cocos2dx v3 new GUI Introduction to Regular Widgets

来源:互联网 发布:mac app ui设计 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 08:33

Introduction to Regular Widgets

We introduced the basic usage of Button before to control a display content of Text. ImageView is easy to use, and GUI also provides us some other useful widgets such as CheckBox and Slider etc.

Text Button

In C++:

    Button* textButton = Button::create();    textButton->setTouchEnabled(true);    textButton->loadTextures("cocosgui/backtotopnormal.png", "cocosgui/backtotoppressed.png", "");    textButton->setTitleText("Text Button");    textButton->setPosition(Point(widgetSize.width / 2.0f, widgetSize.height / 2.0f));    textButton->addTouchEventListener(this, toucheventselector(UITextButtonTest::touchEvent));            this->addChild(textButton);

In Lua:

    local textButton = ccui.Button:create()    textButton:setTouchEnabled(true)    textButton:loadTextures("cocosui/backtotopnormal.png", "cocosui/backtotoppressed.png", "")    textButton:setTitleText("Text Button")    textButton:setPosition(cc.p(widgetSize.width / 2.0, widgetSize.height / 2.0))    textButton:addTouchEventListener(touchEvent)            self._uiLayer:addChild(textButton)


As button, it has to support touch event. Then call loadTextures method to load image. Notice the third parameter is the display image when button is disabled. Let's focus on the fourth parameter, checking out following method's prototype:

void loadTextures(const char* normal,const char* selected,const char* disabled,TextureResType texType = TextureResType::LOCAL);

The last parameter is image type, default as TextureResType::LOCAL, which means using normal image. On the other hand, the otherTextureResType::PLIST is using the resource from plist, and this decide to useSprite or SpriteFrame creating displaying sprite. We can also use squared picture, remember settingSize.

In C++:

    UIButton* textButton = UIButton::create();    textButton->setTouchEnabled(true);    textButton->setScale9Enabled(true);    textButton->loadTextures("cocosgui/button.png", "cocosgui/buttonHighlighted.png", "");    textButton->setSize(Size(180, textButton->getContentSize().height * 1.5f));    textButton->setTitleText("Text Button scale9 render");    textButton->setPosition(Point(widgetSize.width / 2.0f, widgetSize.height / 2.0f));    textButton->addTouchEventListener(this, toucheventselector(UITextButtonTest::touchEvent));            m_pUiLayer->addWidget(textButton);

In Lua:

  local textButton = ccui.Button:create()    textButton:setTouchEnabled(true)    textButton:setScale9Enabled(true)    textButton:loadTextures("cocosui/button.png", "cocosui/buttonHighlighted.png", "")    textButton:setContentSize(cc.size(180, textButton:getVirtualRendererSize().height * 1.5))    textButton:setTitleText("Text Button scale9 render")    textButton:setPosition(cc.p(widgetSize.width / 2.0, widgetSize.height / 2.0))    textButton:addTouchEventListener(touchEvent)            self._uiLayer:addChild(textButton)



We also see a widget in web page-checkbox, it allows you choose more than one item.

In C++:

    CheckBox* checkBox = CheckBox::create();    checkBox->setTouchEnabled(true);    checkBox->loadTextures("cocosgui/check_box_normal.png",                           "cocosgui/check_box_normal_press.png",                           "cocosgui/check_box_active.png",                           "cocosgui/check_box_normal_disable.png",                           "cocosgui/check_box_active_disable.png");    checkBox->setPosition(Point(widgetSize.width / 2.0f, widgetSize.height / 2.0f));    checkBox->addEventListener(CC_CALLBACK_2(UICheckBoxTest::selectedEvent),this);    this->addWidget(checkBox);

In Lua:

 local checkBox = ccui.CheckBox:create()    checkBox:setTouchEnabled(true)    checkBox:loadTextures("cocosui/check_box_normal.png",                               "cocosui/check_box_normal_press.png",                               "cocosui/check_box_active.png",                               "cocosui/check_box_normal_disable.png",                               "cocosui/check_box_active_disable.png")    checkBox:setPosition(cc.p(widgetSize.width / 2.0, widgetSize.height / 2.0))    checkBox:addEventListener(selectedEvent)      self._uiLayer:addChild(checkBox)


There are not too much properties in here, but many images loaded-two status images, two disabled status images and pressed image. These five images build a checkbox, setting callback method byaddEventListener:

In C++:

void UICheckBoxTest::selectedEvent(Ref* pSender,CheckBox::EventType type){    switch (type)    {        case CheckBox::EventType::SELECTED:            _displayValueLabel->setString(String::createWithFormat("Selected")->getCString());            break;        case CheckBox::EventType::UNSELECTED:            _displayValueLabel->setString(String::createWithFormat("Unselected")->getCString());            break;        default:            break;    }}

In Lua:

local function selectedEvent(sender,eventType)        if eventType == ccui.CheckBoxEventType.selected then            self._displayValueLabel:setString("Selected")        elseif eventType == ccui.CheckBoxEventType.unselected then            self._displayValueLabel:setString("Unselected")        end    end  

There are two statuses for a checkbox-selected and unselected. It changes its status when it is touched, we can call some callback functions to do something. As shown, when the status changed, it will call the function to inform the checkbox.



It's a good choice to choose slider if you want to add a widget controlling the volume.

In C++:

 // Create the slider        Slider* slider = Slider::create();        slider->loadBarTexture("cocosui/sliderTrack2.png");        slider->loadSlidBallTextures("cocosui/sliderThumb.png", "cocosui/sliderThumb.png", "");        slider->loadProgressBarTexture("cocosui/slider_bar_active_9patch.png");        slider->setScale9Enabled(true);        slider->setCapInsets(Rect(0, 0, 0, 0));        slider->setContentSize(Size(250.0f, 19));        slider->setPosition(Vec2(widgetSize.width / 2.0f, widgetSize.height / 2.0f/* + slider->getSize().height * 3.0f*/));        slider->addEventListener(CC_CALLBACK_2(UISliderTest_Scale9::sliderEvent, this));        _uiLayer->addChild(slider);

In Lua

local slider = ccui.Slider:create()    slider:setTouchEnabled(true)    slider:loadBarTexture("cocosui/sliderTrack.png")    slider:loadSlidBallTextures("cocosui/sliderThumb.png", "cocosui/sliderThumb.png", "")    slider:loadProgressBarTexture("cocosui/sliderProgress.png")    slider:setPosition(cc.p(widgetSize.width / 2.0, widgetSize.height / 2.0))    slider:addEventListener(percentChangedEvent)    self._uiLayer:addChild(slider)


We take different ways to load images, loadBarTexture for slider background image andloadSlidBallTextures for three statuses image of slider. That is the center ball can be dragged. However,loadProgressBarTexture method displaying the progress of the slider. It also has callback function, which can be used for record current status:

In C++:

void UISliderTest::sliderEvent(Ref *pSender, Slider::EventType type){    if (type == Slider::EventType::ON_PERCENTAGE_CHANGED)    {        Slider* slider = dynamic_cast<Slider*>(pSender);        int percent = slider->getPercent();        _displayValueLabel->setString(String::createWithFormat("Percent %d", percent)->getCString());    }}

In Lua:

local function percentChangedEvent(sender,eventType)        if eventType == ccui.SliderEventType.percentChanged then            local slider = sender            local percent = "Percent " .. slider:getPercent()            self._displayValueLabel:setString(percent)        end    end  

By dynamic cast pSender to get UISlider, then get the percentage of UISlider to save UI resource by using squared picture.


In contrast to the slider is a progress bar, one of them is controlling progress manually then return value and the other is setting value manually then update displaying. For example, when we loading some image resource the progress can show us the loading progress. Following is one usage:

In C++:

    LoadingBar* loadingBar = LoadingBar::create();    loadingBar->setName("LoadingBar");    loadingBar->loadTexture("cocosgui/sliderProgress.png");    loadingBar->setPercent(0);    loadingBar->setPosition(Point(widgetSize.width / 2.0f, widgetSize.height / 2.0f + loadingBar->getSize().height / 4.0f));    m_pUiLayer->addChild(loadingBar);

In Lua:

 local loadingBar = ccui.LoadingBar:create()    loadingBar:setTag(0)    loadingBar:setName("LoadingBar")    loadingBar:loadTexture("cocosui/sliderProgress.png")    loadingBar:setPercent(0)


We did some initialize work above, if you want to get new value in real time then you need to update the value bysetPercent method. When run a scene, we call the scheduleUpdate(); and implementupdate method ensuring it can be called every frame. Following code should be inupdate method:

In C++:

    void UILoadingBarTest_Left::update(float delta)    {        m_nCount++;        if (m_nCount > 100)        {            m_nCount = 0;        }        UILoadingBar* loadingBar = dynamic_cast<UILoadingBar*>(m_pUiLayer->getWidgetByName("LoadingBar"));        loadingBar->setPercent(m_nCount);    }

In Lua:

local function update(delta)        self._count = self._count + 1        if self._count > 100 then            self._count = 0        end        if self._uiLayer ~= nil then            local loadingBar = self._uiLayer:getChildByTag(0)            loadingBar:setPercent(self._count)        end    end

It's a increase number start from zero, you can see from left to right the length of process bar is increasing. If you want the process bar's length increasing from right from left, you can setloadingBar->setDirection(LoadingBarTypeRight); and this widget support squared picture.


UILabelAtlas can display number label that jointed by images:

In C++:

 // Create the text atlas        TextAtlas* textAtlas = TextAtlas::create("1234567890", "cocosui/labelatlas.png", 17, 22, "0");        textAtlas->setPosition(Vec2((widgetSize.width) / 2, widgetSize.height / 2.0f));        _uiLayer->addChild(textAtlas); 

In Lua:

  local labelAtlas = ccui.TextAtlas:create()    labelAtlas:setProperty("1234567890", "cocosui/labelatlas.png", 17, 22, "0")    labelAtlas:setPosition(cc.p((widgetSize.width) / 2, widgetSize.height / 2.0))            self._uiLayer:addChild(labelAtlas) 


The usage of this widget is very simple, Label is not efficient in old version so LabelAtlas is a good substitution but in version 3.0 Label has been improved a lot. Here we choose Atlas because we can custom it to get better displaying effect.


In addition to UILabelAtlas, you can also display a label by UILabelBMFont.

In C++:

  // Create the TextBMFont        TextBMFont* textBMFont = TextBMFont::create("BMFont", "cocosui/bitmapFontTest2.fnt");        textBMFont->setPosition(Vec2(widgetSize.width / 2, widgetSize.height / 2.0f + textBMFont->getContentSize().height / 8.0f));        _uiLayer->addChild(textBMFont);

In Lua:

  local labelBMFont = ccui.TextBMFont:create()    labelBMFont:setFntFile("cocosui/bitmapFontTest2.fnt")    labelBMFont:setString("BMFont")    labelBMFont:setPosition(cc.p(widgetSize.width / 2, widgetSize.height / 2.0 + labelBMFont:getContentSize().height / 8.0))            self._uiLayer:addChild(labelBMFont) 


Just like TextlAtlas,TextBMFont store the display information by a image, but Atlas is smaller than BMFont. You can set the parameters of the cutting, but BMFont has to be with a ".fnt" file. There are many information in it, and it also provide many display effect.


Text widget can help us solve some problems such as auto wrap and so on. It's important for design a flexible UI.

In C++:

  // Create the line wrap        Text* text = Text::create("Text can line wrap","AmericanTypewriter",32);        text->ignoreContentAdaptWithSize(false);        text->setContentSize(Size(280, 150));        text->setTextHorizontalAlignment(TextHAlignment::CENTER);        text->setPosition(Vec2(widgetSize.width / 2.0f, widgetSize.height / 2.0f - text->getContentSize().height / 8.0f));        _uiLayer->addChild(text);     

In Lua:

local textArea = ccui.Text:create()    textArea:setTextAreaSize(cc.size(280, 150))    textArea:setTextHorizontalAlignment(cc.TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CENTER)    textArea:setString("TextArea widget can line wrap")    textArea:setFontName("AmericanTypewriter")    textArea:setFontSize(32)    textArea:setPosition(cc.p(widgetSize.width / 2, widgetSize.height / 2 - textArea:getContentSize().height / 8))      self._uiLayer:addChild(textArea) 


You need to know the size of a text area, and its alignmet(Use setTextHorizontalAlignment to set the align mode: Left, Right and Center), display content, font size and font etc.


Text Field is a very important widget, it can call device's input system to receive user's input content such as user name and password in a login scene.

In C++:

 // Create the textfield        TextField* textField = TextField::create("input words here","fonts/Marker Felt.ttf",30);        textField->ignoreContentAdaptWithSize(false);        textField->setContentSize(Size(240, 160));        textField->setTextHorizontalAlignment(TextHAlignment::CENTER);        textField->setTextVerticalAlignment(TextVAlignment::CENTER);        textField->setPosition(Vec2(widgetSize.width / 2.0f, widgetSize.height / 2.0f));        textField->addEventListener(CC_CALLBACK_2(UITextFieldTest_LineWrap::textFieldEvent, this));        _uiLayer->addChild(textField);

In Lua:

 local textField = ccui.TextField:create()    textField:setTouchEnabled(true)    textField:setFontName(font_UITextFieldTest)    textField:setFontSize(30)    textField:setPlaceHolder("input words here")    textField:setPosition(cc.p(widgetSize.width / 2.0, widgetSize.height / 2.0))    textField:addEventListener(textFieldEvent)     self._uiLayer:addChild(textField) 


Setted properties and enabled touch, then wait user's touch event to done the text input work.setPlaceHolder can remind user to input when the widget don't show anything. Notice that the callback functions here have many statuses:

In C++:

   void UITextFieldTest_LineWrap::textFieldEvent(Ref *pSender, TextField::EventType type){    switch (type)    {        case TextField::EventType::ATTACH_WITH_IME:        {            TextField* textField = dynamic_cast<TextField*>(pSender);            Size widgetSize = _widget->getContentSize();            textField->runAction(CCMoveTo::create(0.225f,                                                  Vec2(widgetSize.width / 2.0f, widgetSize.height / 2.0f + textField->getContentSize().height / 2)));            textField->setTextHorizontalAlignment(TextHAlignment::LEFT);            textField->setTextVerticalAlignment(TextVAlignment::TOP);            _displayValueLabel->setString(CCString::createWithFormat("attach with IME")->getCString());        }            break;        case TextField::EventType::DETACH_WITH_IME:        {            TextField* textField = dynamic_cast<TextField*>(pSender);            Size widgetSize = _widget->getContentSize();            textField->runAction(CCMoveTo::create(0.175f, Vec2(widgetSize.width / 2.0f, widgetSize.height / 2.0f)));            textField->setTextHorizontalAlignment(TextHAlignment::CENTER);            textField->setTextVerticalAlignment(TextVAlignment::CENTER);            _displayValueLabel->setString(CCString::createWithFormat("detach with IME")->getCString());        }            break;        case TextField::EventType::INSERT_TEXT:            _displayValueLabel->setString(CCString::createWithFormat("insert words")->getCString());            break;        case TextField::EventType::DELETE_BACKWARD:            _displayValueLabel->setString(CCString::createWithFormat("delete word")->getCString());            break;        default:            break;    }}

In Lua:

 local function textFieldEvent(sender, eventType)        if eventType == ccui.TextFiledEventType.attach_with_ime then            local textField = sender            local screenSize = cc.Director:getInstance():getWinSize()            textField:runAction(cc.MoveTo:create(0.225,cc.p(screenSize.width / 2.0, screenSize.height / 2.0 + textField:getContentSize().height / 2.0)))            self._displayValueLabel:setString("attach with IME")        elseif eventType == ccui.TextFiledEventType.detach_with_ime then            local textField = sender            local screenSize = cc.Director:getInstance():getWinSize()            textField:runAction(cc.MoveTo:create(0.175, cc.p(screenSize.width / 2.0, screenSize.height / 2.0)))            self._displayValueLabel:setString("detach with IME")        elseif eventType == ccui.TextFiledEventType.insert_text then            self._displayValueLabel:setString("insert words")        elseif eventType == ccui.TextFiledEventType.delete_backward then            self._displayValueLabel:setString("delete word")        end    end

First, it have four event type:

Event TypeDescriptionTextField::EventType::ATTACH_WITH_IMEEnable trigger when inputTextField::EventType::DETACH_WITH_IMETrigger when event endTextField::EventType::INSERT_TEXTTrigger when insert textTextField::EventType::DELETE_BACKWARDTrigger when delete text

Accroding to the event type, we can get widget's content or change widget's properties in real time. We can set widget's max text length bytextField->setMaxLength(3);.

In a login scene, we usually design a user name box and a password box, and the widget absolutely support password box's property:

In C++:

    textField->setPasswordEnabled(true);    textField->setPasswordStyleText("*");

In Lua:

  textField:setPasswordEnabled(true)  textField:setPasswordStyleTest("*")

Enable password mode first, and then set a substitute character.

uislider.png(88.3 kB) owen, 2014-04-02 07:13

uitextarea.png(99.6 kB) owen, 2014-04-02 07:13

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uibmfont.png(95 kB) owen, 2014-04-02 07:13

uicheckbox.png(91.7 kB) owen, 2014-04-02 07:13

uicheckboxs.png(90.5 kB) owen, 2014-04-02 07:13

uilabelatlas.png(91.4 kB) owen, 2014-04-02 07:13

uitextfield.png(85.5 kB) owen, 2014-04-02 07:13

uiloadingbar.png(86.7 kB) owen, 2014-04-02 07:13

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