Introduction Doing Philosophy 《The Big Question》 笔记

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Introduction Doing Philosophy

  1. 哲学 is the attempt to coordinate a number of different ideas into a single viewpoint and defending what you believe against those who are out to refute you.
  1. Buzzwords
    1. 例子Freedom
      1. Freedom 好像可用一些实例来说明,但当我们试图揭示实例背后的联系时,我们好像说不清任何东西。
      2. 每个人都相信 自由,但问题是他们到底相信的是什么呢
    2. Buzzwords
      1. 只是标志,关键了解标志背后的含义
      2. 常有多种定义,含义模糊不清
      3. 大量堆砌使用,也可以没有思想和价值,不是在思考,而是代替了思考(感觉也不该是全负面的,思维能力有限,不得不设法减小思维负担)
      4. 一些还成为了理解、思考的障碍
  2. The filed of Philosophy
    1. Metaphysics
    2. Ethics
    3. Epistemology
    4. Logic
    5. Philosophy of religion
    6. Political (or sociopolitical) philosophy
    7. Aesthetics (or the philosophy of art)
  3. Concepts and Conceptual Frameworks
    1. concepts
      1. give form to experience, tie experience together
      2. make articulation possible
      3. make it possible to recognize things in the world
    2. 两种concepts
      1. emprical knowledge: based on someone's experience
      2. a priori knowledge: independent of (before) any particular experience
        1. 数学是非经验的,和很多其他概念一样, can be defined only within a system of other abstract concepts.(数学的真,是定义和一致性)
        2. more abstract, more room for disagreement about what they mean.
        3. 这些词,如"自由",并没有预赋意义,而定义这些词就是哲学的事。
    3. conceptual framework
      1. 其他叫法:lifestyle, ideology, climate of opinion, worldview
      2. taken for grant, but, sometimes, necessary to examine.
    4. 理解也是创造
      1. create, enrich, develop, solidify, and give new understanding and clarity to our everyday lives.
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