Collection of algorithm for sorting. 常见排序算法集(三) —— Quick Sort

来源:互联网 发布:深圳人口密度数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/18 05:57

Quick Sort


update: 2015.01.15

Add three different implementationin Python

The best one is the third version.


update: 2015.01.12

Python 实现

            If you have no idea about Quick Sort. I recommend you to

read the Python version but not C : )


update: 2014.09.21



#bug fix up:

之前会出现 left > right的报警,是由于没有考虑quick_sort传入参数

small_region_index == bigger_region_index 的情况




其中最重要的思想就是 “分治”—— divide and conquer !


先把所有数据分成三个部分. 在所有数据中选取某一元素X,比X小的放左边,比X大的放右边.

接着把这一思想同样分别施加在X元素的左边和右边部分,同样继续划分,选出一个元素X’ 比X‘小的放左边比X’大的放右边。





Implementation In C


#ifndef _QUICK_SORT_H#define _QUICK_SORT_H#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>void swap(int* x,int* y);int median(int* array,int left,int right);void quick_sort(int* array,int left,int right);void Qsort(int* array,int size);#endif


交换 x,y 指向的值,这里用了一个小技巧 没有使用第三个变量(通常是tmp)交换两个数据的值.

/************************************************code writer:EOFcode date:2014.09.20code************************************************/#include "quick_sort.h"void swap(int* x,int* y){/*** Don't panic :)*/*y = *x - *y;*x = *x - *y;*y = *x + *y;}


用于确保排序的不等关系式的条件 left < center < right

最后的hide pivot是把中间值和最右侧值交换, 便于比较以及数据的交换

/************************************************code writer:EOFcode date:2014.09.20code************************************************/int median(int* array,int left,int right){int center = (left+right)/2;if(array[left] > array[right]){swap(&array[left],&array[right]);}if(array[left] > array[center]){swap(&array[left],&array[center]);}if(array[center] > array[right]){swap(&array[center],&array[right]);}/***There are three if-statement here,** just make sure that :**A[left] <= A[center] <= A[right]*//***Hide pivot*/swap(&array[center],&array[right]);return array[right];}

quick_sort.c 算法核心部分

/************************************************code writer:EOFcode date:2014.09.20code************************************************/#include "quick_sort.h"#define CUT_OFF 3void quick_sort(int* array,int left,int right){if(!array){printf("You passed NULL into function %s()\n",__FUNCTION__);return;}if(left > right){printf("Parameter @left and @right error!\ @left should less or equal to @right\n");return ;}int pivot = 0;int smaller_region_index = left;int bigger_region_index  = right-1;int tmp   = 0;int index = 0;int sentinel = 0;if(left + CUT_OFF <= right){pivot = median(array,left,right);for(smaller_region_index -=1, bigger_region_index += 1;;){while(array[++smaller_region_index] < pivot){/*** DON'T do ++smaller_region_index here!** That must be hide a bug!*/}while(array[--bigger_region_index] > pivot){/*** DON'T do --bigger_region_index here!** That must be hide a bug!*/}if(smaller_region_index < bigger_region_index){swap(&array[smaller_region_index],&array[bigger_region_index]);}else{break;}}/***Restore pivot*/swap(&array[smaller_region_index],&array[right]);if(left == smaller_region_index){quick_sort(array,left,smaller_region_index);}else{quick_sort(array,left,smaller_region_index-1);}if(right == bigger_region_index){quick_sort(array,bigger_region_index,right);}else{quick_sort(array,bigger_region_index+1,right);}}else{/***Insertion sort.*/tmp = 0;index = 0;for(tmp = left; tmp <= right;tmp++){sentinel = array[tmp];for(index = tmp;array[index-1] > sentinel &&  index > left;index--){array[index] = array[index - 1];}array[index] = sentinel;}}}void Qsort(int* array,int size){quick_sort(array,0,size-1);}



/************************************************code writer:EOFcode date:2014.09.20code************************************************/#include "quick_sort.h"int main(){int array[] = {13,81,92,43,31,65,31,57,26,75,0};int size = sizeof(array)/sizeof(array[0]);int tmp = 0;Qsort(array,size);for(tmp = 0;tmp < size;tmp++){printf("%4d",array[tmp]);}printf("\n");return 0;}


update: 2015.01.12

Python 实现1

Stack depth         theta{n}

Average time complexity  O{n*lg(n)}

"""code writer:EOFcode date:2015.01.12code file:quick_sort.ce-mail:jasonleaster@gmail.comCode description:               Quick Sort is implemented in Python"""def quick_sort(A, p, r) :    if p < r :       q = partition(A, p, r)       A = quick_sort(A, p, q-1)       A = quick_sort(A, q+1, r)    return A# resorting in place def partition(A, p, r) :    x = A[r]    i = p-1    for j in range(p, r) :        if A[j] <= x :           i += 1           tmp  = A[i]           A[i] = A[j]           A[j] = tmp    tmp    = A[i+1]    A[i+1] = A[r]    A[r]   = tmp    return i+1A = [13,19,9,5,12,8,7,4,21,2,6,11]print "Before sorting A= " , A, "\n"A = quick_sort(A,0,len(A)-1)print "After  sorting A= " , A, "\n"



Python 实现2

Just changed the function @quick_sort()

stack depth         theta{n}

time complexity  O{n*lg(n)}

#****************************def quick_sort(A, p, r) :    while p < r :       q = partition(A, p, r)       quick_sort(A, p, q-1)       p = q + 1#*****************************

Python 实现3 (the best one)

Just changed the function @quick_sort()

stack depth        theta{lg(n)}

time complexity O{n*lg(n)}

The same time cost but the stack depth is smaller that the another version.

#**************************************************def quick_sort(A, p, r) :    while p < r :       q = partition(A, p, r)       # partion and sort the smaller subarray first       if q - p < r - q :          quick_sort(A, p, q-1)          p = q + 1       else :          quick_sort(A, q+1, r)          r = q -1#**************************************************

灰暗的农庄 莱昂•奥古斯丁•莱尔米特 1844―1925年 法国 画布油画 1910年 85.10×71.10厘米


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