Accelerated C++:通过示例进行编程实践——练习解答(第5章)

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝售假扣2分多久清零 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 11:11

5-0. Compile, execute, and test the programs in this chapter.


//classify the students by grades//fgrade(vector<Student_info>& s),classify students into two parts,fail and pass;file be placed in grade.h/.cppbool fgrade(vector<Student_info>& s){return grade(s)<60;}

// by two new vector:fail and pass;this function was placed in Student_info.h/.cppvector<Student_info> extract_fails(vector<Student_info>& s){    vector<Student_info> fail,pass;    typedef vector<Student_info>::size_type size_tp;    size_tp size=s.size();    for(int i=0;i<size;++i)    {        if(fgrade(s[i]))            fail.push_back(s[i]);        else            pass.push_back(s[i]);    }    s=pass;    return fail;}
//2.use one new vector to store fail students,pass still in old vector;this function was placed in Student_info.h/.cppvector<Student_info> extract_fails(vector<Student_info>& s){    vector<Student_info> fail,pass;    typedef vector<Student_info>::size_type size_tp;    for(size_tp i=0;i<s.size();)    {        if(fgrade(s[i]))        {            fail.push_back(s[i]);            i=s.erase(s.begin()+i);        }        else            ++i;    }    return fail;}
//3.use the iterator instead the index;file still be placed in Student_info.h/.cppvector<Student_info> extract_fails(vector<Student_info>& s){    vector<Student_info> fail;        for(vector<Student_info>::iterator it=s.begin();it!=s.end();)    {        if(fgrade(it))        {            fail.push_back(*it);            it=s.erase(it);        }        else            ++it;    }    return fail;}
// data Structure--list  to improve the efficiencylist<Student_info> extract_fails(list<Student_info>& s){    list<Student_info> fail;        for(list<Student_info>::iterator it=s.begin();it!=s.end();)    {        if(fgrade(it))        {            fail.push_back(*it);            it=s.erase(it);        }        else            ++it;    }    return fail;}


this is an **************example    * this is an *to         * to         *illustrate * illustrate *framing    * framing    *           **************
//str_join.h#ifndef str_join_H#define str_join_H#include <string>#include <vector>std::string::size_type width(const std::vector<std::string>& v);std::vector<std::string> frame(const std::vector<std::string>& v);std::vector<std::string> hcat(const std::vector<std::string>& left,const std::vector<std::string>& right);#endif
//str_join.cpp#include "str_join.h"#include <iostream>using namespace std;string::size_type width(const vector<string>& v){string::size_type maxlen=0;for(vector<string>::const_iterator it=v.begin();it!=v.end();++it){string::size_type size=(*it).size();if(maxlen<size)maxlen=size;}return maxlen;}vector<string> frame(const vector<string>& v){vector<string> ret;string::size_type sz=width(v);string border(sz+4,'*');ret.push_back(border);for(vector<string>::const_iterator it=v.begin();it!=v.end();++it){ret.push_back("* "+*it+string(sz-(*it).size(),' ')+" *");}ret.push_back(border);return ret;}vector<string> hcat(const vector<string>& left,const vector<string>& right){vector<string> ret;string::size_type wt=width(left)+1;vector<string>::size_type i=0,j=0;while(i!=left.size()||j!=right.size()){string s;if(i!=left.size())s=left[i++];s+=string(wt-s.size(),' ');if(j!=right.size())s+=right[j++];ret.push_back(s);}return ret;}
//main.cpp#include "str_join.h"#include <iostream>using namespace std;int main(){string str;vector<string> vec;vector<string> vec_f;vector<string> vec_j;while(getline(cin,str))vec.push_back(str);vec_f=frame(vec);vec_j=hcat(vec,vec_f);for(vector<string>::const_iterator it=vec_j.begin();it!=vec_j.end();++it){cout<<endl<<*it<<endl;}return 0;}
lyj@qt:~/Desktop/vm/bin/Debug$ ./vm
this is an 
this is an **************
example  * this is an *
to            * example  *
illustrate  * to            *
framing   * illustrate  *
               * framing    *


#include <iostream>#include <string>#include <vector>#include <cctype>using namespace std;vector<string> split(const string& s){vector<string> ret;string::size_type size=s.size(),i=0,j;while(i!=size){while(i!=size && isspace(s[i]))++i;j=i;while(j!=size && !isspace(s[j]))++j;if(j!=i){ret.push_back(s.substr(i,j-i));i=j;}}return ret;}int main(){string str;vector<string> vec;while(getline(cin,str))vec=split(str);for(vector<string>::const_iterator it=vec.begin();it!=vec.end();++it)cout<<*it<<endl;return 0;}
lyj@qt:~/Desktop$ ./split
This is an example to illustrate the string split!

5-1. Design and implement a program to produce a permuted index. A permuted index is one in which each phrase is indexed by every word in the phrase. So, given the following input,

The quick brown fox jumped over the fence

the output would be

      The quick     brown fox jumped over the     fenceThe quick brown     fox                     jumped over the fence         jumped     over the fence            The     quick brown fox     jumped over     the fence                    The quick brown fox

A good algorithm is suggested in The AWK Programming Language by Aho, Kernighan, and Weinberger (Addison-Wesley, 1988). That solution divides the problem into three steps:

  1. Read each line of the input and generate a set of rotations of that line. Each rotation puts the next word of the input in the first position and rotates the previous first word to the end of the phrase. So the output of this phase for the first line of our input would be
    The quick brown foxquick brown fox Thebrown fox The quickfox The quick brown
    Of course, it will be important to know where the original phrase ends and where the rotated beginning begins.
  2. Sort the rotations.
  3. Unrotate and write the permuted index, which involves finding the separator, putting the phrase back together, and writing it properly formatted.

Ans:Permuted index(置换索引),算法思想如下:






//split.h#ifndef split_H#define split_H#include <vector>#include <string>std::vector<std::string> split(const std::string& s);#endif // split_H
//split.cpp#include "split.h"#include <cctype>using namespace std;vector<string> split(const string& s){    vector<string> lt;    string s1;    typedef string::size_type size_tp;    size_tp size=s.size();    size_tp i=0,j=0;    while(i<size)    {        while(isspace(s[i])) ++i;        j=i;        while(!isspace(s[j])) ++j;        if(i!=j)        {            lt.push_back(s.substr(i,j-i));        }        i=j;    }    return lt;}
//compare.h#ifndef compare_H#define compare_H#include <string>bool comparef(const std::string x,const std::string y);#endif // compare_H
//compare.cpp#include "compare.h"#include<cctype>using namespace std;#include <iostream>bool comparef(const string x,const string y){    typedef string::size_type size_tp;    size_tp xsize=x.size(),ysize=y.size();    size_tp i=0,j=0;    string xx=x,yy=y;    for(;i<xsize;++i)    {        if(isupper(xx[i]))            xx[i]+=32;    }    for(;j<ysize;++j)    {        if(isupper(yy[j]))            yy[j]+=32;    }    return xx<yy;}
//found.h#ifndef found_H#define found_H#include <string>std::string::size_type found(const std::string& s,std::string& k1,std::string& k2,std::string& key);#endif // found_H
//found.cpp#include "found.h"using namespace std;string::size_type found(const string& s,string& k1,string& k2,string& key){    typedef string::size_type size_tp;    size_tp f1,f2;    f1=s.find(k1);//string.find(key),没有找到,则返回string所能表示的最大值    f2=s.find(k2);    if(f1<f2)    {        key=k1;        return f1;    }    if(f2<f1)    {        key=k2;        return f2;    }}
//rotation.h#ifndef rotation_H#define rotation_H#include <vector>#include <string>std::vector<std::string> rotation(const std::vector<std::string>& v);#endif // rotation_H
//rotation.cpp#include "rotation.h"#include "split.h"using namespace std;//produce the rotations of each phasevector<string> rotation(const vector<string>& v){    vector<string> rot;    for(vector<string>::const_iterator it=v.begin();it!=v.end();++it)    {        vector<string> vs;//待求轮转集合的短语        vs=split(*it);//origin phrase        typedef vector<string>::size_type size_tp;        size_tp size=vs.size();        size_tp k=0;//按短语所含单词数,进行循环轮转,求出该短语的所有轮转集合        vector<string> vrot;//待求轮转集合的短语vs的副本        vrot=vs;        while(k<size)//求一条短语的所有轮专集合rot        {            //将vector的元素连接成一个string,并存储于rot中            string s;            for(vector<string>::const_iterator j=vrot.begin();j!=vrot.end();++j)            {                s=s+' '+*j;            }            rot.push_back(s);            //对vs的副本vrot,进行轮转            //由于每次轮转都在前一次基础之上进行,故此处temp为临时轮转的一个短语            //轮转后下次被轮转对象为temp,即vrot=temp;            vector<string> temp;            vector<string>::iterator q=vrot.begin(),p;            for(p=q+1;p!=vrot.end();++p)            {                temp.push_back(*p);            }            temp.push_back(*q);            vrot=temp;            ++k;        }    }    return rot;}
//unrotation.h#ifndef unrotation_H#define unrotation_H#include <vector>#include <string>#include "found.h"std::vector<std::string> unrotation(const std::vector<std::string>& v);#endif // unrotation_H
//unrotation.cpp#include "unrotation.h"#include <iostream>using namespace std;vector<string> unrotation(const vector<string>& v){    vector<string> unrot;    typedef string::size_type size_tp;    string k1="fox";    string k2="fence";    for(vector<string>::const_iterator it=v.begin();it!=v.end();++it)    {        string key,s,s1,left,right;        string str=*it;        size_tp i,m,n;        i=found(str,k1,k2,key);        m=key.size();        n=str.size();        //right        right=str.substr(0,m+i);        //left        if(i==n)            s1.assign(n,' ');        else            s1.assign(n-m+i,' ');        left=s1+str.substr(i+m,n-m-i);        s=left+"\t"+right;        unrot.push_back(s);    }    return unrot;}
//main.cpp#include <iostream>#include <fstream>#include <algorithm>#include "compare.h"#include "rotation.h"#include "unrotation.h"using namespace std;int main(){    ifstream infile;"/home/lyj/Desktop/5-1/in.txt",ios::in);    if(!infile.good())    {        cout<<"file open error!";        return -1;    }    string s;    vector<string> v;    while(getline(infile,s))        v.push_back(s);//按行存储短语    v=rotation(v);//vr存储两行短语的轮转集合/*    for(vector<string>::const_iterator it=vr.begin();it!=vr.end();++it)    {        cout<<endl<<*it<<endl;    }*/    sort(v.begin(),v.end(),comparef);//对轮转集合进行排序/*    for(vector<string>::const_iterator it=v.begin();it!=v.end();++it)    {        cout<<endl<<*it<<endl;    }*/    //反向轮转,分隔,连接    v=unrotation(v);    //最终输出    for(vector<string>::const_iterator it=v.begin();it!=v.end();++it)    {        cout<<endl<<*it<<endl;    }    return 0;}

5-2. Write the complete new version of the student-grading program, which extracts records for failing students, usingvectors. Write another that useslists. Measure the performance difference on input files of ten lines, 1,000 lines, and 10,000 lines.


//median.h#ifndef median_H#define median_H#include <vector>double median(std::vector<double> hw);#endif // median_H
//median.cpp#include "median.h"#include <algorithm>using namespace std;double median(vector<double> hw){    typedef vector<double>::size_type size_tp;    size_tp size=hw.size();    size_tp mid=size/2;    sort(hw.begin(),hw.end());    return size%2?(hw[mid-1]+hw[mid])/2:hw[mid];}
//Student_info.h#ifndef Student_info_H#define Student_info_H#include <string>#include <vector>class Student_info{public:    std::string name;    double midterm,fin;    std::vector<double> homework;};#endif // Student_info_H
//grade.h#ifndef grade_H#define grade_H#include "Student_info.h"double grade(double midterm,double fin,double homework);double grade(double midterm,double fin,const std::vector<double>& hw);double grade(const Student_info& s);bool fgrade(const Student_info& s);#endif // grade_H
//grade.cpp#include "grade.h"#include "median.h"double grade(double midterm,double fin,double homework){    return 0.2*midterm+0.4*fin+0.4*homework;}double grade(double midterm,double fin,const std::vector<double>& hw){    return grade(midterm,fin,median(hw));}double grade(const Student_info& s){    return grade(s.midterm,s.fin,s.homework);}bool fgrade(const Student_info& s){    return grade(s)<60;}
//extract_fails.h#ifndef extract_fails_H#define extract_fails_H#include <vector>std::vector<Student_info> extract_fails(std::vector<Student_info>& s);#endif // extract_fails_H
//extract_fails.cpp#include "Student_info.h"#include "grade.h"using namespace std;vector<Student_info> extract_fails(vector<Student_info>& s){    vector<Student_info> fail;    for(vector<Student_info>::iterator it=s.begin();it!=s.end();)    {        if(fgrade(*it))        {            fail.push_back(*it);            it=s.erase(it);        }        else            ++it;    }    return fail;}
//main.cpp#include <iostream>#include "Student_info.h"#include "grade.h"#include "extract_fails.h"#include <fstream>#include <cstdlib>#include <cstring>#include <time.h>using namespace std;int main(){    //read file    ifstream infile;"/home/lyj/Desktop/5-2/1.txt",ios::in);    if(!infile.good())    {        cout<<"file open error!"<<endl;        return 1;    }    vector<Student_info> vec;    //cout<<"here1"<<endl;    while(!infile.eof())    {        Student_info st;        infile>>>>st.midterm>>st.fin;        double hw;        for(int i=0;i<3;++i)        {            infile>>hw;            st.homework.push_back(hw);        }        vec.push_back(st);    }    infile.close();    //cout<<"here2"<<endl;    vector<Student_info> fail;    clock_t start,finish;    start=clock();    fail=extract_fails(vec);    finish=clock();    long double t=double(finish-start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;    cout<<endl<<t<<"s"<<endl;/*    cout<<"here3"<<endl;    for(vector<Student_info>::iterator iter=fail.begin();iter!=fail.end();++iter)    {        cout<<(*iter).name<<endl;    }*/    return 0;}
//学生成绩记录文件1.txttianya 99 98 97 98 99xiao 95 94 90 89 88zhang 89 90 78 89 88wang 99 92 91 92 93zas 20 10 20 30 49dc 30 40 50 60 90ad 10 1 2 3 5tianya 99 98 97 98 99xiao 95 94 90 89 88xiao 95 94 90 89 88

10行           0.000035s

1000行       0.0449863s

10000行     3.165763s




》list容器sort操作,与vector不同,list<double> stu; stu.sort(compare); 没有迭代器范围,且需要指定比较谓词;


#include "median.h"#include <algorithm>using namespace std;double median(list<double> hw){    list<double>::iterator it;    list<double>::size_type size=hw.size()/2+1;    int k=0;    hw.sort();    for(list<double>::iterator it=hw.begin();it!=hw.end();++it)    {        k++;        if(k==size && k%2!=0)            return *it;        else if(k==size && k%2==0)            return ( *(it)+*(--it) )/2;    }}

10行                    0.000054s

1000行                0.004772s

10000行              0.043197s


5-3. By using a typedef, we can write one version of the program that implements either avector-based solution or alist-based one. Write and test this version of the program.

Ans:利用typedef vector/list TYPE,用TYPE进行替换即可。

5-4. Look again at the driver functions you wrote in the previous exercise. Note that it is possible to write a driver that differs only in the declaration of the type for the data structure that holds the input file. If yourvector andlist test drivers differ in any other way, rewrite them so that they differ only in this declaration.


#include "median.h"#include <algorithm>using namespace std;double median(vector<double> hw){    vector<double>::iterator it;    vector<double>::size_type size=hw.size()/2+1;    int k=0;    hw.sort();    for(vector<double>::iterator it=hw.begin();it!=hw.end();++it)    {        k++;        if(k==size && k%2!=0)            return *it;        else if(k==size && k%2==0)            return ( *(it)+*(--it) )/2;    }}

5-5. Write a function named center(const vector<string>&) that returns a picture in which all the lines of the original picture are padded out to their full width, and the padding is as evenly divided as possible between the left and right sides of the picture. What are the properties of pictures for which such a function is useful? How can you tell whether a given picture has those properties?




//new.h实现center()函数#ifndef new_H#define new_H#include <string>#include <vector>std::string::size_type maxlen(const std::vector<std::string>& vec);std::vector<std::string> center(const std::vector<std::string>& vec);#endif // new_H
//new.cpp#include "new.h"using namespace std;typedef string::size_type size_tp;string::size_type maxlen(const vector<string>& vec){    size_tp maxlen=0;    for(vector<string>::size_type i=0;i<vec.size();++i)    {        size_tp n=vec[i].size();        maxlen=maxlen<n?n:maxlen;    }    return maxlen;}vector<string> center(const vector<string>& vec){    size_tp width=maxlen(vec);    vector<string> new_vec;    for(vector<string>::size_type i=0;i<vec.size();++i)    {        size_tp size=width-vec[i].size();        size_tp mid=size/2;        string str;        if(size%2==0)        {            string star(mid,'*');            str=star+vec[i]+star;            new_vec.push_back(str);        }        else        {            str=string(mid,'*')+vec[i]+string(mid+1,'*');            new_vec.push_back(str);        }    }    return new_vec;}
<pre name="code" class="cpp">//main.cpp#include <iostream>#include <fstream>#include "new.h"using namespace std;int main(){    //读取文件    ifstream infile;"/home/lyj/Desktop/5-5/old.txt",ios::in);    if(!infile.good())    {        cout<<"open error!"<<endl;        return -1;    }    vector<string> old_vec,new_vec;    string line;    while(getline(infile,line))    {        old_vec.push_back(line);    }   infile.close()    //调用center,返回新图案    new_vec=center(old_vec);    //写文件    ofstream outfile;"/home/lyj/Desktop/5-5/new.txt",ios::out);    if(!outfile.good())        return -1;    for(vector<string>::const_iterator it=new_vec.begin();it!=new_vec.end();++it)    {        outfile<<*it<<'\n';    }    outfile.close();}

//old.txtthis is an exercisesanswer. tohelp peopleto better master the C++ language.have good time!
*******this is an exercises*******
************answer. to************
***********help people************
to better master the C++ language.
*********have good time!**********

5-6. Rewrite the extract_fails function from §5.1.1/77 so that instead of erasing each failing student from the input vectorv, it copies the records for the passing students to the beginning ofv, and then uses the resize function to remove the extra elements from the end ofv. How does the performance of this version compare with the one in §5.1.1/77?

//student_info.h#ifndef Student_info_H#define Student_info_H#include <string>#include <vector>class Student_info{public:    std::string name;    double midterm,fin;    std::vector<double> homework;};#endif // Student_info_H
//grade.h#ifndef grade_H#define grade_H#include "Student_info.h"double grade(double midterm,double fin,double homework);double grade(double midterm,double fin,const std::vector<double>& hw);double grade(const Student_info& s);bool fgrade(const Student_info& s);#endif // grade_H
//grade.cpp#include "grade.h"#include "median.h"double grade(double midterm,double fin,double homework){    return 0.2*midterm+0.4*fin+0.4*homework;}double grade(double midterm,double fin,const std::vector<double>& hw){    return grade(midterm,fin,median(hw));}double grade(const Student_info& s){    return grade(s.midterm,s.fin,s.homework);}bool fgrade(const Student_info& s){    return grade(s)<60;}
//median.h#ifndef median_H#define median_H#include <vector>double median(std::vector<double> hw);#endif // median_H
//median.cpp#include "median.h"#include <algorithm>using namespace std;double median(vector<double> hw){    typedef vector<double>::size_type size_tp;    size_tp size=hw.size();    size_tp mid=size/2;    sort(hw.begin(),hw.end());    return size%2==0?(hw[mid]+hw[mid+1])/2:hw[mid];}
//extract_fails.h#ifndef extract_fails_H#define extract_fails_H#include <vector>int extract_fails(std::vector<Student_info>& s);#endif // extract_fails_H
//extract_fails.cpp#include "Student_info.h"#include "extract_fails.h"#include "grade.h"using namespace std;int extract_fails(vector<Student_info>& s){    vector<Student_info> fail;    for(vector<Student_info>::iterator it=s.begin();it!=s.end();++it)    {        if(fgrade(*it))        {            fail.push_back(*it);            //it=s.erase(it);        }    }    s.insert(s.begin(),fail.begin(),fail.end());    s.resize(fail.size());    return 0;}
//main.cpp#include <iostream>#include "Student_info.h"#include "grade.h"#include "extract_fails.h"#include <fstream>#include <cstdlib>#include <cstring>#include <time.h>using namespace std;int main(){    //read file    ifstream infile;"/home/lyj/Desktop/5/5-2/1.txt",ios::in);    if(!infile.good())    {        cout<<"file open error!"<<endl;        return 1;    }    vector<Student_info> vec;    while(!infile.eof())    {        Student_info st;        infile>>>>st.midterm>>st.fin;        double hw;        for(int i=0;i<3;++i)        {            infile>>hw;            st.homework.push_back(hw);        }        vec.push_back(st);    }    infile.close();  /*  for(vector<Student_info>::iterator iter=vec.begin();iter!=vec.end();++iter)    {        cout<<(*iter).name<<endl;    }*/    clock_t start,finish;    start=clock();    extract_fails(vec);    finish=clock();    long double t=double(finish-start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;    cout<<endl<<t<<"s"<<endl;    return 0;}

10行                       0.000038s

1000行                   0.002769s

10000行                 0.008818s


5-7. Given the implementation of frame in §5.8.1/93, and the following code fragment

vector<string> v;frame(v);

describe what happens in this call. In particular, trace through how both thewidth function and the frame function operate. Now, run this code. If the results differ from your expectations, first understand why your expectations and the program differ, and then change one to match the other.


5-8. In the hcat function from §5.8.3/95, what would happen if we defineds outside the scope of thewhile? Rewrite and execute the program to confirm your hypothesis.

Ans:如果在while之外定义string s,每次循环后该string s并不会被销毁,故每次循环都会在前次的已有string s基础上进行连接;

但是s+=string(wt-s.size(),' ');又string::size_type wt=width(left)+1;即wt是left中最长字符串长度,大小固定,而当每次循环时string s是累加连接的故导致wt<s.size(),故提示如下错误:

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::length_error'  what():  basic_string::_S_createAborted (core dumped)

//str_join.h#ifndef str_join_H#define str_join_H#include <string>#include <vector>std::string::size_type width(const std::vector<std::string>& v);std::vector<std::string> frame(const std::vector<std::string>& v);std::vector<std::string> hcat(const std::vector<std::string>& left,const std::vector<std::string>& right);#endif
//str_join.cpp#include "str_join.h"#include <iostream>using namespace std;string::size_type width(const vector<string>& v){string::size_type maxlen=0;for(vector<string>::const_iterator it=v.begin();it!=v.end();++it){string::size_type size=(*it).size();if(maxlen<size)maxlen=size;}return maxlen;}vector<string> frame(const vector<string>& v){vector<string> ret;string::size_type sz=width(v);string border(sz+4,'*');ret.push_back(border);for(vector<string>::const_iterator it=v.begin();it!=v.end();++it){ret.push_back("* "+*it+string(sz-(*it).size(),' ')+" *");}ret.push_back(border);return ret;}vector<string> hcat(const vector<string>& left,const vector<string>& right){vector<string> ret;string::size_type wt=width(left)+1;vector<string>::size_type i=0,j=0;string s;while(i!=left.size()||j!=right.size()){//string s;if(i!=left.size())s=left[i++];s+=string(wt-s.size(),' ');if(j!=right.size())s+=right[j++];ret.push_back(s);}return ret;}
//main.cpp#include "str_join.h"#include <iostream>using namespace std;int main(){string str;vector<string> vec;vector<string> vec_f;vector<string> vec_j;while(getline(cin,str))vec.push_back(str);vec_f=frame(vec);vec_j=hcat(vec,vec_f);for(vector<string>::const_iterator it=vec_j.begin();it!=vec_j.end();++it){cout<<endl<<*it<<endl;}return 0;}

5-9. Write a program to write the lowercase words in the input followed by the uppercase words.

Ans:思路首先从文件逐个读取单词存储于一个string中,但是没有一个现成的接口来进行单词大小写判断,故利用<cctype>中的isupper()和islower()来对单词每个字符进行判断,若所有单词字符都是大写则将其存入容器vector<string> upper中,若不全是大写则存储在容器vector<string> lower中。程序实现如下:

我们的文本文件内容如下:this Is a test to test the PROGRAMMEI AM A 123 student of the 789 USTC and SICTtoday's weather is very COLDshe is a beautiful girl , and IN her school she is in the 1st .123woed WORD!@# abc123 ABC789
//main.cpp#include <iostream>#include <fstream>#include <vector>#include <cctype>using namespace std;int main(){    ifstream infile;"/home/lyj/Desktop/5-9/1.txt",ios::in);    if(!infile.good())    {        cout<<"open error!";        return -1;    }    vector<string> upper,lower;    while(!infile.eof())    {        string word;        infile>>word;        typedef string::size_type size_tp;        size_tp size=word.size();        size_tp u=0,l=0;        for(size_tp i=0;i<size;++i)        {            if(isalpha(word[i]) && isupper(word[i]))                ++u;            else if(isalpha(word[i]) && islower(word[i]))                ++l;        }        if(u==size)            upper.push_back(word);        else if(l==size)            lower.push_back(word);    }    for(vector<string>::const_iterator it=upper.begin();it!=upper.end();++it)    {        cout<<*it<<" ";    }    cout<<endl;    for(vector<string>::const_iterator it=lower.begin();it!=lower.end();++it)    {        cout<<*it<<" ";    }    cout<<endl;    return 0;}

输出如下:lyj@qt:~/Desktop/5-9/bin/Debug$ ./5-9PROGRAMME I AM A USTC SICT COLD IN  this a test to test the student of the and weather is very she is a beautiful girl and her school she is in the 

5-10. Palindromes are words that are spelled the same right to left as left to right. Write a program to find all the palindromes in a dictionary. Next, find the longest palindrome.


文本文件内容:abcbaaabaa ccbccthis is a very goog , for palindrome testthere are many wrong words in this txt.did done do , aha I can't list any more.

//palindrome.h#ifndef palindrome_H#define palindrome_H#include <string>bool is_palindrome(const std::string& s);#endif // palindrome_H
//palindrome.cpp#include "palindrome.h"using namespace std;bool is_palindrome(const string& s){    typedef string::size_type size_tp;    size_tp i,j=s.size()-1;    for(i=0;i!=j;++i,--j)    {        if(s[i]!=s[j])            return false;    }    return true;}

//main.cpp#include <iostream>#include <fstream>#include <vector>#include "palindrome.h"using namespace std;int main(){    ifstream infile;"/home/lyj/Desktop/5-10/1.txt",ios::in);    if(!infile.good())    {        cout<<"open failed!";        return -1;    }    string word;    vector<string> palind;    while(!infile.eof())    {        infile>>word;        if(is_palindrome(word))            palind.push_back(word);    }    infile.close();    typedef vector<string>::size_type size_tp;    typedef vector<string>::iterator iter_type;    iter_type it=palind.begin();    vector<iter_type> maxit;    size_tp maxlen=(*it).size();    for(;it!=palind.end();++it)    {        size_tp n=(*it).size();        if(maxlen<=n)        {            maxlen=n;            maxit.push_back(it);        }        cout<<*it<<" ";    }    cout<<endl<<"the longest palindrome is:"<<endl;    for(vector<iter_type>::const_iterator it=maxit.begin();it!=maxit.end();++it)    {        cout<<*(*it)<<" ";    }    cout<<endl;    return 0;}

输出结果:abcba aabaa ccbcc a , did , aha I the longest palindrome is:abcba aabaa ccbcc

5-11. In text processing it is sometimes useful to know whether a word has any ascenders or descenders. Ascenders are the parts of lowercase letters that extend above the text line; in the English alphabet, the letters b, d, f, h, k, l, and t have ascenders. Similarly, the descenders are the parts of lowercase letters that descend below the line; In English, the letters g, j, p, q, and y have descenders. Write a program to determine whether a word has any ascenders or descenders. Extend that program to find the longest word in the dictionary that has neither ascenders nor descenders.


文本文件内容:Today is a very cold dayI found in my computer there is a Document.oh! it is to hard to list neither the up-word nor the down-word.aaaaaaaaaaa acee sssaazz is but not a meanningful words.

//updown.h#ifndef updown_H#define updown_H#include <string>bool is_updown(const std::string& word);#endif // updown_H
//updown.cpp#include "updown.h"using namespace std;bool is_updown(const string& word){    typedef string::size_type size_tp;    size_tp size=word.size();    for(size_tp i=0;i<size;++i)    {        if(word[i]=='d' || word[i]=='f' || word[i]=='h' || word[i]=='k' || word[i]=='l' ||           word[i]=='t' || word[i]=='g' || word[i]=='j' || word[i]=='p' || word[i]=='q' || word[i]=='y')            return true;    }    return false;}
//main.cpp#include <iostream>#include <fstream>#include <vector>#include "updown.h"using namespace std;int main(){    ifstream infile;"/home/lyj/Desktop/5-11/1.txt");    if(!infile.good())    {        cout<<"file open error!";        return -1;    }    //find it is a up or down word    string word;    vector<string> longest;    while(!infile.eof())    {        infile>>word;        if(!is_updown(word))        {            longest.push_back(word);        }    }    infile.close();    //the longest word    typedef string::size_type size_tp;    vector<string>::const_iterator it=longest.begin(),maxit=it;    size_tp maxlen=(*it).size();    for(it=it+1;it!=longest.end();++it)    {        size_tp n=(*it).size();        if(maxlen<=n)        {            maxlen=n;            maxit=it;        }    }    cout<<endl<<"the longest updown-word is: "<<*maxit<<" its size is: "<<maxlen<<endl;    return 0;}
输出:the longest updown-word is: aaaaaaaaaaa its size is: 11

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