
来源:互联网 发布:凤岗淘宝培训 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 14:43
#! /bin/bash######################################################### Filename: ./fast_trust.sdl# Date: 2014-10-14 13:22:00# Author: chenhuidong# Email: Note: ########################################################useage(){echo "useage: --help or -h for help"echo " -all for add all users trust relationship in usrlist.conf"echo " -add for add users in addlist.conf with others in usrlist.conf"echo " -pp ip1 user1 passwd1 ip2 user2 passwd2 for add one user with another"echo " -rm for remove all users authorized_keys in usrlist.conf"echo ""}#生成公私钥对key_gen(){expect << EOFspawn ssh $2@$1 ssh-keygen -t rsawhile 1 {expect {  "*password:" {    send "$3\n"    }    "yes/no*" {      send "yes\n"    }    "Enter file in which to save the key*" {    send "\n"    }    "Enter passphrase*" {    send "\n"    }    "Enter same passphrase again:" {      send "\n"    }    "Overwrite (y/n)" {    send "n\n"     }     eof {        exit    }  }}EOF}trans_file(){expect << EOFspawn scp $1expect {    "*password:" {        send "$2\n";exp_continue        }    eof {        exit        }}EOF}remote_cmd(){expect << EOFspawn ssh $2@$1 "$4"expect {    "*password:" {        send "$3\n";exp_continue        }    eof {        exit        }}EOF}construct_trust_rel(){if(($#!=6)); thenecho "Please input right params:construct_trust ip1 user1 passwd1 ip2 user2 passwd2"  useageexit 1fitmp_path=/home/chdyczxremote1_path="/home/$2"remote2_path="/home/$5"#tmp目录新建if [ ! -d $tmp_path ]then mkdir $tmp_pathfi#生成主机1id_rsakey_gen $1 $2 $3#生成主机2id_rsaskey_gen $4 $5 $6#获取主机1trans_file "$2@$1:$remote1_path/.ssh/ $tmp_path/tmp1" "$3"#获取主机2trans_file "$5@$4:$remote2_path/.ssh/ $tmp_path/tmp2" "$6"#放置主机1trans_file "$tmp_path/tmp2 $2@$1:$remote1_path/.ssh/authorized_keys_tmp" "$3"remote_cmd "$1" "$2" "$3" "cat $remote1_path/.ssh/authorized_keys_tmp >> $remote1_path/.ssh/authorized_keys; rm $remote1_path/.ssh/authorized_keys_tmp;"#放置主机2trans_file "$tmp_path/tmp1 $5@$4:$remote2_path/.ssh/authorized_keys_tmp" "$6"remote_cmd "$4" "$5" "$6" "cat $remote2_path/.ssh/authorized_keys_tmp >> $remote2_path/.ssh/authorized_keys; rm $remote2_path/.ssh/authorized_keys_tmp;"#清除tmprm -rf $tmp_path/tmp1 $tmp_path/tmp2}construct_trust_all(){v_count=1if [ ! -f $1 ]thenecho "File $1 is not exist."echo ""useageexit 1fised '$d' $1 | while read linedo v_ip1=`echo $line | awk -F " " '{print $1}'`v_user1=`echo $line | awk -F " " '{print $2}'`v_passwd1=`echo $line | awk -F " " '{print $3}'`((v_count++))sed -n ''$v_count', $ p' $1 | while read line2dov_ip2=`echo $line2 | awk -F " " '{print $1}'`v_user2=`echo $line2 | awk -F " " '{print $2}'`v_passwd2=`echo $line2 | awk -F " " '{print $3}'`echo $v_ip1,$v_user1,$v_ip2,$v_user2construct_trust_rel $v_ip1 $v_user1 $v_passwd1 $v_ip2 $v_user2 $v_passwd2donedone}add_users_trust(){filenameres=./usrlist.conffilenameadd=./addlist.confif [ ! -f $filenameres ] || [ ! -f $filenameadd ]thenecho "File usrlist.conf or addlist.conf is not exist."echo ""useageexit 1ficat $filenameadd | while read linedo v_ip1=`echo $line | awk -F " " '{print $1}'`v_user1=`echo $line | awk -F " " '{print $2}'`v_passwd1=`echo $line | awk -F " " '{print $3}'`cat $filenameres | while read line2dov_ip2=`echo $line2 | awk -F " " '{print $1}'`v_user2=`echo $line2 | awk -F " " '{print $2}'`v_passwd2=`echo $line2 | awk -F " " '{print $3}'`echo $v_ip1,$v_user1,$v_ip2,$v_user2construct_trust_rel $v_ip1 $v_user1 $v_passwd1 $v_ip2 $v_user2 $v_passwd2donedonecat $filenameadd >> $filenameres echo "" > $filenameadd}remove_authorized_keys(){if [ ! -f $1 ]thenecho "File $1 is not exist."echo ""useageexit 1ficat $1 | while read linedo v_ip=`echo $line | awk -F " " '{print $1}'`v_user=`echo $line | awk -F " " '{print $2}'`v_passwd=`echo $line | awk -F " " '{print $3}'`remote_path="/home/$v_user"remote_cmd "$v_ip" "$v_user" "$v_passwd" "rm $remote_path/.ssh/authorized_keys;"done}main(){if [ $# -eq 0 ] || [ $1 == "--help" ] || [ $1 == "-h" ]thenuseageelif [ $1 == "-all" ]thenfilename=./usrlist.confconstruct_trust_all $filenameelif [ $1 == "-add" ]thenfilename=./addlist.confconstruct_trust_all $filenameadd_users_trustelif [ $1 == "-pp" ]thenconstruct_trust_rel $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7elif [ $1 == "-rm" ]thenfilename=./rmlist.confremove_authorized_keys $filename elseuseagefi}main $*exit 0

usrlist.conf格式为: ip user passwd 

如下 chdyczx1 123456 chdyczx2 123456 chdyczx3 123456


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