动态规划(dynamic program)&& 最长公共子序列(LCS)

来源:互联网 发布:想学淘宝美工如何学 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 12:52


1.最优子结构 the property of optimal substructure 

An opt solution to a problem contain opt solution subproblem


recursive solution contains a small number distinct subproblems repeat many times

Longest common subsequence

1.memoization alg 备忘法


LSC(x,y,i,j)  //ignoring base caseif c[i][j] = NULL   then if x[i] = y[j]             c[i][j] = LSC(x,y,i-1,j-1) + 1    else c[i][j] = max{LCS(x,y,i-1,j),LCS(x,y,i,j-1)}     return c[i][j]else return c[i][j]   

Traceback example ØAGCATØ000000G0\overset{\ \ \uparrow}{\leftarrow}0\overset{\nwarrow}{\ }1\overset{\ }{\leftarrow}1\overset{\ }{\leftarrow}1\overset{\ }{\leftarrow}1A0\overset{\nwarrow}{\ }1\overset{\ \ \uparrow}{\leftarrow}1\overset{\ \ \uparrow}{\leftarrow}1\overset{\nwarrow}{\ }2\overset{\ }{\leftarrow}2C0\overset{\ \uparrow}{\ }1\overset{\ \ \uparrow}{\leftarrow}1\overset{\nwarrow}{\ }2\overset{\ \ \uparrow}{\leftarrow}2\overset{\ \ \uparrow}{\leftarrow}2


function LCSLength(X[1..m], Y[1..n])    C = array(0..m, 0..n)    for i := 0..m       C[i,0] = 0    for j := 0..n       C[0,j] = 0    for i := 1..m        for j := 1..n            if X[i] = Y[j]                C[i,j] := C[i-1,j-1] + 1            else                C[i,j] := max(C[i,j-1], C[i-1,j])    return C[m,n]

#include<stdio.h>int c[50][50];void LCSlength(char x[],char y[],int m,int n){    int i,j;    for(i = 0;i<m;i++)        c[0][i] = 0;    for(j = 0;j<n;j++)        c[j][0] = 0;    for(i = 0;i<m;i++)        for(j = 0;j<n;j++){            if(x[i] == y[j]) c[i+1][j+1] = c[i][j] + 1;            else if(c[i+1][j]>c[i][j+1]) c[i+1][j+1] = c[i+1][j];            else c[i+1][j+1] = c[i][j+1];        }}void LCS(char *lcs,char *x,char *y,int m,int n){    int i,j,k;    LCSlength(x,y,m,n);    i = m-1;    j = n-1;    k = c[m][n]-1;    while(i>=0&&j>=0){        if(x[i] == y[j]) {lcs[k--] = x[i];           i--;           j--;                 }         else if(c[i][j+1]>c[i+1][j]) i--;        else j--;    }}int main(){    char x[7] = {'A','B','C','B','D','A','B'};    char y[6] = {'B','D','C','A','B','A'};    char lcs[6];    LCS(lcs,x,y,7,6);    lcs[c[7][6]] = '\0';    printf("%d %s\n",c[7][6],lcs);}



function backtrack(C[0..m,0..n], X[1..m], Y[1..n], i, j)    if i = 0 or j = 0        return ""    else if  X[i] = Y[j]        return backtrack(C, X, Y, i-1, j-1) + X[i]    else        if C[i,j-1] > C[i-1,j]            return backtrack(C, X, Y, i, j-1)        else            return backtrack(C, X, Y, i-1, j)


function backtrackAll(C[0..m,0..n], X[1..m], Y[1..n], i, j)    if i = 0 or j = 0        return {""}    else if X[i] = Y[j]        return {Z + X[i] for all Z in backtrackAll(C, X, Y, i-1, j-1)}    else        R := {}        if C[i,j-1] ≥ C[i-1,j]            R := backtrackAll(C, X, Y, i, j-1)        if C[i-1,j] ≥ C[i,j-1]            R := R ∪ backtrackAll(C, X, Y, i-1, j)        return R


1.Shortest common supersequence

u 是 x和y的common supersequence当且仅当,x和y均为u的子序列

Given two sequences X = < x1,...,xm > and Y = < y1,...,yn >, a sequence U = < u1,...,uk > is a common supersequence of X and Y ifU is a supersequence of both X and Y. In other words, a shortest common supersequence of strings x and y is a shortest string z such that both x and y are subsequences of z.

For example, if X[1..m] = abcbdab and Y[1..n] = bdcaba, the lcs is Z[1..r] = bcba. By inserting the non-lcs symbols while preserving the symbol order, we get the scs: U[1..t] = abdcabdab.




The edit distance when only insertion and deletion is allowed (no substitution), or when the cost of the substitution is the double of the cost of an insertion or deletion, is:

d'(X,Y) = n + m - 2 \cdot \left|LCS(X,Y)\right|.

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