辽宁2010 time

来源:互联网 发布:电气原理图制作软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 04:15

Digital clock use 4 digits to express time,each digit is described by 3*3 characters (including”|”,”_”and”“).now given the current time, please tell us how can it beexpressed by the digital clock.


There are several test cases.

Each case contains 4 integers in a line,separated by space.

Proceed to the end of file.


For each test case, output the time expressedby the digital clock such as Sample Output.

Sample Input

1 2 5 62 3 4 2

Sample Output

    _  _  _   | _||_ |_   ||_  _||_| _  _     _  _| _||_| _||_  _|  ||_ 

using namespace std;
int main()
       int a,b,c,d;
      charstr1[10][5]= {" _ ","   "," _ ","_ ","   "," _ "," _ "," _ "," _"," _"};           
       char str2[10][5]= {"| |","  |"," _|","_|","|_|","|_ ","|_ ","  |","|_|","|_|"};
       char str3[10][5]= {"|_|","  |","|_ ","_|","  |"," _|","|_|"," |","|_|"," _|"};


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