针对全量请求的缓存机制实现 - AOP

来源:互联网 发布:pr域名出售 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/18 03:30


     缓存是在实际工作中经常用到的,主要作用呢?1. 提高响应速度 2. 降低cpu压力或者数据库压力。




  • 使用AOP的插件性质来降低缓存与原系统的耦合性,即在切面层做缓存的处理。
  • 使用Annotation来对需要做缓存处理的函数进行标记,并可以对缓存时间个性化
  • 针对缓存过期问题,对放入缓存的数据封装一层,并打上时间戳




/** * 表示一个方法是否启用本地缓存,可以指定本地缓存的时间间隔,默认为一个小时 */@Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)@Target(ElementType.METHOD)public @interface LocalCacheOperation {    long localCacheInterval() default 1000 * 60 * 60;    String localCacheKey() default "";}
//为缓存对象包上一层时间戳public class CacheObject implements Serializable {    private static final long serialVersionUID = 4873268779348802945L;    private long timestamp;    private Object object;    .....}          
public interface ConfigService {     public BloomFilter<String> getAllPassengerNames();     public BloomFilter<Long> getAllTrades();}public class ConfigServiceImpl implements ConfigService {     private PassengerManager passengerManager;     private TradeManager tradeManager;     @LocalCacheOperation(localCacheInterval=1000*60*60*24)     public BloomFilter<String> getAllPassengerNames() {          return passengerManager.getAllPassengerNames();     }     @LocalCacheOperation      public BloomFilter<Long> getAllTrades() {          return tradeManager.getAllTrades();     }}


/** * 本地缓存切面实现 */@Aspectpublic class LocalCacheAspect {    private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(LocalCacheAspect.class);        private final ConcurrentMap<String, Future<CacheObject>>      localCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Future<CacheObject>>();        //控制台    private ConsoleBean consoleBean;        private final ConcurrentMap<String, SoftReference<CacheObject>>      concurrentLocalCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, SoftReference<CacheObject>>();    /**     * 对于执行时间较长的读数据操作,需要在这里相应的添加锁,对于操作添加锁后的函数的线程     * 如果本地缓存为空,且读数据的锁已被其他线程占据,将直接返回null     */        private final static Map<String, Lock> localCacheLocks = new HashMap<String, Lock>();    static {        localCacheLocks.put("getAllTrades", new ReentrantLock());    }    /**     * Advice aound audit operations     *      * @param pjpParam     * @return     */    @Around("execution(@LocalCacheOperation * *(..))")    public Object doCache(ProceedingJoinPoint pjpParam) throws Throwable {        if(!getConsoleBean().isLocalCacheSwitchOn()) {            log.warn("localCache not switch on, please pay attention");            return pjpParam.proceed(pjpParam.getArgs());        }        final ProceedingJoinPoint pjp = pjpParam;        Signature sig = pjp.getSignature();        if (sig instanceof MethodSignature) {            MethodSignature mSig = (MethodSignature) sig;            LocalCacheOperation co = mSig.getMethod().getAnnotation(             LocalCacheOperation.class);            long localCacheInterval = 0;            String localCacheKey = null;            /**             * AOP在拦截子类的Annotataion时,无法获取该Annotation,导致co可能为空             */            if( co == null ){             localCacheInterval = consoleBean.getLocalCacheInterval();             localCacheKey = mSig.getName();            } else {             localCacheInterval = co.localCacheInterval();             localCacheKey = StringUtils.isNotBlank(co.localCacheKey()) ?              co.localCacheKey() : mSig.getName();            }            if (localCacheLocks.containsKey(mSig.getMethod().getName())) { //使用本地互斥锁             return doConcurrentLocalCache(pjp, localCacheInterval, localCacheKey);            }            while (true) {// 等待某个线程将数据获取到本地缓存                Future<CacheObject> f = localCache.get(localCacheKey);                try {                    long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();                    if (f != null && f.get() != null && currentTime - f.get().getTimestamp()                     > localCacheInterval) {                     localCache.remove(localCacheKey, f);                        f = null;                    }                    if (f == null) {                        Callable<CacheObject> eval = new Callable<CacheObject>() {                            public CacheObject call() throws InterruptedException {                                Object res;                                try {                                    res = pjp.proceed(pjp.getArgs());                                }                                catch (Throwable e) {                                    log.error("Fail to process method", e);                                    throw new  ServiceException(e.getMessage());                                }                                CacheObject cacheObject = new CacheObject();                                cacheObject.setObject(res);                                cacheObject.setTimestamp(System.currentTimeMillis());                                return cacheObject;                            }                        };                                                FutureTask<CacheObject> ft =                          new FutureTask<CacheObject>(eval);                        f = localCache.putIfAbsent(localCacheKey, ft);                        if (f == null) {                            f = ft;                            ft.run();                        }                    }                    CacheObject obj = f.get();                    if (obj != null)                        return obj.getObject();                }                catch (CancellationException e) {                    localCache.remove(localCacheKey, f);                }                catch (ExecutionException e) {                    throw new ServiceException(e.getMessage());                }            }        }        return pjp.proceed(pjp.getArgs());    }    @SuppressWarnings("static-access")    public Object doConcurrentLocalCache(ProceedingJoinPoint pjp,         long localCacheInterval, String localCacheKey) throws Throwable {        try {            long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();            SoftReference<CacheObject> weakRefCacheObj =             concurrentLocalCache.get(localCacheKey);            if (weakRefCacheObj != null && weakRefCacheObj.get() != null &&                 currentTime - weakRefCacheObj.get().getTimestamp() > localCacheInterval) {                // 缓存过期                weakRefCacheObj.get().setObject(null); // 清空引用                concurrentLocalCache.remove(localCacheKey, weakRefCacheObj);                weakRefCacheObj = null;            } else if (weakRefCacheObj != null && weakRefCacheObj.get() != null) {                return weakRefCacheObj.get().getObject();           }                        if (this.localCacheLocks.get(localCacheKey).tryLock()) {             weakRefCacheObj = concurrentLocalCache.get(localCacheKey);             if (weakRefCacheObj != null && weakRefCacheObj.get() != null) {              // double check                    return weakRefCacheObj.get().getObject();             }             try {                 Object res = pjp.proceed(pjp.getArgs());                 CacheObject cacheObject = new CacheObject();                 cacheObject.setObject(res);                 cacheObject.setTimestamp(System.currentTimeMillis());                 weakRefCacheObj = new SoftReference<CacheObject>(                 cacheObject);                 concurrentLocalCache.put(localCacheKey, weakRefCacheObj);                 return res;             } finally {                 this.localCacheLocks.get(localCacheKey).unlock();             }            } else {             return null; // make the other part wait            }        } catch (Exception e) {            throw new ServiceException(e.getMessage(), e);        }    }}

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