
来源:互联网 发布:linux 分区 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/27 17:02



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/** * @author ChenHaihong */(function(_alias) {var logger = function(level, object, viewType) {this.level = level;this.object = object;this.viewType = viewType;}logger.LEVEL_DEBUG = 0;logger.LEVEL_INFO = 1;logger.LEVEL_WARN = 2;logger.LEVEL_ERROR = 3;logger.LEVEL_FATAL = 4;logger.LEVEL_LOG = 5;logger.VIEW_TYPE_ALERT = 0;logger.VIEW_TYPE_NOALERT = 1;logger.prototype = {maxNumber : 0,Alias : _alias,Color : {debug : "black",info : "green",error : "red",warn : "yellow",fatal : "red",log : "blue"},MethodAlias : {debug : "调试",info : "信息",error : "错误",warn : "警告",fatal : "致命",log : "记录"},"" : function() {},set : function(j) {for (var i in j) {try {this["set" + i](j[i]);} catch(e) {this.fatal(e);}}},setSetter : function(j) {for (var i in j) {if (i == "Alias") {continue;}try {this["set" + i](j[i]);} catch(e) {this.fatal(e);}}this.setAlias(_alias);},setAlias : function(a) {if ( typeof window[a] == 'undefined' || window[a] == null) {this.Alias = a;window[a] = this;} else {this.fatal('别名“' + a + '”不可用!');}},setMethodAlias : function(j) {for (var i in j) {this.MethodAlias[i] = j[i];}},setColor : function(j) {for (var i in j) {this.Color[i] = j[i];}},setLevel : function(level) {this.level = level;},setObject : function(o) {if ( typeof o == "string") {if (document.getElementById(o) != null) {this.object = document.getElementById(o);} else {this.object = document.body;}} else {this.object = o;}},setViewType : function(type) {this.viewType = type;},setMaxNumber : function(d) {if ( typeof d == "number" && d >= 0) {this.maxNumber = d;this.info("logger.MaxNumber = " + d);} else {this.warn("logger.setMaxNumber(param)方法,param必须为正整数!");}},setShortcut : function(b) {if (b) {this.onShortcut();if (this.object) {this.info("快捷键已经开启!", 1);}}},getStringTime : function(level) {var _d = new Date(), _t, _n;switch(level) {case logger.LEVEL_DEBUG:_n = this.MethodAlias["debug"] ? this.MethodAlias["debug"] : "调试";break;case logger.LEVEL_INFO:_n = this.MethodAlias["info"] ? this.MethodAlias["info"] : "信息";break;case logger.LEVEL_WARN:_n = this.MethodAlias["warn"] ? this.MethodAlias["warn"] : "警告";break;case logger.LEVEL_ERROR:_n = this.MethodAlias["error"] ? this.MethodAlias["error"] : "错误";break;case logger.LEVEL_FATAL:_n = this.MethodAlias["fatal"] ? this.MethodAlias["fatal"] : "致命";break;case logger.LEVEL_LOG:_n = this.MethodAlias["log"] ? this.MethodAlias["log"] : "记录";break;default:break;}_t = _d.getFullYear() + "-" + (((_d.getMonth() + 1) < 10) ? ("0" + (_d.getMonth() + 1)) : (_d.getMonth() + 1)) + "-" + ((_d.getDate() < 10) ? ("0" + _d.getDate()) : _d.getDate()) + " ";_t += ((_d.getHours() < 10) ? ("0" + _d.getHours()) : _d.getHours()) + ":" + ((_d.getMinutes() < 10) ? ("0" + _d.getMinutes()) : _d.getMinutes()) + ":" + ((_d.getSeconds() < 10) ? ("0" + _d.getSeconds()) : _d.getSeconds()) + " ";_t += "-> " + _n + " -> ";return _t;},getScrollValue : function() {var o = this.object;return o.scrollHeight <= o.offsetHeight ? 0 : o.scrollHeight;},sHelpProcessed : function(s, c) {return "<label class='logger-label-help' style='color:" + ( c ? c : "black") + " ;'>" + s + "</label>";},getMethodHelp : function() {var _s = "", _l = this.Alias ? this.Alias : _alias;_s += this.sHelpProcessed("--------------------------------------------");_s += this.sHelpProcessed("- Common Methods");_s += this.sHelpProcessed("--------------------------------------------");_s += this.sHelpProcessed((this.MethodAlias["debug"] ? this.MethodAlias["debug"] : "调试") + " --> " + _l + ".debug()", this.Color["debug"] ? this.Color["debug"] : "black");_s += this.sHelpProcessed((this.MethodAlias["info"] ? this.MethodAlias["info"] : "信息") + " --> " + _l + ".info()", this.Color["info"] ? this.Color["info"] : "green");_s += this.sHelpProcessed((this.MethodAlias["warn"] ? this.MethodAlias["warn"] : "警告") + " --> " + _l + ".warn()", this.Color["warn"] ? this.Color["warn"] : "yellow");_s += this.sHelpProcessed((this.MethodAlias["error"] ? this.MethodAlias["error"] : "错误") + " --> " + _l + ".error()", this.Color["error"] ? this.Color["error"] : "red");_s += this.sHelpProcessed((this.MethodAlias["fatal"] ? this.MethodAlias["fatal"] : "致命") + " --> " + _l + ".fatal()", this.Color["fatal"] ? this.Color["fatal"] : "red");_s += this.sHelpProcessed((this.MethodAlias["log"] ? this.MethodAlias["log"] : "记录") + " --> " + _l + ".log()", this.Color["log"] ? this.Color["log"] : "blue");return _s;},getShortcutHelp : function() {var _h = "";_h += this.sHelpProcessed("--------------------------------------------");_h += this.sHelpProcessed("- Shortcut Key");_h += this.sHelpProcessed("--------------------------------------------");_h += this.sHelpProcessed("Ctrl + Shift + G --> Check the help.");_h += this.sHelpProcessed("Ctrl + Shift + L --> Check the log in the console.");_h += this.sHelpProcessed("Ctrl + Shift + O --> Check the log in the document.body.");_h += this.sHelpProcessed("Ctrl + Shift + D --> Clear window's log.");_h += this.sHelpProcessed("Ctrl + Shift + R --> Clear the log saved.");_h += this.sHelpProcessed("--------------------------------------------");return _h;},showHelp : function() {var _a = this.sHelpProcessed("--------------------------------------------");_a += this.sHelpProcessed("Effective Alias:" + this.Alias);var _t = _a + this.getMethodHelp() + this.getShortcutHelp(), _o = this.object;_o.innerHTML = _t;},onShortcut : function() {var _this = this;document.onkeydown = function(ev) {var _e = ev || event;if (_e.ctrlKey && _e.shiftKey) {switch (_e.keyCode) {//Ctrl + Shift + D --> 清除窗口日志case 68:_this.clearConsolesMessage();break;//Ctrl + Shift + G --> 查看帮助case 71:_this.showHelp();break;//Ctrl + Shift + L --> 查看日志case 76:_this.showConsolesLogger();break;//Ctrl + Shift + O --> 查看日志(document.body)case 79:_this.showConsolesLoggerToBody();break;//Ctrl + Shift + R --> 清除存储日志case 82:_this.clearConsolesLogger();break;default:break;}return false;};};},log : function(s, b) {this.message(logger.LEVEL_LOG, s, b);},debug : function(s, b) {this.message(logger.LEVEL_DEBUG, s, b);},info : function(s, b) {this.message(logger.LEVEL_INFO, s, b);},warn : function(s, b) {this.message(logger.LEVEL_WARN, s, b);},error : function(s, b) {this.message(logger.LEVEL_ERROR, s, b);},fatal : function(s, b) {this.message(logger.LEVEL_FATAL, s, b);},messageProcessed : function(level, s) {var _this = this, _s = this.getStringTime(level) + s, _t, _c;switch(level) {case logger.LEVEL_DEBUG:_c = _this.Color["debug"] ? _this.Color["debug"] : "black";break;case logger.LEVEL_INFO:_c = _this.Color["info"] ? _this.Color["info"] : "green";break;case logger.LEVEL_WARN:_c = _this.Color["warn"] ? _this.Color["warn"] : "yellow";break;case logger.LEVEL_ERROR:_c = _this.Color["error"] ? _this.Color["error"] : "red";break;case logger.LEVEL_FATAL:_c = _this.Color["fatal"] ? _this.Color["fatal"] : "red";break;case logger.LEVEL_LOG:_c = _this.Color["log"] ? _this.Color["log"] : "blue";break;default:break;}_t = "<logger class='logger-label-default' style='color: " + _c + ";'>" + _s + "</logger>";return _t;},message : function(level, s, b) {var _s = this.messageProcessed(level, s);if (b == null || b == 2) {this.showMessage(level, this.object, _s);this.saveConsolesLogger(_s);} else if (b == 1) {this.showMessage(level, this.object, _s);} else if (b == 3) {this.saveConsolesLogger(_s);}},showMessage : function(level, o, s) {if (level >= this.level) {if (o != null) {_h = this.getScrollValue();o.innerHTML += s;o.scrollTop = _h;} else if (this.viewType == logger.VIEW_TYPE_ALERT) {alert(s);}}},showConsolesLoggerToBody : function() {this.object = document.body, o = this.object, o.innerHTML = "", _s = this.getConsolesLogger();if (_s == "") {this.warn("No cache log!", 1);} else {this.debug("-----------Recent Log--Begin-----------", 1);this.object.innerHTML += _s;this.debug("-----------Recent Log--End-------------", 1);}},showConsolesLogger : function() {var _s = this.getConsolesLogger();this.object.innerHTML = "";if (_s == "") {this.warn("No cache log!", 1);} else {this.debug("-----------Recent Log--Begin-----------", 1);this.object.innerHTML += _s;this.debug("-----------Recent Log--End-------------", 1);}},clearConsolesMessage : function() {this.object.innerHTML = "";this.warn("Window log has been cleared!", 1);},clearConsolesLogger : function() {this.object.innerHTML = "";localStorage.consolesLogger = "";this.warn("The cache log has been cleared!", 1);},saveConsolesLogger : function(s) {if ( typeof localStorage.logger == "undefined" || localStorage.logger == "") {localStorage.consolesLogger = s;} else {localStorage.consolesLogger += s;}},getConsolesLogger : function() {return localStorage.consolesLogger;}};var config = logConfig, _logger_ = new logger(logger.LEVEL_DEBUG, null, logger.VIEW_TYPE_NOALERT);if (config["Alias"] !== "" && typeof config.Alias !== "undefined") {try {if ( typeof window[config.Alias] == "undefined" || window[config.Alias] == null) {_logger_.set(config);} else {_logger_.setSetter(config);}} catch(e) {_logger_.setSetter(config);}} else {_logger_.setSetter(config);}})("Logger");

====----[2014-08-06]----### [Why Use logger.js]*Most used for debugging your web app/web project, showing message, logging sth you need to save and ect.*主要用于调试web项目或应用,显示信息,保存信息等。### [Example]*You should init the config first before you import the logger-1.0.0.js.*在页面引用logger-1.0.0.js前,先做一下初始化配置。*//init the configlogConfig = {Alias : "Logger",//Add a alias to Logger, "Logger" is the default name. 给Logger对象添加一个Alias,默认使用"Logger"。Object : "loggerResult",//Place the object or its Id here, then you can see the message there. 在这里放置对象(在这个对象里面显示信息)或者对象的id。Shortcut : true,//On the shortcut. 开启快捷键。Color : {debug : "black",info : "green",error : "red",warn : "yellow",fatal : "red",log : "blue"},MethodAlias : {debug : "调试",info : "信息",error : "错误",warn : "警告",fatal : "致命",log : "记录"}};*This file index.html will show you how to use the logger-1.0.0.js, so just sit down and check it.*index.html文件很明了地告诉了你怎么去使用 logger-1.0.0.js这个文件,所以你应该看下它。### [Commom Methods]**logger-1.0.0.js takes "Logger" as its default Object. Here is the 7 main methods in Logger.*logger-1.0.0.js默认将Logger作为它对外使用的对象,下面是对Logger下的几个方法。*Logger.set(JSON) --> If you forget to init the config or import the logger-1.0.0.js first, then you should use this method to init Logger. Put a json like the logConfig in it. 如果忘记初始化或者先引入了logger-1.0.0.js文件,可以使用这个方法来初始化Logger,放入一个跟logConfig一样的json变量进去就行了。*Logger.debug(String, null|1|2|3) --> First param is String, the second param is null, 1 , 2 or 3. null or 2 means show and save, 1 means show, 3 means save. The message will be saved in the localStorage.consolesLogger. 第一个参数为字符串类型,第二个参数可以不填或者为2,表示显示与保存,1只显示,3只保存,保存的信息存在localStorage.consolesLogger中。*Logger.info(String, null|1|2|3) --> The same as the method above, just show with different color. 同上,只是显示颜色不同。*Logger.warn(String, null|1|2|3) --> The same as the method above, just show with different color. 同上,只是显示颜色不同。*Logger.error(String, null|1|2|3) --> The same as the method above, just show with different color. 同上,只是显示颜色不同。*Logger.fatal(String, null|1|2|3) --> The same as the method above, just show with different color. 同上,只是显示颜色不同。*Logger.log(String, null|1|2|3) --> The same as the method above, just show with different color. 同上,只是显示颜色不同。### [Shortcut Key]*Ctrl + Shift + G --> Show the help. 查看帮助。*Ctrl + Shift + L --> Show the log in the console. 查看日志。*Ctrl + Shift + O --> Show the log in the document.body. 在documeng.body对象中显示日志*Ctrl + Shift + D --> Clear window's log. 清除窗口中显示的日志。*Ctrl + Shift + R --> Clear the log saved. 清除保存的日志。### [Permission]*Within the law.*请在当地法律允许范围内使用。

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