      return Collections.singletonList(put);  }}

3,生成jar文件放在sqoop lib下,然后运行客户端

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