
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝erp系统哪个好 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 18:17



正在折腾Latex,看到篇博客Creating a Resume Using LaTeX, 于是也把自己的简历用Latex重新写了一遍,好处就是可以使用git来管理自己的简历版本了,比word舒服多了。

这里所用的res.cls来源于Using the LaTeX Resume Templates。




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A position in the field of computer with special interests in graphic, media or driver.
 {\sl Master of Computer Science} \\
 University of ABC \\
 200X $\sim$ 200X \\
 {\sl Bachelor of Computer Science} \\
 University of ABC \\
 199X $\sim$ 200X
 {\bf XXX R\&D Ltd, Shanghai, PRC \hfill July 200X $\sim$ Present}
\item \makebox[7cm][l]{\textit{Windows Graphic Driver Developer\hfil}} 200X $\sim$ Present
        \item {\bf Over} five years graphic driver development experience on Vista/Win7/Win8 for four hardware platforms.
        \item {\bf Focus} on media module(DXVA2); understand popular media players' pipeline.
        \item {\bf Known} Windows Display Driver Mode(WDDM) very well; delivery the training multiple timesfor dozens of audiences
        \item {\bf Master} at various diagnostic tools: Windbg, Xperf, GpuView, Vtune \ldots
\item \makebox[7cm][l]{\textit{C Compiler Validation\hfil}} 200X $\sim$ 200X
        \item {\bf Maintain} automatic testing system used by more than hundred persons and containing 20k+ test cases.
        \item {\bf Design} test cases for optimized code debugging feature of the compiler.The compiler is designed for an embedding platform. It's impossible to load un-optimized binary in its limited memory, so the compiler has to support debugging optimized code.
 \item C
 \item C++\footnote{\textit{C++ is a horrible language.} No body can master it, I'm just no bad.I don't know Templates and C++11.}
 \item Windbg, GpuView, Vtune
 \item Intel IA-32 Architectures
 \item DirectX Video Acceleration(DXVA)
 \item Windows Display Driver Model(WDDM)
 \item Go
 \item Lua
 \item Python
 \item Haskell
 \item CUDA,OpenCL
\footnotetext{My favourites are skills that I'm not professional at, but feel interesting. I'm learning or going to learn them, so it would be a plus to me if new position uses them}
%One patent filed for Intel work

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