ORA-04068: existing state of packages has been discarded

来源:互联网 发布:sdr软件接收机 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/11 05:47



AIX 6100





该错误是我在解决oracle "Doc ID 1413756.1"所描述错误时触发的。(具体可以见我的前面的博客)

1. 按照"Doc ID 1413756.1"提供的临时解决方案,我分别执行了如下命令

-- Login as sys user. SQL> sqlplus / as sysdba -- From the sqlplus execute the following: -- Drop the DBSNMP user by executing catnsnmp.sql script. SQL> @$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/catnsnmp.sql -- Create the DBSNMP user by executing catsnmp.sql SQL> @$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/catsnmp.sql


2. 为了确保没有问题我再次重复了上面删除和重建DBSNMP用户的命令(在同一个会话中)


Package body created.Package body created.declare*ERROR at line 1:ORA-04068: existing state of packages has been discardedORA-04061: existing state of package "DBSNMP.BSLN" has been invalidatedORA-04065: not executed, altered or dropped package "DBSNMP.BSLN"ORA-06508: PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called: "DBSNMP.BSLN"ORA-06512: at line 18PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.



三. 错误原因及解决方案

查找我们的老帮手MOS发现了"Doc ID 1161225.1"这篇NOTE可以解释我遇到的问题,我贴出了其中一部分:

When a package is compiled, altered or an object on which the package depends is altered, all copies of that package in the shared pool are flagged as invalid. The next invocation of the package from another database session ( even if it is the same username) sees that this flag is set and goes to get a new copy.   <span style="color:#ff0000;">If the package has package state, i.e. it has one or more package variables that would normally persist across calls to the package within the same session, then ORA-4068 error is raised to indicate to the caller that that package state (i.e the current values of those package variables)  has been lost</span>.  When the ORA-4068 is raised, ORACLE will throw away all existing instantiations of the package.  When the package (more properly, the subprogram referring to the package) is re-executed, ORACLE will re-instantiate the package automatically (If possible), which will typically succeed, and re-execution of the subprogram will succeed. The mechanism is not sensitive enough to check whether the calling session actually referred to any of the package variables so you always get the error in these situations if the package you are calling has package variables defined.  <span style="color:#ff0000;">This is quite common therefore if your program calls a system level package (typically beginning DBMS_ or  UTL_)  that has been recompiled, as the majority of them have at least one package variable defined.</span>

#大概就是说一个程序包被编译或者alert或者包所依赖的对象被alert,那么shared pool(注意此处是shared pool )中该包的copies都会标记为失效状态。





四. 相关知识


"Doc ID 106206.1"中列出了一些常见的场景,我们也可以在MOS中直接搜该报错查看符合自己问题的note




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