
来源:互联网 发布:mac os maven环境变量 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/24 06:25

#include <stdlib.h>#include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>typedef struct queue{int queuesize;   //数组的大小int head, tail;  //队列的头和尾下标int *q;          //数组头指针}Queue;/* initializztion */void InitQueue(Queue *q){if(0 == q->queuesize){q->queuesize = 8;}q->queuesize++;q->q = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * q->queuesize); //分配内存q->tail    = 0;q->head = 0;}/*  * if the queue is full, insertion will not be done and will return 0. * */int EnQueue(Queue *q, int key){if ((q->tail+1) % q->queuesize == q->head)//此时队列已满{//printf("the queue has been filled full!");return 0;}else{q->q[q->tail] = key;q->tail = (q->tail+1) % q->queuesize;return 1;}}/*  * if the queue is empty, 0 will be always returned, so please check the queue is empty firstly. * */int DeQueue(Queue *q){int tmp = 0;if(q->tail == q->head)     //判断队列不为空{//printf("the queue is NULL\n");}else{tmp = q->q[q->head];q->head = (q->head+1) % q->queuesize;}return tmp;}/*  * if the queue is empty, 1 will be returned. * if the queue is not empty, 0 will be returned. * */int IsQueueEmpty(Queue *q){if(q->head == q->tail){return 1;}else{return 0;}}/*  * if the queue is full, 1 will be returned. * if the queue is not full, 0 will be returned. * */int IsQueueFull(Queue *q){    if((q->tail+1)% q->queuesize == q->head)    {        return 1;    }    else    {        return 0;    }}int GetQueueLen(Queue *q){return (q->queuesize - 1);}int GetQueueTail(Queue *q){return q->tail;}int GetQueueHead(Queue *q){return q->head;}int main(){int val;Queue q;memset(&q, 0, sizeof(Queue));InitQueue(&q);/*EnQueue(&q, 3);EnQueue(&q, 5);EnQueue(&q, 7);EnQueue(&q, 9);EnQueue(&q, 11);EnQueue(&q, 13);EnQueue(&q, 15);EnQueue(&q, 17);EnQueue(&q, 19);printf("\n0:%d, 1:%d,6:%d,7:%d\n", q.q[0], q.q[1], q.q[6], q.q[7]);while(IsQueueEmpty(&q)){val = DeQueue(&q);printf("Val=%d\n", val);}*/EnQueue(&q, 3);val = DeQueue(&q);printf("Val=%d\n", val);EnQueue(&q, 5);EnQueue(&q, 7);EnQueue(&q, 9);EnQueue(&q, 11);EnQueue(&q, 13);EnQueue(&q, 15);EnQueue(&q, 17);EnQueue(&q, 19);EnQueue(&q, 21);//printf("\n0:%d, 1:%d,6:%d,7:%d\n", q.q[0], q.q[1], q.q[6], q.q[7]);while(!IsQueueEmpty(&q)){val = DeQueue(&q);printf("Val=%d\n", val);}return 0;}




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