hdu 5033 Building(斜率优化)

来源:互联网 发布:跑步测试软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 09:34


Time Limit: 10000/5000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 262144/262144 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 1237    Accepted Submission(s): 350
Special Judge

Problem Description
Once upon a time Matt went to a small town. The town was so small and narrow that he can regard the town as a pivot. There were some skyscrapers in the town, each located at position xi with its height hi. All skyscrapers located in different place. The skyscrapers had no width, to make it simple. As the skyscrapers were so high, Matt could hardly see the sky.Given the position Matt was at, he wanted to know how large the angle range was where he could see the sky. Assume that Matt's height is 0. It's guaranteed that for each query, there is at least one building on both Matt's left and right, and no building locate at his position.

The first line of the input contains an integer T, denoting the number of testcases. Then T test cases follow.

Each test case begins with a number N(1<=N<=10^5), the number of buildings.

In the following N lines, each line contains two numbers, xi(1<=xi<=10^7) and hi(1<=hi<=10^7).

After that, there's a number Q(1<=Q<=10^5) for the number of queries.

In the following Q lines, each line contains one number qi, which is the position Matt was at.

For each test case, first output one line "Case #x:", where x is the case number (starting from 1).

Then for each query, you should output the angle range Matt could see the sky in degrees. The relative error of the answer should be no more than 10^(-4).

Sample Input
331 22 15 11431 32 25 11431 42 35 114

Sample Output
Case #1:101.3099324740Case #2:90.0000000000Case #3:78.6900675260

2014 ACM/ICPC Asia Regional Beijing Online

hujie   |   We have carefully selected several similar problems for you:  5041 5040 5039 5038 5037 
#include<algorithm>#include<iostream>#include<string.h>#include<stdio.h>#include<math.h>using namespace std;const int INF=0x3f3f3f3f;const double PI=acos(-1.0);const int maxn=100010;typedef long long ll;struct node{    double x,y;} bd[maxn],q[maxn],qu[maxn],le[maxn],ri[maxn];int head,tail;bool cmp(node a,node b){    return a.x<b.x;}double ans[maxn];int main(){    int t,cas=1,n,m,i,j,p;    double x1,y1,x2,y2,per=180/PI;    scanf("%d",&t);    while(t--)    {        scanf("%d",&n);        for(i=0;i<n;i++)            scanf("%lf%lf",&bd[i].x,&bd[i].y);        sort(bd,bd+n,cmp);        scanf("%d",&m);        for(i=0;i<m;i++)            scanf("%lf",&qu[i].x),qu[i].y=i;        sort(qu,qu+m,cmp);        head=tail=j=0;        for(i=0;i<m;i++)        {            for(;j<n&&bd[j].x<qu[i].x;j++)            {                while(tail-head>0&&bd[j].y>=q[tail-1].y)                    tail--;                while(tail-head>=2)                {                    p=tail-1;                    x2=bd[j].x-q[p].x;                    y2=bd[j].y-q[p].y;                    x1=q[p].x-q[p-1].x;                    y1=q[p].y-q[p-1].y;                    if(x1*y2>=x2*y1)                        tail--;                    else                        break;                }                q[tail].x=bd[j].x;                q[tail++].y=bd[j].y;            }            if(tail-head==0)                le[i].x=qu[i].x-1,le[i].y=0;            else            {                while(tail-head>=2)                {                    p=tail-1;                    x2=qu[i].x-q[p].x;                    y2=-q[p].y;                    x1=qu[i].x-q[p-1].x;                    y1=-q[p-1].y;                    if(x2*y1<=x1*y2)                        tail--;                    else                        break;                }                le[i].x=q[tail-1].x;                le[i].y=q[tail-1].y;            }        }        head=tail=0,j=n-1;        for(i=m-1;i>=0;i--)        {            for(;j>=0&&bd[j].x>qu[i].x;j--)            {                while(tail-head>0&&bd[j].y>=q[tail-1].y)                    tail--;                while(tail-head>=2)                {                    p=tail-1;                    x2=bd[j].x-q[p].x;                    y2=bd[j].y-q[p].y;                    x1=q[p].x-q[p-1].x;                    y1=q[p].y-q[p-1].y;                    if(x2*y1>=x1*y2)                        tail--;                    else                        break;                }                q[tail].x=bd[j].x;                q[tail++].y=bd[j].y;            }            if(tail-head==0)                ri[i].x=qu[i].x+1,ri[i].y=0;            else            {                while(tail-head>=2)                {                    p=tail-1;                    x2=qu[i].x-q[p].x;                    y2=-q[p].y;                    x1=qu[i].x-q[p-1].x;                    y1=-q[p-1].y;                    if(x1*y2<=x2*y1)                        tail--;                    else                        break;                }                ri[i].x=q[tail-1].x;                ri[i].y=q[tail-1].y;            }        }        for(i=0;i<m;i++)        {            x1=le[i].x-qu[i].x;            y1=le[i].y;            x2=ri[i].x-qu[i].x;            y2=ri[i].y;            ans[int(qu[i].y)]=per*acos((x1*x2+y1*y2)/(sqrt(x1*x1+y1*y1)*sqrt(x2*x2+y2*y2)));        }        printf("Case #%d:\n",cas++);        for(i=0;i<m;i++)            printf("%.10f\n",ans[i]);    }    return 0;}

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