centos 7安装flash插件

来源:互联网 发布:南昌java培训费用 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 06:33


    首先在adobe flash官网下载.tar.gz类型的文件,默认会在当前用户的下载文件夹中保存


        cd 下载

       tar -zvxf install_flash_player_11_linux.x86_64.tar.gz

       会在当前目录下解压几个文件,是 libflashplayer.so  readme.txt  usr三个东西,打开readme.txt  ,里面有一段描述:

       Installing using the plugin tar.gz:
        o Unpack the plugin tar.gz and copy the files to the appropriate location.
        o Save the plugin tar.gz locally and note the location the file was saved to.
        o Launch terminal and change directories to the location the file was saved to.
        o Unpack the tar.gz file.  Once unpacked you will see the following:
                + libflashplayer.so
                + /usr
        o Identify the location of the browser plugins directory, based on your Linux distribution and Firefox version
        o Copy libflashplayer.so to the appropriate browser plugins directory.  At the prompt type:
                + cp libflashlayer.so <BrowserPluginsLocation>
        o Copy the Flash Player Local Settings configurations files to the /usr directory.  At the prompt type:
                + sudo cp -r usr/* /usr



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