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#include<iostream>using namespace std;template <class T>class Queue{public:Queue(int MaxQueueSize=50);~Queue(){delete [] queue;}bool IsEmpty()const{return front==rear;}bool IsFull(){return ( (  (rear+1)  %MaxSize==front )?1:0);}T Top() const;T Last() const;Queue<T>& Add(const T& x);Queue<T>& AddLeft(const T& x);Queue<T>& Delete(T &x);void Output(ostream& out)const;int Length(){return (rear-front);}private:int front;int rear;int MaxSize;T *queue;};template<class T>Queue<T>::Queue(int MaxQueueSize){MaxSize=MaxQueueSize+1;queue=new T[MaxSize];front=rear=0;}template<class T >T Queue<T>::Top()const{if(IsEmpty()){cout<<"queue:no element,no!"<<endl;return 0;}else return queue[(front+1) % MaxSize];}template<class T>T Queue<T> ::Last()const{if(IsEmpty()){cout<<"queue:no element"<<endl;return 0;}else return queue[rear];}template<class T>Queue<T>&  Queue<T>::Add(const T& x){if(IsFull())cout<<"queue:no memory"<<endl;else{rear=(rear+1)% MaxSize;    queue[rear]=x;}return *this;}template<class T>Queue<T>&  Queue<T>::AddLeft(const T& x){if(IsFull())cout<<"queue:no memory"<<endl;else{front=(front+MaxSize-1)% MaxSize;queue[(front+1)% MaxSize]=x;}return *this;}template<class T>Queue<T>&  Queue<T> ::Delete(T & x){if(IsEmpty())cout<<"queue:no element(delete)"<<endl;else {front=(front+1) % MaxSize;x=queue[front];}return *this;}template<class T>void Queue <T>::Output(ostream& out)const{for(int i=rear%MaxSize;i>=(front+1)%MaxSize;i--)   out<<queue[i];}template<class T>ostream& operator << (ostream& out,const Queue<T>& x){x.Output(out);return out;}

<span style="font-size:18px;"> 2、</span><span style="font-size: 18px;">6d3-1.cpp</span>
<span style="font-size: 18px;"></span>
<span style="font-size: 18px;"></span><pre class="cpp" name="code">//装载问题 队列式分支限界法求解 #include "stdafx.h"#include "Queue.h"#include <iostream>using namespace std;const int N = 4;template<class Type>class QNode{template<class Type>friend void EnQueue(Queue<QNode<Type>*>&Q,Type wt,int i,int n,Type bestw,QNode<Type>*E,QNode<Type> *&bestE,int bestx[],bool ch);template<class Type>friend Type MaxLoading(Type w[],Type c,int n,int bestx[]);private:QNode *parent;//指向父节点的指针bool LChild;    //左儿子标识Type weight;    //节点所相应的载重量};template<class Type>void EnQueue(Queue<QNode<Type>*>&Q,Type wt,int i,int n,Type bestw,QNode<Type>*E,QNode<Type> *&bestE,int bestx[],bool ch);template<class Type>Type MaxLoading(Type w[],Type c,int n,int bestx[]);int main(){float c = 70;      float w[] = {0,20,10,26,15};//下标从1开始      int x[N+1];  float bestw;      cout<<"轮船载重为:"<<c<<endl;      cout<<"待装物品的重量分别为:"<<endl;      for(int i=1; i<=N; i++)      {          cout<<w[i]<<" ";      }      cout<<endl;      bestw = MaxLoading(w,c,N,x);        cout<<"分支限界选择结果为:"<<endl;      for(int i=1; i<=4; i++)      {          cout<<x[i]<<" ";      }      cout<<endl;  cout<<"最优装载重量为:"<<bestw<<endl;      return 0;  }//将活节点加入到活节点队列Q中template<class Type>void EnQueue(Queue<QNode<Type>*>&Q,Type wt,int i,int n,Type bestw,QNode<Type>*E,QNode<Type> *&bestE,int bestx[],bool ch){if(i == n)//可行叶节点{if(wt == bestw){//当前最优装载重量bestE = E;bestx[n] = ch;}return;}//非叶节点QNode<Type> *b;b = new QNode<Type>;b->weight = wt;b->parent = E;b->LChild = ch;Q.Add(b);}template<class Type>Type MaxLoading(Type w[],Type c,int n,int bestx[]){//队列式分支限界法,返回最优装载重量,bestx返回最优解 //初始化Queue<QNode<Type>*> Q;//活节点队列Q.Add(0);//同层节点尾部标识int i = 1;//当前扩展节点所处的层Type Ew = 0,//扩展节点所相应的载重量 bestw = 0,//当前最优装载重量 r = 0;//剩余集装箱重量for(int j=2; j<=n; j++){r += w[j];}QNode<Type> *E = 0,//当前扩展节点*bestE;//当前最优扩展节点//搜索子集空间树while(true){//检查左儿子节点Type wt = Ew + w[i];if(wt <= c)//可行节点{if(wt>bestw){bestw = wt;}EnQueue(Q,wt,i,n,bestw,E,bestE,bestx,true);}//检查右儿子节点if(Ew+r>bestw){EnQueue(Q,Ew,i,n,bestw,E,bestE,bestx,false);}Q.Delete(E);//取下一扩展节点if(!E)//同层节点尾部{if(Q.IsEmpty()){break;}Q.Add(0);       //同层节点尾部标识Q.Delete(E);//取下一扩展节点i++;//进入下一层r-=w[i];//剩余集装箱重量}Ew  =E->weight;//新扩展节点所对应的载重量}//构造当前最优解for(int j=n-1; j>0; j--){bestx[j] = bestE->LChild;bestE = bestE->parent;}return bestw;}






template<class T>class MaxHeap{public:MaxHeap(int MaxHeapSize = 10);~MaxHeap() {delete [] heap;}        int Size() const {return CurrentSize;}        T Max() {          //查           if (CurrentSize == 0)   {                throw OutOfBounds();   }           return heap[1];        }MaxHeap<T>& Insert(const T& x); //增MaxHeap<T>& DeleteMax(T& x);   //删void Initialize(T a[], int size, int ArraySize);private:int CurrentSize, MaxSize;T *heap;  // element array};template<class T>MaxHeap<T>::MaxHeap(int MaxHeapSize){// Max heap constructor.MaxSize = MaxHeapSize;heap = new T[MaxSize+1];CurrentSize = 0;}template<class T>MaxHeap<T>& MaxHeap<T>::Insert(const T& x){// Insert x into the max heap.if (CurrentSize == MaxSize){cout<<"no space!"<<endl; return *this; }    // 寻找新元素x的位置    // i——初始为新叶节点的位置,逐层向上,寻找最终位置int i = ++CurrentSize;while (i != 1 && x > heap[i/2]){// i不是根节点,且其值大于父节点的值,需要继续调整heap[i] = heap[i/2]; // 父节点下降i /= 2;              // 继续向上,搜寻正确位置    }   heap[i] = x;   return *this;}template<class T>MaxHeap<T>& MaxHeap<T>::DeleteMax(T& x){// Set x to max element and delete max element from heap.// check if heap is emptyif (CurrentSize == 0){cout<<"Empty heap!"<<endl; return *this; }x = heap[1]; // 删除最大元素// 重整堆T y = heap[CurrentSize--]; // 取最后一个节点,从根开始重整// find place for y starting at rootint i = 1,  // current node of heap   ci = 2; // child of iwhile (ci <= CurrentSize)     {// 使ci指向i的两个孩子中较大者if (ci < CurrentSize && heap[ci] < heap[ci+1]){ci++;}// y的值大于等于孩子节点吗?if (y >= heap[ci]){break;   // 是,i就是y的正确位置,退出}// 否,需要继续向下,重整堆heap[i] = heap[ci]; // 大于父节点的孩子节点上升i = ci;             // 向下一层,继续搜索正确位置ci *= 2;    }heap[i] = y;return *this;}template<class T>void MaxHeap<T>::Initialize(T a[], int size,int ArraySize){// Initialize max heap to array a.delete [] heap;heap = a;CurrentSize = size;MaxSize = ArraySize;// 从最后一个内部节点开始,一直到根,对每个子树进行堆重整   for (int i = CurrentSize/2; i >= 1; i--)   {T y = heap[i]; // 子树根节点元素// find place to put yint c = 2*i; // parent of c is target                   // location for ywhile (c <= CurrentSize) {// heap[c] should be larger siblingif (c < CurrentSize && heap[c] < heap[c+1]){c++;}// can we put y in heap[c/2]?if (y >= heap[c]){break;  // yes}// noheap[c/2] = heap[c]; // move child upc *= 2; // move down a level        }heap[c/2] = y;}}


//装载问题 优先队列式分支限界法求解 #include "stdafx.h"#include "MaxHeap.h"#include <iostream>using namespace std;const int N = 4;class bbnode;template<class Type>class HeapNode{template<class Type>friend void AddLiveNode(MaxHeap<HeapNode<Type>>& H,bbnode *E,Type wt,bool ch,int lev);template<class Type>friend Type MaxLoading(Type w[],Type c,int n,int bestx[]);public:operator Type() const{return uweight;}private:bbnode *ptr;//指向活节点在子集树中相应节点的指针Type uweight;//活节点优先级(上界)int level;//活节点在子集树中所处的层序号};class bbnode{template<class Type>friend void AddLiveNode(MaxHeap<HeapNode<Type>>& H,bbnode *E,Type wt,bool ch,int lev);template<class Type>friend Type MaxLoading(Type w[],Type c,int n,int bestx[]);friend class AdjacencyGraph;private:bbnode *parent;//指向父节点的指针bool LChild;//左儿子节点标识};template<class Type>void AddLiveNode(MaxHeap<HeapNode<Type>>& H,bbnode *E,Type wt,bool ch,int lev);template<class Type>Type MaxLoading(Type w[],Type c,int n,int bestx[]);int main(){float c = 70;      float w[] = {0,20,10,26,15};//下标从1开始      int x[N+1];  float bestw;      cout<<"轮船载重为:"<<c<<endl;      cout<<"待装物品的重量分别为:"<<endl;      for(int i=1; i<=N; i++)      {          cout<<w[i]<<" ";      }      cout<<endl;      bestw = MaxLoading(w,c,N,x);        cout<<"分支限界选择结果为:"<<endl;      for(int i=1; i<=4; i++)      {          cout<<x[i]<<" ";      }      cout<<endl;  cout<<"最优装载重量为:"<<bestw<<endl;      return 0; }//将活节点加入到表示活节点优先队列的最大堆H中template<class Type>void AddLiveNode(MaxHeap<HeapNode<Type>>& H,bbnode *E,Type wt,bool ch,int lev){bbnode *b = new bbnode;b->parent = E;b->LChild = ch;HeapNode<Type> N;N.uweight = wt;N.level = lev;N.ptr = b;H.Insert(N);}//优先队列式分支限界法,返回最优载重量,bestx返回最优解template<class Type>Type MaxLoading(Type w[],Type c,int n,int bestx[]){//定义最大的容量为1000MaxHeap<HeapNode<Type>> H(1000);//定义剩余容量数组Type *r = new Type[n+1];r[n] = 0;for(int j=n-1; j>0; j--){r[j] = r[j+1] + w[j+1];}//初始化int i = 1;//当前扩展节点所处的层bbnode *E = 0;//当前扩展节点Type Ew = 0; //扩展节点所相应的载重量//搜索子集空间树while(i!=n+1)//非叶子节点{//检查当前扩展节点的儿子节点if(Ew+w[i]<=c){AddLiveNode(H,E,Ew+w[i]+r[i],true,i+1);}//右儿子节点AddLiveNode(H,E,Ew+r[i],false,i+1);//取下一扩展节点HeapNode<Type> N;H.DeleteMax(N);//非空i = N.level;E = N.ptr;Ew = N.uweight - r[i-1];}//构造当前最优解for(int j=n; j>0; j--){bestx[j] = E->LChild;E = E->parent;}return Ew;}


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