
来源:互联网 发布:手机java软件培训 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 16:34




#define TC_LOG_TRACE(filterType__, ...)#define TC_LOG_DEBUG(filterType__, ...)#define TC_LOG_INFO(filterType__, ...)#define TC_LOG_WARN(filterType__, ...)#define TC_LOG_ERROR(filterType__, ...)#define TC_LOG_FATAL(filterType__, ...)




#  Appender config values: Given a appender "name"#    Appender.name#        Description: Defines 'where to log'#        Format:      Type,LogLevel,Flags,optional1,optional2,optional3##                     Type#                         0 - (None)#                         1 - (Console)#                         2 - (File)#                         3 - (DB)##                     LogLevel#                         0 - (Disabled)#                         1 - (Trace)#                         2 - (Debug)#                         3 - (Info)#                         4 - (Warn)#                         5 - (Error)#                         6 - (Fatal)##                     Flags:#                         0 - None#                         1 - Prefix Timestamp to the text#                         2 - Prefix Log Level to the text#                         4 - Prefix Log Filter type to the text#                         8 - Append timestamp to the log file name. Format: YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS (Only used with Type = 2)#                        16 - Make a backup of existing file before overwrite (Only used with Mode = w)##                     Colors (read as optional1 if Type = Console)#                         Format: "fatal error warn info debug trace"#                         0 - BLACK#                         1 - RED#                         2 - GREEN#                         3 - BROWN#                         4 - BLUE#                         5 - MAGENTA#                         6 - CYAN#                         7 - GREY#                         8 - YELLOW#                         9 - LRED#                        10 - LGREEN#                        11 - LBLUE#                        12 - LMAGENTA#                        13 - LCYAN#                        14 - WHITE##                     File: Name of the file (read as optional1 if Type = File)#                         Allows to use one "%s" to create dynamic files##                     Mode: Mode to open the file (read as optional2 if Type = File)#                          a - (Append)#                          w - (Overwrite)##                     MaxFileSize: Maximum file size of the log file before creating a new log file


#  Appender config values: Given a appender "name"#    Appender.name#        Description: Defines 'where to log'#        Format:      Type,LogLevel,Flags,optional1,optional2,optional3##                     Type#                         0 - (None)#                         1 - (Console)#                         2 - (File)#                         3 - (DB)##                     LogLevel#                         0 - (Disabled)#                         1 - (Trace)#                         2 - (Debug)#                         3 - (Info)#                         4 - (Warn)#                         5 - (Error)#                         6 - (Fatal)##                     Flags:#                         0 - None#                         1 - Prefix Timestamp to the text#                         2 - Prefix Log Level to the text#                         4 - Prefix Log Filter type to the text#                         8 - Append timestamp to the log file name. Format: YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS (Only used with Type = 2)#                        16 - Make a backup of existing file before overwrite (Only used with Mode = w)##                     Colors (read as optional1 if Type = Console)#                         Format: "fatal error warn info debug trace"#                         0 - BLACK#                         1 - RED#                         2 - GREEN#                         3 - BROWN#                         4 - BLUE#                         5 - MAGENTA#                         6 - CYAN#                         7 - GREY#                         8 - YELLOW#                         9 - LRED#                        10 - LGREEN#                        11 - LBLUE#                        12 - LMAGENTA#                        13 - LCYAN#                        14 - WHITE##                     File: Name of the file (read as optional1 if Type = File)#                         Allows to use one "%s" to create dynamic files##                     Mode: Mode to open the file (read as optional2 if Type = File)#                          a - (Append)#                          w - (Overwrite)##                     MaxFileSize: Maximum file size of the log file before creating a new log file


Appender.Console=1,3,0Appender.Server=2,2,0,Server.log,wLogger.root=2,Console Server

以上这三句,定义了两个Appender:Console, Server,一个log type:root






 TC_LOG_INFO("qch", "Hello, world"); 为例子


if(Log::instance()::ShouldLog("qch", LOG_LEVEL_INFO) )        Log::instance()::outMessage ("qch", LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Hello,world");





INSERT INTO logs (time, realm, type, level, string) VALUES (1409544332, 0, 'qch', 3,'Hello, world\n')

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