Python Routes map.resource详解

来源:互联网 发布:电信4g网络接入点设置 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 04:51



#!/usr/bin/env/python#coding=utf-8from routes import Mapperfrom routes import middlewareimport webob.decfrom wsgiref.simple_server import make_serverclass controller(object):    def __init__(self):        self.i = 1    def __call__(self):        print self.i    def search(self):        return "do search()"    def show(self):        return "do show()"    def index(self):        return "do index()"    def update(self):        return "do update()"    def delete(self):        return "do delete()"    def create(self):        return "do create()"    def create_many(self):        return "do create_many()"    def update_many(self):        return "do update_many()"    def list_many(self):        return "do list_many()"    def delete_many(self):        return "do delete_many()"    def preview(self):        return "do preview()"class appclass(object):    def __init__(self):        a = controller()        map = Mapper()        map.resource('message', 'messages', controller=a,                     path_prefix='/{projectid}', name_prefix='lala_',                     collection={'list_many': 'GET', 'create_many': 'POST'},                     member={'update_many': 'POST', 'delete_many': 'POST'},                     new={'preview' : 'POST'},                     parent_resource=dict(member_name="haha", collection_name="heihei"))        self.route = middleware.RoutesMiddleware(self.dispatch, map)    @webob.dec.wsgify    def __call__(self, req):        return self.route    @staticmethod    @webob.dec.wsgify    def dispatch(req):        match = req.environ['wsgiorg.routing_args'][1]        route = req.environ['routes.route']        print "route match result is:", match        if not match:            return "fake url"        print " %s, route.routepath: %s, route.conditions: %s" % (, route.routepath, route.conditions)        controller = match['controller']        action = match['action']        if hasattr(controller, action):            func = getattr(controller, action)            ret = func()            return ret        else:            return "has no action:%s" % actionif __name__ == "__main__":    app = appclass()    server = make_server('', 8088, app)    server.serve_forever()


1.  GET

do index()

route match result is: {'action': u'index', 'projectid': u'project_id_value', 'controller': <__main__.controller object at 0x0000000002E570F0>} lala_messages, route.routepath: /{projectid}/messages, route.conditions: {'method': ['GET']}


do create()

route match result is: {'action': u'create', 'projectid': u'project_id_value', 'controller': <__main__.controller object at 0x0000000002E570F0>} None, route.routepath: /{projectid}/messages, route.conditions: {'method': ['POST']}

3. PUT

do update()

route match result is: {'action': u'update', 'projectid': u'project_id_value', 'controller': <__main__.controller object at 0x0000000002E570F0>, 'id': u'1'} None, route.routepath: /{projectid}/messages/:(id), route.conditions: {'method': ['PUT']}


do delete()

route match result is: {'action': u'delete', 'projectid': u'project_id_value', 'controller': <__main__.controller object at 0x0000000002E570F0>, 'id': u'1'} None, route.routepath: /{projectid}/messages/:(id), route.conditions: {'method': ['DELETE']}

5. GET

do show()

route match result is: {'action': u'show', 'projectid': u'project_id_value', 'controller': <__main__.controller object at 0x0000000002E570F0>, 'id': u'1'} lala_message, route.routepath: /{projectid}/messages/:(id), route.conditions: {'method': ['GET']}


do preview()

route match result is: {'action': u'preview', 'projectid': u'project_id_value', 'controller': <__main__.controller object at 0x0000000002E570F0>} lala_preview_new_message, route.routepath: /{projectid}/messages/new/preview, route.conditions: {'method': ['POST']}

7. GET

do list_many()

route match result is: {'action': u'list_many', 'projectid': u'project_id_value', 'controller': <__main__.controller object at 0x0000000002E570F0>} lala_list_many_messages, route.routepath: /{projectid}/messages/list_many, route.conditions: {'method': ['GET']}


do create_many()

route match result is: {'action': u'create_many', 'projectid': u'project_id_value', 'controller': <__main__.controller object at 0x0000000002E570F0>} lala_create_many_messages, route.routepath: /{projectid}/messages/create_many, route.conditions: {'method': ['POST']}


do update_many()

route match result is: {'action': u'update_many', 'projectid': u'project_id_value', 'controller': <__main__.controller object at 0x0000000002E570F0>, 'id': u'1'} lala_update_many_message, route.routepath: /{projectid}/messages/:(id)/update_many, route.conditions: {'method': ['POST']}

10. POST

do delete_many()

route match result is: {'action': u'delete_many', 'projectid': u'project_id_value', 'controller': <__main__.controller object at 0x0000000002E570F0>, 'id': u'1'} lala_delete_many_message, route.routepath: /{projectid}/messages/:(id)/delete_many, route.conditions: {'method': ['POST']}


        map.resource('message', 'messages', controller=a,                     # path_prefix='/{projectid}', name_prefix='lala_',                     collection={'list_many': 'GET', 'create_many': 'POST'},                     member={'update_many': 'POST', 'delete_many': 'POST'},                     new={'preview' : 'POST'},                     parent_resource=dict(member_name="haha", collection_name="heihei"))


1. GET

do index()

route match result is: {'action': u'index', 'controller': <__main__.controller object at 0x0000000002D7A0F0>, 'haha_id': u'haha_value'} haha_messages, route.routepath: /heihei/:haha_id/messages, route.conditions: {'method': ['GET']}


do preview()

route match result is: {'action': u'preview', 'controller': <__main__.controller object at 0x0000000002D7A0F0>, 'haha_id': u'haha_value'} haha_preview_new_message, route.routepath: /heihei/:haha_id/messages/new/preview, route.conditions: {'method': ['POST']}

3. GET

do list_many()

route match result is: {'action': u'list_many', 'controller': <__main__.controller object at 0x0000000002D7A0F0>, 'haha_id': u'haha_value'} haha_list_many_messages, route.routepath: /heihei/:haha_id/messages/list_many, route.conditions: {'method': ['GET']}



<span style="font-size:12px;">def resource(self, member_name, collection_name, **kwargs):        collection = kwargs.pop('collection', {})        member = kwargs.pop('member', {})        new = kwargs.pop('new', {})        path_prefix = kwargs.pop('path_prefix', None)        name_prefix = kwargs.pop('name_prefix', None)        parent_resource = kwargs.pop('parent_resource', None)                # Generate ``path_prefix`` if ``path_prefix`` wasn't specified and         # ``parent_resource`` was. Likewise for ``name_prefix``. Make sure        # that ``path_prefix`` and ``name_prefix`` *always* take precedence if        # they are specified--in particular, we need to be careful when they        # are explicitly set to "".        if parent_resource is not None:             if path_prefix is None:                 path_prefix = '%s/:%s_id' % (parent_resource['collection_name'],                                              parent_resource['member_name'])             if name_prefix is None:                name_prefix = '%s_' % parent_resource['member_name']        else:            if path_prefix is None: path_prefix = ''            if name_prefix is None: name_prefix = ''                # Ensure the edit and new actions are in and GET        member['edit'] = 'GET'        new.update({'new': 'GET'})                # Make new dict's based off the old, except the old values become keys,        # and the old keys become items in a list as the value        def swap(dct, newdct):            """Swap the keys and values in the dict, and uppercase the values            from the dict during the swap."""            for key, val in dct.iteritems():                newdct.setdefault(val.upper(), []).append(key)            return newdct        collection_methods = swap(collection, {})        member_methods = swap(member, {})        new_methods = swap(new, {})                # Insert create, update, and destroy methods        collection_methods.setdefault('POST', []).insert(0, 'create')        member_methods.setdefault('PUT', []).insert(0, 'update')        member_methods.setdefault('DELETE', []).insert(0, 'delete')                # If there's a path prefix option, use it with the controller        controller = strip_slashes(collection_name)        path_prefix = strip_slashes(path_prefix)        path_prefix = '/' + path_prefix        if path_prefix and path_prefix != '/':            path = path_prefix + '/' + controller        else:            path = '/' + controller        collection_path = path        new_path = path + "/new"        member_path = path + "/:(id)"                options = {             'controller': kwargs.get('controller', controller),            '_member_name': member_name,            '_collection_name': collection_name,            '_parent_resource': parent_resource,            '_filter': kwargs.get('_filter')        }                def requirements_for(meth):            """Returns a new dict to be used for all route creation as the            route options"""            opts = options.copy()            if method != 'any':                 opts['conditions'] = {'method':[meth.upper()]}            return opts                # Add the routes for handling collection methods        for method, lst in collection_methods.iteritems():            primary = (method != 'GET' and lst.pop(0)) or None            route_options = requirements_for(method)            for action in lst:                route_options['action'] = action                route_name = "%s%s_%s" % (name_prefix, action, collection_name)                self.connect("formatted_" + route_name, "%s/%s.:(format)" % \                             (collection_path, action), **route_options)                self.connect(route_name, "%s/%s" % (collection_path, action),                                                    **route_options)            if primary:                route_options['action'] = primary                self.connect("%s.:(format)" % collection_path, **route_options)                self.connect(collection_path, **route_options)                # Specifically add in the built-in 'index' collection method and its         # formatted version        self.connect("formatted_" + name_prefix + collection_name,             collection_path + ".:(format)", action='index',             conditions={'method':['GET']}, **options)        self.connect(name_prefix + collection_name, collection_path,                      action='index', conditions={'method':['GET']}, **options)                # Add the routes that deal with new resource methods        for method, lst in new_methods.iteritems():            route_options = requirements_for(method)            for action in lst:                path = (action == 'new' and new_path) or "%s/%s" % (new_path,                                                                     action)                name = "new_" + member_name                if action != 'new':                    name = action + "_" + name                route_options['action'] = action                formatted_path = (action == 'new' and new_path + '.:(format)') or \                    "%s/%s.:(format)" % (new_path, action)                self.connect("formatted_" + name_prefix + name, formatted_path,                              **route_options)                self.connect(name_prefix + name, path, **route_options)        requirements_regexp = '[^\/]+(?<!\\\)'        # Add the routes that deal with member methods of a resource        for method, lst in member_methods.iteritems():            route_options = requirements_for(method)            route_options['requirements'] = {'id':requirements_regexp}            if method not in ['POST', 'GET', 'any']:                primary = lst.pop(0)            else:                primary = None            for action in lst:                route_options['action'] = action                self.connect("formatted_%s%s_%s" % (name_prefix, action,                                                     member_name),                    "%s/%s.:(format)" % (member_path, action), **route_options)                self.connect("%s%s_%s" % (name_prefix, action, member_name),                    "%s/%s" % (member_path, action), **route_options)            if primary:                route_options['action'] = primary                self.connect("%s.:(format)" % member_path, **route_options)                self.connect(member_path, **route_options)                # Specifically add the member 'show' method        route_options = requirements_for('GET')        route_options['action'] = 'show'        route_options['requirements'] = {'id':requirements_regexp}        self.connect("formatted_" + name_prefix + member_name,                      member_path + ".:(format)", **route_options)        self.connect(name_prefix + member_name, member_path, **route_options)</span>


Use the specified controller rather than deducing it from the collection name.

Additional URLs to allow for the collection. Example:

Additional URLs to allow for a member. Example:

Additional URLs to allow for new-member functionality.

Prepend the specified prefix to all URL patterns. The prefix may include path variables. This is mainly used to nest resources within resources.

Prefix the specified string to all route names. This is most often combined with path_prefix to nest resources:

A dict containing information about the parent resource, for creating a nested resource. It should contain the member_name and collection_name of the parent resource. This dict will be available via the associated Route object which can be accessed during a request via request.environ["routes.route"].
If parent_resource is supplied and path_prefix isn’t, path_prefix will be generated from parent_resource as “<parent collection name>/:<parent member name>_id”.
If parent_resource is supplied and name_prefix isn’t, name_prefix will be generated from parent_resource as “<parent member name>_”.

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