
来源:互联网 发布:linux 不支持ext4 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 13:30


       本文的主要目的是使用STL的queue 和 priority queue来阐述下项目中经常使用的消息队列以及资源分配模式。本文的例子主要如下:

  • 消息队列
  • 带优先级的消息队列
  • 资源分配管理器









    #include <queue>     // STL header file for queue#include <list>using namespace std; // Specify that we are using the std namespaceclass Message;class Message_Queue{   typedef queue<Message *, list<Message *> > MsgQueType;   MsgQueType m_msgQueue;      public:   void Add(Message *pMsg)   {      // Insert the element at the end of the queue      m_msgQueue.push(pMsg);   }   Message *Remove()   {      Message *pMsg = NULL;            // Check if the message queue is not empty      if (!m_msgQueue.empty())      {         // Queue is not empty so get a pointer to the         // first message in the queue         pMsg = m_msgQueue.front();                  // Now remove the pointer from the message queue         m_msgQueue.pop();      }      return pMsg;   }      int GetLength() const   {      return m_msgQueue.size();   }   };









    #include <queue>      // STL header file for queue#include <list>using namespace std;  // Specify that we are using the std namespaceclass Message;class Priority_Message_Queue{    struct Entry    {        Message *pMsg;        int priority;    };       struct Compare_Messages    {        bool operator () (const Entry& left , const Entry& right)        {            return (left.priority < right.priority);        }    };      typedef priority_queue<Entry, vector<Entry>, Compare_Messages  >              Message_Queue_Type;   Message_Queue_Type m_message_Queue;      public:   void Add(Message *pMsg, int priority)   {      // Make an entry      Entry entry;      entry.pMsg = pMsg;      entry.priority = priority;      // Insert the element according to its priority      m_message_Queue.push(entry);   }      Message *Remove()   {      Message *pMsg = NULL;            // Check if the message queue is not empty      if (!m_message_Queue.empty())      {         // Queue is not empty so get a pointer to the         // first message in the queue         pMsg = (m_message_Queue.top()).pMsg;                  // Now remove the pointer from the message queue         m_message_Queue.pop();      }      return (pMsg);   }      size_t Get_Length() const   {      return m_message_Queue.size();   }   };



    这里使用queue 和 stack两个容器来实现一个简单的资源分配器,用该容器来保存空闲的资源列表。






    Coldest First(使用queue)

    #include <queue>      // STL header file for queue#include <list>using namespace std;  // Specify that we are using the std namespaceclass Resource;class Cold_Resource_Allocator{   typedef queue<Resource *, list<Resource *> > Free_Queue_Type;   Free_Queue_Type m_free_Resource_Queue;      public:      Cold_Resource_Allocator(int resource_Count,                              Resource *resource_Array[])   {      for (int i = 0; i < resource_Count; i++)      {         m_free_Resource_Queue.push(resource_Array[i]);      }   }    Resource * Allocate()   {      Resource *pResource = NULL;            // Check if any free resources are available.      if (!m_free_Resource_Queue.empty())      {         // Queue is not empty so get a pointer to the         // first resource in the queue         pResource = m_free_Resource_Queue.front();                  // Now remove the pointer from the free resource queue         m_free_Resource_Queue.pop();      }      return pResource;   }      void Free(Resource *pResource)   {      // Insert the resource at the end of the free queue      m_free_Resource_Queue.push(pResource);   }         size_t GetFreeResourceCount()   {      return m_free_Resource_Queue.size();   }   };


    Hottest First(使用statck)

    #include <stack>     // STL header file for stack#include <deque>using namespace std; // Specify that we are using the std namespaceclass Resource;class Hot_Resource_Allocator{   typedef stack <Resource *, deque <Resource *> >              Free_Stack_Type;   Free_Stack_Type m_free_Resource_Stack;      public:      Hot_Resource_Allocator(int resource_Count,                             Resource *resource_Array[])   {      for (int i = 0; i < resource_Count; i++)      {         m_free_Resource_Stack.push(resource_Array[i]);      }   }   Resource * Allocate()   {      Resource *pResource = NULL;            // Check if any free resources are available.      if (!m_free_Resource_Stack.empty())      {         // Queue is not empty so get a pointer to the         // first resource in the stack         pResource = m_free_Resource_Stack.top();                  // Now remove the pointer from the free resource stack         m_free_Resource_Stack.pop();      }      return pResource;   }      void Free(Resource *pResource)   {      // Insert the resource at the end of the free stack      m_free_Resource_Stack.push(pResource);   }         size_t GetFreeResourceCount()   {      return m_free_Resource_Stack.size();   }   };




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