E3 2014 is one of the best in

来源:互联网 发布:下载淘宝供销平台 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 16:18

E3 2014 is one of the best in years. In terms of the sheer volume of brilliant, exciting games shown at the conference, it’s an absolute bonanza of excellence. Doesn’t matter that many of them are skipping 2014, doesn’t matter that a bunch of expected games were missing: this E3 is vintage. But who impressed the most? I’m sure you have your own opinion, but here are some of my observations on the show so far.

Microsoft kicked things off on Monday, and showed a whopping 36 games in 90 minutes. It was a breath-taking display of eagerness from a console maker desperate to reclaim its core audience from Sony. And many of the games it showed are class acts: Rise Of The Tomb Raider, COD Advanced Warfare, Crackdown, Assassin’s Creed Unity… even Halo: Master Chief Collection is exciting in an ‘already-played-it’ kind of way. 

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