
来源:互联网 发布:cocos2d-x用js编写 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 16:02
package Algorithms.tree;import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.Iterator;import java.util.LinkedList;import java.util.List;import java.util.Queue;import java.util.Stack;/** * REFS:   * http://blog.csdn.net/fightforyourdream/article/details/16843303 面试大总结之二:Java搞定面试中的二叉树题目 * http://blog.csdn.net/luckyxiaoqiang/article/details/7518888          轻松搞定面试中的二叉树题目  * http://www.cnblogs.com/Jax/archive/2009/12/28/1633691.html           算法大全(3) 二叉树  *   * 1. 求二叉树中的节点个数: getNodeNumRec(递归),getNodeNum(迭代)  * 2. 求二叉树的深度: getDepthRec(递归),getDepth   * 3. 前序遍历,中序遍历,后序遍历: preorderTraversalRec, preorderTraversal, inorderTraversalRec, postorderTraversalRec  * (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tree_traversal#Pre-order_2)  * 4.分层遍历二叉树(按层次从上往下,从左往右): levelTraversal, levelTraversalRec(递归解法)  * 5. 将二叉查找树变为有序的双向链表: convertBST2DLLRec, convertBST2DLL  * 6. 求二叉树第K层的节点个数:getNodeNumKthLevelRec, getNodeNumKthLevel * 7. 求二叉树中叶子节点的个数:getNodeNumLeafRec, getNodeNumLeaf  * 8. 判断两棵二叉树是否相同的树:isSameRec, isSame * 9. 判断二叉树是不是平衡二叉树:isAVLRec  * 10. 求二叉树的镜像(破坏和不破坏原来的树两种情况): *     mirrorRec, mirrorCopyRec *     mirror, mirrorCopy  * 10.1 判断两个树是否互相镜像:isMirrorRec isMirror * 11. 求二叉树中两个节点的最低公共祖先节点: *      LAC        求解最小公共祖先, 使用list来存储path. *      LCABstRec  递归求解BST树. *      LCARec     递归算法 . * 12. 求二叉树中节点的最大距离:getMaxDistanceRec  * 13. 由前序遍历序列和中序遍历序列重建二叉树:rebuildBinaryTreeRec * 14. 判断二叉树是不是完全二叉树:isCompleteBinaryTree, isCompleteBinaryTreeRec * 15. 找出二叉树中最长连续子串(即全部往左的连续节点,或是全部往右的连续节点)findLongest */  public class TreeDemo {    /*             1             / \            2   3           / \   \          4   5   6          */      public static void main(String[] args) {        TreeNode r1 = new TreeNode(1);        TreeNode r2 = new TreeNode(2);        TreeNode r3 = new TreeNode(3);        TreeNode r4 = new TreeNode(4);        TreeNode r5 = new TreeNode(5);        TreeNode r6 = new TreeNode(6);        /*                           10         / \        6   14       / \   \      4   8   16   /  0        */         /*         1         / \        2   3       / \   \      4   5   6      */  //        TreeNode r1 = new TreeNode(10);//        TreeNode r2 = new TreeNode(6);//        TreeNode r3 = new TreeNode(14);//        TreeNode r4 = new TreeNode(4);//        TreeNode r5 = new TreeNode(8);//        TreeNode r6 = new TreeNode(16);                TreeNode r7 = new TreeNode(0);                r1.left = r2;        r1.right = r3;        r2.left = r4;        r2.right = r5;        r3.right = r6;                r4.left = r7;        TreeNode t1 = new TreeNode(10);        TreeNode t2 = new TreeNode(6);        TreeNode t3 = new TreeNode(14);        TreeNode t4 = new TreeNode(4);        TreeNode t5 = new TreeNode(8);        TreeNode t6 = new TreeNode(16);                TreeNode t7 = new TreeNode(0);                TreeNode t8 = new TreeNode(0);        TreeNode t9 = new TreeNode(0);        TreeNode t10 = new TreeNode(0);        TreeNode t11 = new TreeNode(0);                        t1.left = t2;        t1.right = t3;        t2.left = t4;        t2.right = t5;        t3.left = t6;        t3.right = t7;                t4.left = t8;        //t4.right = t9;        t5.right = t9;                        // test distance//        t5.right = t8;//        t8.right = t9;//        t9.right = t10;//        t10.right = t11;                /*         10          / \         6   14        / \   \       4   8   16    /   0         */ //        System.out.println(LCABstRec(t1, t2, t4).val);//        System.out.println(LCABstRec(t1, t2, t6).val);//        System.out.println(LCABstRec(t1, t4, t6).val);//        System.out.println(LCABstRec(t1, t4, t7).val);//        System.out.println(LCABstRec(t1, t3, t6).val);//        //        System.out.println(LCA(t1, t2, t4).val);//        System.out.println(LCA(t1, t2, t6).val);//        System.out.println(LCA(t1, t4, t6).val);//        System.out.println(LCA(t1, t4, t7).val);//        System.out.println(LCA(t1, t3, t6).val);//        System.out.println(LCA(t1, t6, t6).val);                //System.out.println(getMaxDistanceRec(t1));                //System.out.println(isSame(r1, t1));        //        System.out.println(isAVLRec(r1));//        //        preorderTraversalRec(r1);//        //mirrorRec(r1);//        //TreeNode r1Mirror = mirror(r1);//        //        TreeNode r1MirrorCopy = mirrorCopy(r1);//        System.out.println();//        //preorderTraversalRec(r1Mirror);//        preorderTraversalRec(r1MirrorCopy);//        //        System.out.println();//        //        System.out.println(isMirrorRec(r1, r1MirrorCopy));//        System.out.println(isMirror(r1, r1MirrorCopy));                        //System.out.println(getNodeNumKthLevelRec(r1, 5));                //System.out.println(getNodeNumLeaf(r1));        //      System.out.println(getNodeNumRec(null));//      System.out.println(getNodeNum(r1));        //System.out.println(getDepthRec(null));//        System.out.println(getDepth(r1));//        //        preorderTraversalRec(r1);//        System.out.println();//        preorderTraversal(r1);//        System.out.println();//        inorderTraversalRec(r1);//        //        System.out.println();//          inorderTraversal(r1);//        postorderTraversalRec(r1);//        System.out.println();//        postorderTraversal(r1);//        System.out.println();//        levelTraversal(r1);//        //        System.out.println();//        levelTraversalRec(r1);        //        TreeNode ret = convertBST2DLLRec(r1);//        while (ret != null) {//            System.out.print(ret.val + " ");//            ret = ret.right;//        }        //        TreeNode ret2 = convertBST2DLL(r1);//        while (ret2.right != null) {//            ret2 = ret2.right;//        }//        //        while (ret2 != null) {//            System.out.print(ret2.val + " ");//            ret2 = ret2.left;//        }//        //        TreeNode ret = convertBST2DLL(r1);//        while (ret != null) {//            System.out.print(ret.val + " ");//            ret = ret.right;//        }        //        System.out.println();//        System.out.println(findLongest(r1));//        System.out.println();//        System.out.println(findLongest2(r1));                // test the rebuildBinaryTreeRec.        //test_rebuildBinaryTreeRec();                System.out.println(isCompleteBinaryTreeRec(t1));        System.out.println(isCompleteBinaryTree(t1));    }        public static void test_rebuildBinaryTreeRec() {        ArrayList<Integer> list1 = new ArrayList<Integer>();        list1.add(1);        list1.add(2);        list1.add(4);        list1.add(5);        list1.add(3);        list1.add(6);        list1.add(7);        list1.add(8);                ArrayList<Integer> list2 = new ArrayList<Integer>();        list2.add(4);        list2.add(2);        list2.add(5);        list2.add(1);        list2.add(3);        list2.add(7);        list2.add(6);        list2.add(8);                TreeNode root = rebuildBinaryTreeRec(list1, list2);        preorderTraversalRec(root);        System.out.println();        postorderTraversalRec(root);    }        private static class TreeNode{        int val;        TreeNode left;        TreeNode right;        public TreeNode(int val){            this.val = val;            left = null;            right = null;                            }    }        /*     * null返回0,然后把左右子树的size加上即可。     * */    public static int getNodeNumRec(TreeNode root) {        if (root == null) {            return 0;        }                        return getNodeNumRec(root.left) + getNodeNumRec(root.right) + 1;    }    /**      *  求二叉树中的节点个数迭代解法O(n):基本思想同LevelOrderTraversal,      *  即用一个Queue,在Java里面可以用LinkedList来模拟       */      public static int getNodeNum(TreeNode root) {        if (root == null) {            return 0;        }                Queue<TreeNode> q = new LinkedList<TreeNode>();         q.offer(root);                int cnt = 0;        while (!q.isEmpty()) {            TreeNode node = q.poll();            if (node.left != null) {                q.offer(node.left);            }                        if (node.right != null) {                q.offer(node.right);            }                        cnt++;        }                return cnt;    }        public static int getDepthRec(TreeNode root) {        if (root == null) {            return -1;        }                return Math.max(getDepthRec(root.left), getDepthRec(root.right)) + 1;    }        /*     * 可以用 level LevelOrderTraversal 来实现,我们用一个dummyNode来分隔不同的层,这样即可计算出实际的depth.     *      1             / \            2   3           / \   \          4   5   6     *      * 在队列中如此排列: 1, dummy, 2, 3, dummy, 4, 5, 5, dummy       *     */      public static int getDepth(TreeNode root) {        if (root == null) {            return 0;        }                TreeNode dummy = new TreeNode(0);        Queue<TreeNode> q = new LinkedList<TreeNode>();        q.offer(root);        q.offer(dummy);                int depth = -1;        while (!q.isEmpty()) {            TreeNode curr = q.poll();            if (curr == dummy) {                depth++;                if (!q.isEmpty()) {  // 使用DummyNode来区分不同的层, 如果下一层不是为空,则应该在尾部加DummyNode.                    q.offer(dummy);                }            }                        if (curr.left != null) {                q.offer(curr.left);            }            if (curr.right != null) {                q.offer(curr.right);            }        }                return depth;    }        /*     * 3. 前序遍历,中序遍历,后序遍历: preorderTraversalRec, preorderTraversal, inorderTraversalRec, postorderTraversalRec      * (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tree_traversal#Pre-order_2)     * */    public static void preorderTraversalRec(TreeNode root) {        if (root == null) {            return;        }                System.out.print(root.val + " ");        preorderTraversalRec(root.left);        preorderTraversalRec(root.right);    }        /*     * 前序遍历,Iteration 算法. 把根节点存在stack中。     * */    public static void preorderTraversal(TreeNode root) {        if (root == null) {            return;        }                Stack<TreeNode> s = new Stack<TreeNode>();        s.push(root);                while (!s.isEmpty()) {            TreeNode node = s.pop();            System.out.print(node.val + " ");            if (node.right != null) { //                s.push(node.right);            }                        // 我们需要先压入右节点,再压入左节点,这样就可以先弹出左节点。             if (node.left != null) {                s.push(node.left);            }                               }    }        /*     * 中序遍历     * */    public static void inorderTraversalRec(TreeNode root) {        if (root == null) {            return;        }                inorderTraversalRec(root.left);        System.out.print(root.val + " ");        inorderTraversalRec(root.right);    }        /**      * 中序遍历迭代解法 ,用栈先把根节点的所有左孩子都添加到栈内,      * 然后输出栈顶元素,再处理栈顶元素的右子树      * http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=50v1sJkjxoc      *       * 还有一种方法能不用递归和栈,基于线索二叉树的方法,较麻烦以后补上      * http://www.geeksforgeeks.org/inorder-tree-traversal-without-recursion-and-without-stack/      */      public static void inorderTraversal(TreeNode root) {        if (root == null) {            return;        }                Stack<TreeNode> s = new Stack<TreeNode>();                TreeNode cur = root;                while(true) {            // 把当前节点的左节点都push到栈中.            while (cur != null) {                s.push(cur);                cur = cur.left;            }                        if (s.isEmpty()) {                break;            }                        // 因为此时已经没有左孩子了,所以输出栈顶元素             cur = s.pop();            System.out.print(cur.val + " ");                        // 准备处理右子树              cur = cur.right;                    }    }        // 后序遍历    /*     *      1             / \            2   3           / \   \          4   5   6                if put into the stack directly, then it should be:        1, 2, 4, 5, 3, 6 in the stack.        when pop, it should be: 6, 3, 5, 4, 2, 1                if I      * */        public static void postorderTraversalRec(TreeNode root) {        if (root == null) {            return;        }                postorderTraversalRec(root.left);        postorderTraversalRec(root.right);        System.out.print(root.val + " ");    }        /**      *  后序遍历迭代解法      *  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hv-mJUs5mvU      *  http://blog.csdn.net/tang_jin2015/article/details/8545457     *  从左到右的后序 与从右到左的前序的逆序是一样的,所以就简单喽! 哈哈     *  用另外一个栈进行翻转即可喽      */     public static void postorderTraversal(TreeNode root) {        if (root == null) {            return;        }                Stack<TreeNode> s = new Stack<TreeNode>();        Stack<TreeNode> out = new Stack<TreeNode>();                s.push(root);        while(!s.isEmpty()) {            TreeNode cur = s.pop();            out.push(cur);                        if (cur.left != null) {                s.push(cur.left);            }            if (cur.right != null) {                s.push(cur.right);            }        }                while(!out.isEmpty()) {            System.out.print(out.pop().val + " ");        }    }        /*     * 分层遍历二叉树(按层次从上往下,从左往右)迭代      * 其实就是广度优先搜索,使用队列实现。队列初始化,将根节点压入队列。当队列不为空,进行如下操作:弹出一个节点      * ,访问,若左子节点或右子节点不为空,将其压入队列      * */    public static void levelTraversal(TreeNode root) {        if (root == null) {            return;        }                Queue<TreeNode> q = new LinkedList<TreeNode>();        q.offer(root);                while (!q.isEmpty()) {            TreeNode cur = q.poll();                        System.out.print(cur.val + " ");            if (cur.left != null) {                q.offer(cur.left);            }            if (cur.right != null) {                q.offer(cur.right);            }        }    }        public static void levelTraversalRec(TreeNode root) {        ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> ret = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>();        levelTraversalVisit(root, 0, ret);        System.out.println(ret);    }        /**      *  分层遍历二叉树(递归)      *  很少有人会用递归去做level traversal      *  基本思想是用一个大的ArrayList,里面包含了每一层的ArrayList。      *  大的ArrayList的size和level有关系      *        *  http://discuss.leetcode.com/questions/49/binary-tree-level-order-traversal#answer-container-2543      */      public static void levelTraversalVisit(TreeNode root, int level, ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> ret) {        if (root == null) {            return;        }                // 如果ArrayList的层数不够用, 则新添加一层        // when size = 3, level: 0, 1, 2        if (level >= ret.size()) {            ret.add(new ArrayList<Integer>());        }                // visit 当前节点        ret.get(level).add(root.val);                // 将左子树, 右子树添加到对应的层。        levelTraversalVisit(root.left, level + 1, ret);        levelTraversalVisit(root.right, level + 1, ret);    }        /*     * 题目要求:将二叉查找树转换成排序的双向链表,不能创建新节点,只调整指针。       查找树的结点定义如下:       既然是树,其定义本身就是递归的,自然用递归算法处理就很容易。将根结点的左子树和右子树转换为有序的双向链表,       然后根节点的left指针指向左子树结果的最后一个结点,同时左子树最后一个结点的right指针指向根节点;       根节点的right指针指向右子树结果的第一个结点,       同时右子树第一个结点的left指针指向根节点。     * */    public static TreeNode convertBST2DLLRec(TreeNode root) {        return convertBST2DLLRecHelp(root)[0];    }        /*     * ret[0] 代表左指针     * ret[1] 代表右指针     * */    public static TreeNode[] convertBST2DLLRecHelp(TreeNode root) {        TreeNode[] ret = new TreeNode[2];        ret[0] = null;        ret[1] = null;                        if (root == null) {            return ret;        }                if (root.left != null) {            TreeNode left[] = convertBST2DLLRecHelp(root.left);            left[1].right = root;  // 将左子树的尾节点连接到根            root.left = left[1];                        ret[0] = left[0];        } else {            ret[0] = root;   // 左节点返回root.        }                if (root.right != null) {            TreeNode right[] = convertBST2DLLRecHelp(root.right);            right[0].left = root;  // 将右子树的头节点连接到根            root.right = right[0];                        ret[1] = right[1];        } else {            ret[1] = root;  // 右节点返回root.        }                return ret;    }        /**      * 将二叉查找树变为有序的双向链表 迭代解法      * 类似inOrder traversal的做法      */      public static TreeNode convertBST2DLL(TreeNode root) {        while (root == null) {            return null;        }                TreeNode pre = null;        Stack<TreeNode> s = new Stack<TreeNode>();        TreeNode cur = root;        TreeNode head = null;       // 链表头                while (true) {            while (cur != null) {                s.push(cur);                cur = cur.left;            }                        // if stack is empty, just break;            if (s.isEmpty()) {                break;            }                        cur = s.pop();             if (head == null) {                head = cur;            }            // link pre and cur.            cur.left = pre;            if (pre != null) {                pre.right = cur;            }                        // 左节点已经处理完了,处理右节点            cur = cur.right;            pre = cur;        }                return root;    }/* *  * 6. 求二叉树第K层的节点个数:getNodeNumKthLevelRec, getNodeNumKthLevel  * */    public static int getNodeNumKthLevel(TreeNode root, int k) {        if (root == null || k <= 0) {            return 0;        }                int level = 0;                Queue<TreeNode> q = new LinkedList<TreeNode>();        q.offer(root);                TreeNode dummy = new TreeNode(0);        int cnt = 0; // record the size of the level.                q.offer(dummy);        while (!q.isEmpty()) {            TreeNode node = q.poll();                        if (node == dummy) {                level++;                if (level == k) {                    return cnt;                }                cnt = 0; // reset the cnt;                if (q.isEmpty()) {                    break;                }                q.offer(dummy);                continue;            }                        cnt++;            if (node.left != null) {                q.offer(node.left);            }                        if (node.right != null) {                q.offer(node.right);            }        }                return 0;    }        /*     *  * 6. 求二叉树第K层的节点个数:getNodeNumKthLevelRec, getNodeNumKthLevel      * */    public static int getNodeNumKthLevelRec(TreeNode root, int k) {        if (root == null || k <= 0) {            return 0;        }                if (k == 1) {            return 1;        }                // 将左子树及右子树在K层的节点个数相加.        return getNodeNumKthLevelRec(root.left, k - 1) + getNodeNumKthLevelRec(root.right, k - 1);    }        /*     * 7. getNodeNumLeafRec  把左子树和右子树的叶子节点加在一起即可     * */    public static int getNodeNumLeafRec(TreeNode root) {        if (root == null) {            return 0;        }                if (root.left == null && root.right == null) {            return 1;        }                return getNodeNumLeafRec(root.left) + getNodeNumLeafRec(root.right);    }        /* 7. getNodeNumLeaf     * 随便使用一种遍历方法都可以,比如,中序遍历。     * inorderTraversal,判断是不是叶子节点。     * */    public static int getNodeNumLeaf(TreeNode root) {        if (root == null) {            return 0;        }                int cnt = 0;                // we can use inorderTraversal travesal to do it.        Stack<TreeNode> s = new Stack<TreeNode>();        TreeNode cur = root;                while (true) {            while (cur != null) {                s.push(cur);                cur = cur.left;            }                        if (s.isEmpty()) {                break;            }                        // all the left child has been put into the stack, let's deal with the             // current node.            cur = s.pop();            if (cur.left == null && cur.right == null) {                cnt++;            }            cur = cur.right;        }                return cnt;    }        /*     * 8. 判断两棵二叉树是否相同的树。      * 递归解法:       * (1)如果两棵二叉树都为空,返回真      * (2)如果两棵二叉树一棵为空,另一棵不为空,返回假       * (3)如果两棵二叉树都不为空,如果对应的左子树和右子树都同构返回真,其他返回假      * */    public static boolean isSameRec(TreeNode r1, TreeNode r2) {        // both are null.        if (r1 == null && r2 == null) {            return true;        }                // one is null.        if (r1 == null || r2 == null) {            return false;        }                // 1. the value of the root should be the same;        // 2. the left tree should be the same.        // 3. the right tree should be the same.        return r1.val == r2.val &&                 isSameRec(r1.left, r2.left) && isSameRec(r1.right, r2.right);    }        /*     * 8. 判断两棵二叉树是否相同的树。     * 迭代解法      * 我们直接用中序遍历来比较就好啦      * */    public static boolean isSame(TreeNode r1, TreeNode r2) {        // both are null.        if (r1 == null && r2 == null) {            return true;        }                // one is null.        if (r1 == null || r2 == null) {            return false;        }                Stack<TreeNode> s1 = new Stack<TreeNode>();        Stack<TreeNode> s2 = new Stack<TreeNode>();                TreeNode cur1 = r1;        TreeNode cur2 = r2;                while (true) {            while (cur1 != null && cur2 != null) {                s1.push(cur1);                s2.push(cur2);                cur1 = cur1.left;                cur2 = cur2.left;            }                        if (cur1 != null || cur2 != null) {                return false;            }                        if (s1.isEmpty() && s2.isEmpty()) {                break;            }                        cur1 = s1.pop();            cur2 = s2.pop();            if (cur1.val != cur2.val) {                return false;            }                        cur1 = cur1.right;            cur2 = cur2.right;        }                return true;    }    /* *  *  9. 判断二叉树是不是平衡二叉树:isAVLRec *     1. 左子树,右子树的高度差不能超过1 *     2. 左子树,右子树都是平衡二叉树。  *       */    public static boolean isAVLRec(TreeNode root) {        if (root == null) {            return true;        }                // 左子树,右子树都必须是平衡二叉树。         if (!isAVLRec(root.left) || !isAVLRec(root.right)) {            return false;        }                int dif = Math.abs(getDepthRec(root.left) - getDepthRec(root.right));        if (dif > 1) {            return false;        }                return true;    }        /**      * 10. 求二叉树的镜像 递归解法:     *      *   (1) 破坏原来的树     *        *      1               1     *     /                 \     *    2     ----->        2     *     \                 /     *      3               3     * */      public static TreeNode mirrorRec(TreeNode root) {          if (root == null) {            return null;        }                // 先把左右子树分别镜像,并且交换它们        TreeNode tmp = root.right;        root.right = mirrorRec(root.left);        root.left = mirrorRec(tmp);                return root;    }          /**      * 10. 求二叉树的镜像 Iterator解法:     *      *   (1) 破坏原来的树     *        *      1               1     *     /                 \     *    2     ----->        2     *     \                 /     *      3               3     *           *  应该可以使用任何一种Traversal 方法。      *  我们现在可以试看看使用最简单的前序遍历。     * */      public static TreeNode mirror(TreeNode root) {          if (root == null) {            return null;        }                Stack<TreeNode> s = new Stack<TreeNode>();        s.push(root);                while (!s.isEmpty()) {            TreeNode cur = s.pop();                        // 交换当前节点的左右节点            TreeNode tmp = cur.left;            cur.left = cur.right;            cur.right = tmp;                        // traversal 左节点,右节点。            if (cur.right != null) {                s.push(cur.right);            }                        if (cur.left != null) {                s.push(cur.left);            }        }                return root;    }          /**      * 10. 求二叉树的镜像 Iterator解法:     *      *   (2) 创建一个新的树     *        *      1               1     *     /                 \     *    2     ----->        2     *     \                 /     *      3               3     *           *  应该可以使用任何一种Traversal 方法。      *  我们现在可以试看看使用最简单的前序遍历。     *  前序遍历我们可以立刻把新建好的左右节点创建出来,比较方便      * */      public static TreeNode mirrorCopy(TreeNode root) {          if (root == null) {            return null;        }                Stack<TreeNode> s = new Stack<TreeNode>();        Stack<TreeNode> sCopy = new Stack<TreeNode>();        s.push(root);                TreeNode rootCopy = new TreeNode(root.val);        sCopy.push(rootCopy);                while (!s.isEmpty()) {            TreeNode cur = s.pop();            TreeNode curCopy = sCopy.pop();                        // traversal 左节点,右节点。            if (cur.right != null) {                                // copy 在这里做比较好,因为我们可以容易地找到它的父节点                TreeNode leftCopy = new TreeNode(cur.right.val);                curCopy.left = leftCopy;                s.push(cur.right);                sCopy.push(curCopy.left);            }                        if (cur.left != null) {                // copy 在这里做比较好,因为我们可以容易地找到它的父节点                TreeNode rightCopy = new TreeNode(cur.left.val);                curCopy.right = rightCopy;                s.push(cur.left);                sCopy.push(curCopy.right);            }        }                return rootCopy;    }          /**      * 10. 求二叉树的镜像 递归解法:     *      *   (1) 不破坏原来的树,新建一个树      *        *      1               1     *     /                 \     *    2     ----->        2     *     \                 /     *      3               3     * */      public static TreeNode mirrorCopyRec(TreeNode root) {          if (root == null) {            return null;        }                // 先把左右子树分别镜像,并且把它们连接到新建的root节点。        TreeNode rootCopy = new TreeNode(root.val);        rootCopy.left = mirrorCopyRec(root.right);        rootCopy.right = mirrorCopyRec(root.left);                return rootCopy;    }          /*     * 10.1. 判断两个树是否互相镜像     *  (1) 根必须同时为空,或是同时不为空     *      * 如果根不为空:     *  (1).根的值一样     *  (2).r1的左树是r2的右树的镜像     *  (3).r1的右树是r2的左树的镜像       * */    public static boolean isMirrorRec(TreeNode r1, TreeNode r2){          // 如果2个树都是空树        if (r1 == null && r2 == null) {            return true;        }                // 如果其中一个为空,则返回false.        if (r1 == null || r2 == null) {            return false;        }                // If both are not null, they should be:        // 1. have same value for root.        // 2. R1's left tree is the mirror of R2's right tree;        // 3. R2's right tree is the mirror of R1's left tree;        return r1.val == r2.val                 && isMirrorRec(r1.left, r2.right)                && isMirrorRec(r1.right, r2.left);    }        /*     * 10.1. 判断两个树是否互相镜像 Iterator 做法     *  (1) 根必须同时为空,或是同时不为空     *      * 如果根不为空:     * traversal 整个树,判断它们是不是镜像,每次都按照反向来traversal       * (1). 当前节点的值相等     * (2). 当前节点的左右节点要镜像,     *    无论是左节点,还是右节点,对应另外一棵树的镜像位置,可以同时为空,或是同时不为空,但是不可以一个为空,一个不为空。           * */    public static boolean isMirror(TreeNode r1, TreeNode r2){          // 如果2个树都是空树        if (r1 == null && r2 == null) {            return true;        }                // 如果其中一个为空,则返回false.        if (r1 == null || r2 == null) {            return false;        }                Stack<TreeNode> s1 = new Stack<TreeNode>();        Stack<TreeNode> s2 = new Stack<TreeNode>();                s1.push(r1);        s2.push(r2);                while (!s1.isEmpty() && !s2.isEmpty()) {            TreeNode cur1 = s1.pop();            TreeNode cur2 = s2.pop();                        // 弹出的节点的值必须相等             if (cur1.val != cur2.val) {                return false;            }                        // tree1的左节点,tree2的右节点,可以同时不为空,也可以同时为空,否则返回false.            TreeNode left1 = cur1.left;            TreeNode right1 = cur1.right;            TreeNode left2 = cur2.left;            TreeNode right2 = cur2.right;                        if (left1 != null && right2 != null) {                s1.push(left1);                s2.push(right2);            } else if (!(left1 == null && right2 == null)) {                return false;            }                        // tree1的左节点,tree2的右节点,可以同时不为空,也可以同时为空,否则返回false.            if (right1 != null && left2 != null) {                s1.push(right1);                s2.push(left2);            } else if (!(right1 == null && left2 == null)) {                return false;            }        }                return true;    }          /*     * 11. 求二叉树中两个节点的最低公共祖先节点:     * Recursion Version:     * LACRec      * 1. If found in the left tree, return the Ancestor.     * 2. If found in the right tree, return the Ancestor.     * 3. If Didn't find any of the node, return null.     * 4. If found both in the left and the right tree, return the root.     * */    public static TreeNode LACRec(TreeNode root, TreeNode node1, TreeNode node2) {        if (root == null || node1 == null || node2 == null) {            return null;        }                // If any of the node is the root, just return the root.        if (root == node1 || root == node2) {            return root;        }                // if no node is in the node, just recursively find it in LEFT and RIGHT tree.        TreeNode left = LACRec(root.left, node1, node2);        TreeNode right = LACRec(root.right, node1, node2);                if (left == null) {  // If didn't found in the left tree, then just return it from right.            return right;        } else if (right == null) { // Or if didn't found in the right tree, then just return it from the left side.            return left;        }                 // if both right and right found a node, just return the root as the Common Ancestor.        return root;    }        /*     * 11. 求BST中两个节点的最低公共祖先节点:     * Recursive version:     * LCABst      *      * 1. If found in the left tree, return the Ancestor.     * 2. If found in the right tree, return the Ancestor.     * 3. If Didn't find any of the node, return null.     * 4. If found both in the left and the right tree, return the root.     * */    public static TreeNode LCABstRec(TreeNode root, TreeNode node1, TreeNode node2) {        if (root == null || node1 == null || node2 == null) {            return null;        }                // If any of the node is the root, just return the root.        if (root == node1 || root == node2) {            return root;        }                int min = Math.min(node1.val, node2.val);        int max = Math.max(node1.val, node2.val);                // if the values are smaller than the root value, just search them in the left tree.        if (root.val > max) {            return LCABstRec(root.left, node1, node2);        } else if (root.val < min) {        // if the values are larger than the root value, just search them in the right tree.                return LCABstRec(root.right, node1, node2);        }                // if root is in the middle, just return the root.        return root;    }        /*     * 解法1. 记录下path,并且比较之:     * LAC     * http://www.geeksforgeeks.org/lowest-common-ancestor-binary-tree-set-1/     * */    public static TreeNode LCA(TreeNode root, TreeNode r1, TreeNode r2) {        // If the nodes have one in the root, just return the root.        if (root == null || r1 == null || r2 == null) {            return null;        }                ArrayList<TreeNode> list1 = new ArrayList<TreeNode>();        ArrayList<TreeNode> list2 = new ArrayList<TreeNode>();                boolean find1 = LCAPath(root, r1, list1);        boolean find2 = LCAPath(root, r2, list2);                // If didn't find any of the node, just return a null.        if (!find1 || !find2) {            return null;        }                // 注意: 使用Iterator 对于linkedlist可以提高性能。        // 所以 统一使用Iterator 来进行操作。        Iterator<TreeNode> iter1 = list1.iterator();        Iterator<TreeNode> iter2 = list2.iterator();                TreeNode last = null;        while (iter1.hasNext() && iter2.hasNext()) {            TreeNode tmp1 = iter1.next();            TreeNode tmp2 = iter2.next();                        if (tmp1 != tmp2) {                return last;            }                        last = tmp1;        }                // If never find any node which is different, means Node 1 and Node 2 are the same one.        // so just return the last one.        return last;    }        public static boolean LCAPath(TreeNode root, TreeNode node, ArrayList<TreeNode> path) {        // if didn't find, we should return a empty path.        if (root == null || node == null) {            return false;        }                // First add the root node.        path.add(root);                // if the node is in the left side.        if (root != node                 && !LCAPath(root.left, node, path)                && !LCAPath(root.right, node, path)                ) {            // Didn't find the node. should remove the node added before.            path.remove(root);            return false;        }                // found        return true;    }        /*     *  * 12. 求二叉树中节点的最大距离:getMaxDistanceRec     *       *  首先我们来定义这个距离:     *  距离定义为:两个节点间边的数目.     *  如:     *     1     *    / \     *   2   3     *        \     *         4     *   这里最大距离定义为2,4的距离,为3.           * 求二叉树中节点的最大距离 即二叉树中相距最远的两个节点之间的距离。 (distance / diameter)      * 递归解法:     * 返回值设计:     * 返回1. 深度, 2. 当前树的最长距离       * (1) 计算左子树的深度,右子树深度,左子树独立的链条长度,右子树独立的链条长度     * (2) 最大长度为三者之最:     *    a. 通过根节点的链,为左右深度+2     *    b. 左子树独立链     *    c. 右子树独立链。     *      * (3)递归初始条件:     *   当root == null, depth = -1.maxDistance = -1;     *        */      public static int getMaxDistanceRec(TreeNode root) {        return getMaxDistanceRecHelp(root).maxDistance;    }        public static Result getMaxDistanceRecHelp(TreeNode root) {        Result ret = new Result(-1, -1);                if (root == null) {            return ret;        }                Result left = getMaxDistanceRecHelp(root.left);        Result right = getMaxDistanceRecHelp(root.right);                // 深度应加1, the depth from the subtree to the root.        ret.depth = Math.max(left.depth, right.depth) + 1;                // 左子树,右子树与根的距离都要加1,所以通过根节点的路径为两边深度+2        int crossLen = left.depth + right.depth + 2;                // 求出cross根的路径,及左右子树的独立路径,这三者路径的最大值。        ret.maxDistance = Math.max(left.maxDistance, right.maxDistance);        ret.maxDistance = Math.max(ret.maxDistance, crossLen);                return ret;    }        private static class Result {        int depth;        int maxDistance;        public Result(int depth, int maxDistance) {            this.depth = depth;            this.maxDistance = maxDistance;        }    }        /*     *  13. 由前序遍历序列和中序遍历序列重建二叉树:rebuildBinaryTreeRec      *  We assume that there is no duplicate in the trees.     *  For example:     *          1     *         / \     *        2   3     *       /\    \     *      4  5    6     *              /\     *             7  8       *                  *  PreOrder should be: 1   2 4 5   3 6 7 8     *                      根   左子树    右子树       *  InOrder should be:  4 2 5   1   3 7 6 8     *                       左子树  根  右子树     * */                       public static TreeNode rebuildBinaryTreeRec(List<Integer> preOrder, List<Integer> inOrder) {        if (preOrder == null || inOrder == null) {            return null;        }                // If the traversal is empty, just return a NULL.        if (preOrder.size() == 0 || inOrder.size() == 0) {            return null;        }                // we can get the root from the preOrder.         // Because the first one is the root.        // So we just create the root node here.        TreeNode root = new TreeNode(preOrder.get(0));                List<Integer> preOrderLeft;        List<Integer> preOrderRight;        List<Integer> inOrderLeft;        List<Integer> inOrderRight;                // 获得在 inOrder中,根的位置        int rootInIndex = inOrder.indexOf(preOrder.get(0));        preOrderLeft = preOrder.subList(1, rootInIndex + 1);        preOrderRight = preOrder.subList(rootInIndex + 1, preOrder.size());                // 得到inOrder左边的左子树        inOrderLeft = inOrder.subList(0, rootInIndex);        inOrderRight = inOrder.subList(rootInIndex + 1, inOrder.size());        // 通过 Rec 来调用生成左右子树。        root.left = rebuildBinaryTreeRec(preOrderLeft, inOrderLeft);        root.right = rebuildBinaryTreeRec(preOrderRight, inOrderRight);                return root;            }        /*     * 14. 判断二叉树是不是完全二叉树:isCompleteBinaryTree, isCompleteBinaryTreeRec     * 进行level traversal, 一旦遇到一个节点的左节点为空,后面的节点的子节点都必须为空。而且不应该有下一行,其实就是队列中所有的     * 元素都不应该再有子元素。     * */        public static boolean isCompleteBinaryTree(TreeNode root) {        if (root == null) {            return false;        }                TreeNode dummyNode = new TreeNode(0);        Queue<TreeNode> q = new LinkedList<TreeNode>();                q.offer(root);        q.offer(dummyNode);                // if this is true, no node should have any child.        boolean noChild = false;                while (!q.isEmpty()) {            TreeNode cur = q.poll();            if (cur == dummyNode) {                if (!q.isEmpty()) {                    q.offer(dummyNode);                }                // Dummy node不需要处理。                 continue;            }                        if (cur.left != null) {                // 如果标记被设置,则Queue中任何元素不应再有子元素。                if (noChild) {                    return false;                }                q.offer(cur.left);            } else {                // 一旦某元素没有左节点或是右节点,则之后所有的元素都不应有子元素。                // 并且该元素不可以有右节点.                noChild = true;            }                        if (cur.right != null) {                // 如果标记被设置,则Queue中任何元素不应再有子元素。                if (noChild) {                    return false;                }                q.offer(cur.right);            } else {                // 一旦某元素没有左节点或是右节点,则之后所有的元素都不应有子元素。                noChild = true;            }        }                return true;    }        /*     * 14. 判断二叉树是不是完全二叉树:isCompleteBinaryTreeRec     *      *      *    我们可以分解为:     *    CompleteBinary Tree 的条件是:     *    1. 左右子树均为Perfect binary tree, 并且两者Height相同     *    2. 左子树为CompleteBinaryTree, 右子树为Perfect binary tree,并且两者Height差1     *    3. 左子树为Perfect Binary Tree,右子树为CompleteBinaryTree, 并且Height 相同     *         *    Base 条件:     *    (1) root = null: 为perfect & complete BinaryTree, Height -1;     *         *    而 Perfect Binary Tree的条件:     *    左右子树均为Perfect Binary Tree,并且Height 相同。     * */        public static boolean isCompleteBinaryTreeRec(TreeNode root) {        return isCompleteBinaryTreeRecHelp(root).isCompleteBT;    }        private static class ReturnBinaryTree {        boolean isCompleteBT;        boolean isPerfectBT;        int height;                ReturnBinaryTree(boolean isCompleteBT, boolean isPerfectBT, int height) {            this.isCompleteBT = isCompleteBT;            this.isPerfectBT = isPerfectBT;            this.height = height;        }    }        /*     * 我们可以分解为:     *    CompleteBinary Tree 的条件是:     *    1. 左右子树均为Perfect binary tree, 并且两者Height相同     *    2. 左子树为CompleteBinaryTree, 右子树为Perfect binary tree,并且两者Height差1     *    3. 左子树为Perfect Binary Tree,右子树为CompleteBinaryTree, 并且Height 相同     *         *    Base 条件:     *    (1) root = null: 为perfect & complete BinaryTree, Height -1;     *         *    而 Perfect Binary Tree的条件:     *    左右子树均为Perfect Binary Tree,并且Height 相同。     * */    public static ReturnBinaryTree isCompleteBinaryTreeRecHelp(TreeNode root) {        ReturnBinaryTree ret = new ReturnBinaryTree(true, true, -1);                if (root == null) {            return ret;        }                ReturnBinaryTree left = isCompleteBinaryTreeRecHelp(root.left);        ReturnBinaryTree right = isCompleteBinaryTreeRecHelp(root.right);                // 树的高度为左树高度,右树高度的最大值+1        ret.height = 1 + Math.max(left.height, right.height);                // set the isPerfectBT        ret.isPerfectBT = false;        if (left.isPerfectBT && right.isPerfectBT && left.height == right.height) {            ret.isPerfectBT = true;        }                // set the isCompleteBT.        /*         * CompleteBinary Tree 的条件是:         *    1. 左右子树均为Perfect binary tree, 并且两者Height相同(其实就是本树是perfect tree)         *    2. 左子树为CompleteBinaryTree, 右子树为Perfect binary tree,并且两者Height差1         *    3. 左子树为Perfect Binary Tree,右子树为CompleteBinaryTree, 并且Height 相同         * */        ret.isCompleteBT = ret.isPerfectBT                 || (left.isCompleteBT && right.isPerfectBT && left.height == right.height + 1)                || (left.isPerfectBT && right.isCompleteBT && left.height == right.height);                return ret;    }    /*     * 15. findLongest     * 第一种解法:     * 返回左边最长,右边最长,及左子树最长,右子树最长。     * */    public static int findLongest(TreeNode root) {        if (root == null) {            return -1;        }                TreeNode l = root;        int cntL = 0;        while (l.left != null) {            cntL++;            l = l.left;        }                TreeNode r = root;        int cntR = 0;        while (r.right != null) {            cntR++;            r = r.right;        }                int lmax = findLongest(root.left);        int rmax = findLongest(root.right);                int max = Math.max(lmax, rmax);        max = Math.max(max, cntR);        max = Math.max(max, cntL);                return max;    }        /*      1     *    2   3     *  3       4     *         6  1     *        7     *       9     *     11     *    2     *  14           * */    public static int findLongest2(TreeNode root) {        int [] maxVal = new int[1];        maxVal[0] = -1;        findLongest2Help(root, maxVal);        return maxVal[0];    }        // ret:    // 0: the left side longest,    // 1: the right side longest.    static int maxLen = -1;    static int[] findLongest2Help(TreeNode root, int[] maxVal) {        int[] ret = new int[2];        if (root == null) {            ret[0] = -1;            ret[1] = -1;            return ret;        }                ret[0] = findLongest2Help(root.left, maxVal)[0] + 1;        ret[1] = findLongest2Help(root.right, maxVal)[1] + 1;        //maxLen = Math.max(maxLen, ret[0]);        //maxLen = Math.max(maxLen, ret[1]);        maxVal[0] = Math.max(maxVal[0], ret[0]);        maxVal[0] = Math.max(maxVal[0], ret[1]);        return ret;    }} 

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