Codeforces 2B The least round way 动态规划(分类讨论)

来源:互联网 发布:java的编码方式 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 07:30

B. The least round way
time limit per test
5 seconds
memory limit per test
64 megabytes
standard input
standard output

There is a square matrix n × n, consisting of non-negative integer numbers. You should find such a way on it that

  • starts in the upper left cell of the matrix;
  • each following cell is to the right or down from the current cell;
  • the way ends in the bottom right cell.

Moreover, if we multiply together all the numbers along the way, the result should be the least "round". In other words, it should end in the least possible number of zeros.


The first line contains an integer number n (2 ≤ n ≤ 1000), n is the size of the matrix. Then follow n lines containing the matrix elements (non-negative integer numbers not exceeding 109).


In the first line print the least number of trailing zeros. In the second line print the correspondent way itself.

Sample test(s)
31 2 34 5 67 8 9











(3)其他存在零的情况,则观察是否有Min(m2,m5)=0,如果有,则应该输出m2 or m5。否则,输出1,也就是选择经过零。



#include <iostream>#include <string.h>#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <math.h>#include <memory.h>#include <string>#include <vector>#include <list>#include <map>#include <queue>#include <stack>#include <bitset>#include <algorithm>#include <numeric>#include <functional>#define maxn 1005using namespace std;int g[maxn][maxn];int min2[maxn][maxn];int min5[maxn][maxn];int n;struct P{    int first,second;};int cal(int m,int k){    if(!m) return 0;    int ccount=0;    while(m%k==0){        m/=k;        ccount+=1;    }    return ccount;}int main(){    int x,y;    string s2,s5;    bool if_0=false;    scanf("%d",&n);    for(int i=0;i<n;i+=1){        for(int j=0;j<n;j+=1){            scanf("%d",&g[i][j]);            if(!g[i][j]){                x=i,y=j;                if_0=true;                continue;            }        }    }    int m2,m5;    P pre[maxn][maxn];    pre[0][0].first=-1;    pre[0][0].second=-1;    min2[0][0]=0;    min5[0][0]=0;    if(!g[0][0]){        printf("1\n");        int dx=n-1,dy=n-1;        while(dx) printf("D"),dx--;        while(dy) printf("R"),dy--;        printf("\n");        return 0;    }    else{        min2[0][0]=cal(g[0][0],2);        min5[0][0]=cal(g[0][0],5);        bool flag1=true,flag2=true;        for(int i=1;i<n;i+=1){            if(flag1&&!g[0][i]){                flag1=false;            }            if(flag1){                min2[0][i]=min2[0][i-1]+cal(g[0][i],2);                min5[0][i]=min5[0][i-1]+cal(g[0][i],5);                pre[0][i].first=0,pre[0][i].second=i-1;            }            else g[0][i]=-1;            if(flag2&&!g[i][0]){                flag2=false;            }            if(flag2){                min2[i][0]=min2[i-1][0]+cal(g[i][0],2);                min5[i][0]=min5[i-1][0]+cal(g[i][0],5);                pre[i][0].first=i-1,pre[i][0].second=0;            }            else g[i][0]=-1;        }        for(int i=1;i<n;i+=1){            for(int j=1;j<n;j+=1){                min2[i][j]=cal(g[i][j],2);                min5[i][j]=cal(g[i][j],5);                if((!g[i-1][j]||g[i-1][j]==-1)&&(!g[i][j-1]||g[i][j-1]==-1)){                    g[i][j]=-1;                }                else if(min2[i-1][j]<min2[i][j-1]){                    if(g[i-1][j]!=0&&g[i-1][j]){                        min2[i][j]+=min2[i-1][j];                        min5[i][j]+=min5[i-1][j];                        pre[i][j].first=i-1;                        pre[i][j].second=j;                    }                    else{                        min2[i][j]+=min2[i][j-1];                        min5[i][j]+=min5[i][j-1];                        pre[i][j].first=i;                        pre[i][j].second=j-1;                    }                }                else if(g[i][j-1]&&g[i][j-1]!=-1){                    min2[i][j]+=min2[i][j-1];                    min5[i][j]+=min5[i][j-1];                    pre[i][j].first=i;                    pre[i][j].second=j-1;                }                else{                    min2[i][j]+=min2[i-1][j];                    min5[i][j]+=min5[i-1][j];                    pre[i][j].first=i-1;                    pre[i][j].second=j;                }            }        }        m2=min(min2[n-1][n-1],min5[n-1][n-1]);        int a=n-1,b=n-1;        while(a||b){            if(pre[a][b].first!=a) s2=s2+'D';            else s2=s2+'R';            int tmpa=a,tmpb=b;            a=pre[tmpa][tmpb].first,b=pre[tmpa][tmpb].second;            //cout<<tmpa<<" "<<tmpb<<" s2:"<<s2<<endl;        }        min5[0][0]=cal(g[0][0],5);        min2[0][0]=cal(g[0][0],2);        for(int i=1;i<n;i+=1){            if(flag1&&!g[0][i]){                flag1=false;            }            if(flag1){                min5[0][i]=min5[0][i-1]+cal(g[0][i],5);                min2[0][i]=min2[0][i-1]+cal(g[0][i],2);                pre[0][i].first=0,pre[0][i].second=i-1;            }            else g[0][i]=-1;            if(flag2&&!g[i][0]){                flag2=false;            }            if(flag2){                min2[i][0]=min2[i-1][0]+cal(g[i][0],2);                min5[i][0]=min5[i-1][0]+cal(g[i][0],5);                pre[i][0].first=i-1,pre[i][0].second=0;            }            else g[i][0]=-1;        }        for(int i=1;i<n;i+=1){            for(int j=1;j<n;j+=1){                min5[i][j]=cal(g[i][j],5);                min2[i][j]=cal(g[i][j],2);                if((!g[i-1][j]||g[i-1][j]==-1)&&(!g[i][j-1]||g[i][j-1]==-1)){                    g[i][j]=-1;                }                else if(min5[i-1][j]<min5[i][j-1]){                    if(g[i-1][j]!=0&&g[i-1][j]){                        min2[i][j]+=min2[i-1][j];                        min5[i][j]+=min5[i-1][j];                        pre[i][j].first=i-1;                        pre[i][j].second=j;                    }                    else{                        min2[i][j]+=min2[i][j-1];                        min5[i][j]+=min5[i][j-1];                        pre[i][j].first=i;                        pre[i][j].second=j-1;                    }                }                else if(g[i][j-1]&&g[i][j-1]!=-1){                    min2[i][j]+=min2[i][j-1];                    min5[i][j]+=min5[i][j-1];                    pre[i][j].first=i;                    pre[i][j].second=j-1;                }                else{                    min2[i][j]+=min2[i-1][j];                    min5[i][j]+=min5[i-1][j];                    pre[i][j].first=i-1;                    pre[i][j].second=j;                }            }        }        m5=min5[n-1][n-1];        a=n-1,b=n-1;        while(a||b){            if(pre[a][b].first!=a) s5=s5+'D';            else s5=s5+'R';            int tmpa=a,tmpb=b;            a=pre[tmpa][tmpb].first,b=pre[tmpa][tmpb].second;            //cout<<tmpa<<" "<<tmpb<<" s5:"<<s5<<endl;        }    }    if(g[n-1][n-1]!=-1&&(!if_0||(if_0&&(!m5||!m2)))){        printf("%d\n",min(m5,m2));        if(m5<m2){            int sz=s5.length();            for(int i=sz-1;i>=0;i-=1) cout<<s5[i];            printf("\n");        }        else {            int sz=s2.length();            for(int i=sz-1;i>=0;i-=1) cout<<s2[i];            printf("\n");        }    }    else{        printf("1\n");        int dx=x,dy=y;        while(dx) printf("D"),dx--;        while(dy) printf("R"),dy--;        dx=n-x-1,dy=n-y-1;        while(dx) printf("D"),dx--;        while(dy) printf("R"),dy--;    }    return 0;}/*42 5 2 52 2 5 52 5 5 55 5 5 230 0 00 0 00 0 0*/

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