select, poll, epoll详解(二)

来源:互联网 发布:创意淘宝店铺名字 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 01:54

1. Select源码解析

    core_sys_select:处理三个fd_set参数(in, out, ex),然后调用do_select。
    sock_poll: 利用函数指针,来调用具体的文件系统poll函数,包括tcp_poll, udp_poll, datagram_poll。

//位置:fs/Select.c//作用:处理超时时间(如果存在的话)。将timeval转换为时钟周期,接着调用core_sys_select,最后使用剩余的时间(end_time)。asmlinkage long sys_select(int n, fd_set __user *inp, fd_set __user *outp,            fd_set __user *exp, struct timeval __user *tvp){    struct timespec end_time, *to = NULL;    struct timeval tv;    int ret;    //如果超时时间存在    if (tvp) {        if (copy_from_user(&tv, tvp, sizeof(tv)))  //用户空间拷贝到内核空间            return -EFAULT;        to = &end_time;     //获取剩余时间        if (poll_select_set_timeout(to,                tv.tv_sec + (tv.tv_usec / USEC_PER_SEC),                (tv.tv_usec % USEC_PER_SEC) * NSEC_PER_USEC))            return -EINVAL;    }    //主要功能都在此函数中实现    ret = core_sys_select(n, inp, outp, exp, to);       //此函数会调用copy_to_user,拷贝到用户空间    ret = poll_select_copy_remaining(&end_time, tvp, 1, ret);       return ret;} 
//位置:fs/Select.c//作用:准备好fd位图,作为参数传入do_select,然后将其返回值,传递给用户空间(见前面一个函数的分析)int core_sys_select(int n, fd_set __user *inp, fd_set __user *outp,   fd_set __user *exp, struct timespec *end_time){fd_set_bits fds;void *bits;int ret, max_fds;unsigned int size;struct fdtable *fdt;        //在栈上分配小块参数,以节省内存及提高速度。SELECT_STACK_ALLOC 定义为256long stack_fds[SELECT_STACK_ALLOC/sizeof(long)];ret = -EINVAL;if (n < 0)goto out_nofds;        //max_fds是可以增长的,因此这里对其加锁以避免竞争rcu_read_lock();        //获取当前进程的文件描述符表        //files_fdtable为宏定义,调用的是rcu_dereference,即内存屏障。        //current为全局静态变量(表示current node for SINGLE view)。fdt = files_fdtable(current->files);                                                                                            max_fds = fdt->max_fds;rcu_read_unlock();        //如果传入的fd个数(即sys_select的第一个参数)超过了最大值,则修改为最大值。if (n > max_fds)      n = max_fds;/* * We need 6 bitmaps (in/out/ex for both incoming and outgoing), * since we used fdset we need to allocate memory in units of * long-words.  */        //如果stack_fds数组的大小不能容纳下所有的fd_set,则使用kmalloc重新分配一个大的数组。        //然后将位图平均分配,并初始化fds结构体size = FDS_BYTES(n);  //计算存放n个long所需要的字节数bits = stack_fds;if (size > sizeof(stack_fds) / 6) {// Not enough space in on-stack array; must use kmallocret = -ENOMEM;bits = kmalloc(6 * size, GFP_KERNEL);if (!bits)goto out_nofds;}      = bits;fds.out     = bits +   size;fds.ex      = bits + 2*size;fds.res_in  = bits + 3*size;fds.res_out = bits + 4*size;fds.res_ex  = bits + 5*size;        //get_fd_set仅仅是调用copy_from_user, 将fd_set从用户空间拷贝到内核if ((ret = get_fd_set(n, inp, ||    (ret = get_fd_set(n, outp, fds.out)) ||    (ret = get_fd_set(n, exp, fds.ex)))goto out;zero_fd_set(n, fds.res_in);zero_fd_set(n, fds.res_out);zero_fd_set(n, fds.res_ex);        //核心内容在do_select中实现。注意,fds传入的是引用,就是依靠它来返回处理结果的。ret = do_select(n, &fds, end_time);if (ret < 0)goto out;        //do_select返回异常if (!ret) {                //ERESTARTNOHAND会被转换为EINTR,表示系统调用被中断ret = -ERESTARTNOHAND;                  //如果当前进程有信号需要处理时,则返回true, 符合EINTR的处理机制if (signal_pending(current))   goto out;ret = 0;}        //set_fd_set仅仅是调用copy_to_user, 将处理结果集(fds),拷贝回用户空间。if (set_fd_set(n, inp, fds.res_in) ||    set_fd_set(n, outp, fds.res_out) ||    set_fd_set(n, exp, fds.res_ex))ret = -EFAULT;out:if (bits != stack_fds)kfree(bits);   //对应前面的kmallocout_nofds:return ret;}
//位置:fs/Select.c//作用:真正的select逻辑在此实现。遍历所有的fd,调用对应的xxx_poll函数(tcp_poll, udp_poll, datagram_poll等)int do_select(int n, fd_set_bits *fds, struct timespec *end_time){ktime_t expire, *to = NULL;struct poll_wqueues table;   //sys_poll的结构体poll_table *wait;int retval, i, timed_out = 0;unsigned long slack = 0;rcu_read_lock();        //根据已经打开fd的位图(fds)检查用户打开的fd, 要求对应fd必须打开, 并且返回最大的fdretval = max_select_fd(n, fds);  rcu_read_unlock();if (retval < 0)   //如果没有打开的fd, 则直接返回了return retval;n = retval;poll_initwait(&table);   //初始化table        //将当前进程放入自已的等待队列table, 并将该等待队列加入到该测试表wait中wait = &;  if (end_time && !end_time->tv_sec && !end_time->tv_nsec) {wait = NULL;timed_out = 1;}if (end_time && !timed_out)slack = estimate_accuracy(end_time);retval = 0;        //这里是死循环for (;;) {unsigned long *rinp, *routp, *rexp, *inp, *outp, *exp;set_current_state(TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE);  //设置为可以中断的睡眠状态inp = fds->in; outp = fds->out; exp = fds->ex;rinp = fds->res_in; routp = fds->res_out; rexp = fds->res_ex;                //遍历所有的fdfor (i = 0; i < n; ++rinp, ++routp, ++rexp) {unsigned long in, out, ex, all_bits, bit = 1, mask, j;unsigned long res_in = 0, res_out = 0, res_ex = 0;const struct file_operations *f_op = NULL;struct file *file = NULL;in = *inp++; out = *outp++; ex = *exp++;all_bits = in | out | ex;                        //__NFDBITS是一个宏,定义为(8 * sizeof(unsigned long)),即一个long所代表的位数。                        //因为位图是以long为单位的,所以跳至下一个位图需要__NFDBITS个比特。if (all_bits == 0) {i += __NFDBITS;continue;}for (j = 0; j < __NFDBITS; ++j, ++i, bit <<= 1) {int fput_needed;if (i >= n)break;                                //从右至左测试all_bits中的每一位。如果当前bit是1,则继续下面操作。否则continue检测下一个。if (!(bit & all_bits))continue;                                //轻量级的文件查找,得到file结构体指针,并增加它的引用计数字段f_count(加1)file = fget_light(i, &fput_needed);if (file) {f_op = file->f_op;mask = DEFAULT_POLLMASK;                                        //poll是一个函数指针。对于socket描述符,f_op->poll代表的函数就是sock_poll.                                        //函数的第二个参数是我们之前传递的等待队列,在poll成功后会将本进程唤醒执行。if (f_op && f_op->poll)mask = (*f_op->poll)(file, retval ? NULL : wait);                                        //释放file结构体指针,实际上就是减小它的引用计数字段f_count(减1)fput_light(file, fput_needed);                                        //根据poll返回的结果来设置状态。因为要返回select出来的fd数目,所以这里retval++。                                        //注意:retval是in, out, ex这三个集合的总和if ((mask & POLLIN_SET) && (in & bit)) {res_in |= bit;retval++;}if ((mask & POLLOUT_SET) && (out & bit)) {res_out |= bit;retval++;}if ((mask & POLLEX_SET) && (ex & bit)) {res_ex |= bit;retval++;}}}                        //将poll的结果写回到输出位图里if (res_in)*rinp = res_in;if (res_out)*routp = res_out;if (res_ex)*rexp = res_ex;                        //注意前面的set_current_state(TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE)。因为已经进入了TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE状态,                        //所以cond_resched会调度其他进程来运行,这里的目的纯粹是为了增加一个抢占点。被抢占后,由等待队列机制唤醒。                        //这个函数具有主动被调度的作用。为了及时响应实时过程,需要中断线程化,而在中断线程化的过程中,                        //需要调用cond_resched这个函数。在目前的内核代码中,一般在读磁盘前(或者其它可能费时操作前),会调用这个函数。                        //在支持抢占式调度的内核中(定义了CONFIG_PREEMPT),cond_resched是空操作.cond_resched();}wait = NULL;                //当前进程有信号要处理时,signal_pending返回trueif (retval || timed_out || signal_pending(current))break;if (table.error) {retval = table.error;break;}/* * If this is the first loop and we have a timeout * given, then we convert to ktime_t and set the to * pointer to the expiry value. */if (end_time && !to) {expire = timespec_to_ktime(*end_time);to = &expire;}if (!schedule_hrtimeout_range(to, slack, HRTIMER_MODE_ABS))timed_out = 1;}        //设置为运行状态__set_current_state(TASK_RUNNING);        //清理等待队列poll_freewait(&table);return retval;}
        mask = (*f_op->poll)(file, retval ? NULL : wait);
if (retval || !__timeout || signal_pending(current))  break;if(table.error) {  retval = table.error;  break;}
retval = max_select_fd(n, fds);n = retval;retval = 0;

//sock_fs_type定义为static struct file_system_type sock_fs_type = {.name ="sockfs",.get_sb =sockfs_get_sb,.kill_sb =kill_anon_super,};//而file_system_type定义在include/linux/Fs.h中struct file_system_type {const char *name;int fs_flags;int (*get_sb) (struct file_system_type *, int,       const char *, void *, struct vfsmount *);void (*kill_sb) (struct super_block *);struct module *owner;struct file_system_type * next;struct list_head fs_supers;struct lock_class_key s_lock_key;struct lock_class_key s_umount_key;struct lock_class_key i_lock_key;struct lock_class_key i_mutex_key;struct lock_class_key i_mutex_dir_key;struct lock_class_key i_alloc_sem_key;};
/* *Socket files have a set of 'special' operations as well as the generic file ones. These don't appear *in the operation structures but are done directly via the socketcall() multiplexor. */static const struct file_operations socket_file_ops = {.owner =THIS_MODULE,.llseek =no_llseek,.aio_read =sock_aio_read,.aio_write =sock_aio_write,.poll =sock_poll,.unlocked_ioctl = sock_ioctl,#ifdef CONFIG_COMPAT.compat_ioctl = compat_sock_ioctl,#endif.mmap =sock_mmap,.open =sock_no_open,/* special open code to disallow open via /proc */.release =sock_close,.fasync =sock_fasync,.sendpage =sock_sendpage,.splice_write = generic_splice_sendpage,.splice_read =sock_splice_read,};
/* No kernel lock held - perfect */static unsigned int sock_poll(struct file *file, poll_table *wait){struct socket *sock;/* *      We can't return errors to poll, so it's either yes or no. */sock = file->private_data;  //约定socket的file->private_data字段放着对应的socket结构指针        //对应了三个协议的函数tcp_poll,udp_poll,datagram_poll,其中udp_poll几乎直接调用了datagram_pollreturn sock->ops->poll(file, sock, wait);}
        unsigned int tcp_poll(struct file *file, struct socket *sock, poll_table *wait)
    常见的select多进程模型为: 一个进程专门处理accept,成功后将fd通过unix socket传递给子进程处理,父进程可以根据子进程负载均衡分派。

2. Select实现总结

    1) 调用copy_from_user,将fd_set从用户空间拷贝到内核空间;
    2) 注册回调函数__pollwait()。调用关系为__pollwait() <---- poll_initwait() <---- do_select() <---- core_sys_select() <---- sys_select()

static void __pollwait(struct file *filp, wait_queue_head_t *wait_address,       poll_table *p);
    3) 遍历所有的fd, 调用其对应的poll方法。对于socket文件系统, 对应方法为sock_poll。其会根据具体协议,分别调用tcp_poll, udp_poll及datagram_poll。poll指向的函数会返回当前可否读写的信息。
        a). 如果当前可以读写,则返回读写信息;
        b). 如果当前不可读写,则阻塞进程,并等待驱动程序唤醒,重新调用poll函数,或超时返回;
        c). 底层的驱动程序需要实现这个poll函数。
    4) 以tcp_poll举例,其主要功能就是__pollwait()。此函数的主要工作就是把current(当前进程)挂到设备的等待队列中,不同的设备有不同的等待队列,对于tcp_poll来说,其等待队列是sk->sk_sleep(注意把进程挂到等待队列中并不代表进程已经睡眠了)。在设备收到一条消息(网络设备)或填写完文件数据(磁盘设备)后,会唤醒设备等待队列上睡眠的进程,这时current便被唤醒了。

unsigned int tcp_poll(struct file *file, struct socket *sock, poll_table *wait) {  unsigned int mask;  struct sock *sk = sock->sk;  struct tcp_sock *tp = tcp_sk(sk);    poll_wait(file, sk->sk_sleep, wait); //此处将当前进程加入到等待队列中,但并不阻塞                                       //在中断中使用wake_up_interruptible(&wait_q)唤醒等待队列  ...............}       
    5) poll方法(sock_poll)返回时会返回一个描述读写操作是否就绪的mask掩码,根据这个mask掩码给fd_set赋值。
    6) 如果遍历完所有的fd,还没有返回一个可读写的mask掩码,则会调用schedule_timeout使得调用select的进程(也就是current)进入睡眠。当设备驱动发生自身资源可读写后,会唤醒其等待队列上睡眠的进程。如果超过一定的超时时间(schedule_timeout指定),还是没人唤醒,则调用select的进程会重新被唤醒获得CPU,进而重新遍历fd,判断有没有就绪的fd。
    7) 将fd_set从内核空间拷贝到用户空间。


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