hdu 5071 chat

来源:互联网 发布:pc架子鼓软件下载 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/29 21:34




CLJ will say goodbye to every active window he has ever spoken to at last, “active” here means the window has not been closed so far. The logging format is “Bye u: c” where u is the priority and c is the number of words he has ever spoken to this window.He will always say good bye to the current top girl if he has spoken to her before he closes it.

自己读得是 当执行关闭操作的时候如果是top并且说过话要 say goodbye!原来正确的题意是在最后按顺序输出说过话的girl ,并且top状态的为第一个。囧~~~~



#include<stdio.h>#include<string.h>#include<queue>#include<algorithm>#include<iostream>#include<string>using namespace std;string s;string ss[10]= {"Add","Close","Chat","Rotate","Prior","Choose","Top","Untop"};int flag,top,u;struct node{    int num;    int res;} p[5002];queue<node> q1,q2;void clear2(){    while(!q2.empty())    {        q2.pop();    }}void jiaohuan(){    node a;    while(!q2.empty())    {        a=q2.front();        q2.pop();        q1.push(a);    }}void o1(){    clear2();    node a;    while(!q1.empty())    {        a=q1.front();        q1.pop();        if(a.num==u)            flag=1;        q2.push(a);    }    a.num=u,a.res=0;    if(!flag)    {        q2.push(a);        printf("success.\n");    }    else        printf("same priority.\n");    jiaohuan();}void o2(){    clear2();    node a;    int ans;    int sum=0;    while(!q1.empty())    {        a=q1.front();        q1.pop();        if(!flag)            sum++;        if(a.num==u)        {            flag=1;            ans=a.res;            continue;        }        q2.push(a);    }    if(flag)        printf("close %d with %d.\n",u,ans);    else        printf("invalid priority.\n");    jiaohuan();}void o3(){    clear2();    node a;    int sum=0;    if(q1.empty())    {        printf("empty.\n");        return ;    }    while(!q1.empty())    {        a=q1.front();        q1.pop();        sum++;        if(sum==1&&top==-1)        {            a.res+=u;            printf("success.\n");        }        if(top==a.num)        {            a.res+=u;            printf("success.\n");        }        q2.push(a);    }    jiaohuan();}void o4(){    clear2();    node a,b;    int ans=0;    while(!q1.empty())    {        a=q1.front();        q1.pop();        ans++;        if(ans==u)        {            b=a;            flag=1;            continue;        }        q2.push(a);    }    if(flag)    {        q1.push(b);        printf("success.\n");    }    else        printf("out of range.\n");    jiaohuan();}void o5(){    if(q1.empty())    {        printf("empty.\n");        return ;    }    clear2();    node a,b;    b.num=0;    while(!q1.empty())    {        a=q1.front();        q1.pop();        if(a.num>b.num)            b=a;        q2.push(a);    }    q1.push(b);    while(!q2.empty())    {        a=q2.front();        q2.pop();        if(a.num!=b.num)            q1.push(a);    }    printf("success.\n");}void o6(){    clear2();    node a,b;    while(!q1.empty())    {        a=q1.front();        q1.pop();        if(a.num==u)        {            b=a;            flag=1;            continue;        }        q2.push(a);    }    if(flag)    {        q1.push(b);        printf("success.\n");    }    else        printf("invalid priority.\n");    jiaohuan();}void o7(){    clear2();    node a;    while(!q1.empty())    {        a=q1.front();        q1.pop();        if(a.num==u)        {            flag=1;            top=a.num;        }        q2.push(a);    }    if(flag)        printf("success.\n");    else        printf("invalid priority.\n");    jiaohuan();}void o8(){    if(top!=-1)    {        printf("success.\n");        top=-1;    }    else        printf("no such person.\n");}void o9(){    clear2();    while(!q1.empty())    {        node a=q1.front();        q1.pop();         //printf("--->Bye %d: %d\n",a.num,a.res);        if(top==a.num)        {            if(a.res)                printf("Bye %d: %d\n",a.num,a.res);            continue;        }        q2.push(a);    }    while(!q2.empty())    {        node a=q2.front();        q2.pop();        if(a.res!=0)            printf("Bye %d: %d\n",a.num,a.res);    }}void sove(){    int i;    for(i=0; i<8; i++)    {        if(s==ss[i])            break;    }    i++;    if(i!=5&&i!=8)        scanf("%d",&u);    //printf("--->%d\n",i);    switch(i)    {    case 1:        o1();        break;    case 2:        o2();        break;    case 3:        o3();        break;    case 4:        o4();        break;    case 5:        o5();        break;    case 6:        o6();        break;    case 7:        o7();        break;    default :        o8();        break;    }}int main(){    //freopen("a.txt","r",stdin);    int t;    scanf("%d",&t);    while(t--)    {        top=-1;        clear2();        int n;        scanf("%d",&n);        for(int i=1; i<=n; i++)        {            flag=0;            printf("Operation #%d: ",i);            cin>>s;            //cout<<s<<endl;            sove();        }        o9();    }}

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