
来源:互联网 发布:软件测试工作感想 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/14 22:11
ThreadLocal的含义是Thread Local Variable,它可以声明一个字段,使得不同的线程访问这个字段时,获取的都是当前线程的变量,互不影响。ThreadLocal的作用和在每个Thread类声明一个字段相同,那么什么时候使用它呢?还是在编写一些框架时,因为这时你无法预先定义Thread类。其中一个典型的用法是调用一个静态方法,这个静态方法会操作一个ThreadLocal变量,而不同的线程去调用时,访问的就是不同的副本。

下面通过这样一个例子来说明:模拟一个游戏,预先随机设定一个[1, 10]的整数,然后每个玩家去猜这个数字,每个玩家不知道其他玩家的猜测结果,看谁用最少的次数猜中这个数字。




运行的时候,每个Player Thread都是去调用Attemp.guess()方法,进而操作同一个ThreadLocal变量history,但却可以保存每个线程自己的数据,这就是ThreadLocal的作用。

<span style="font-family:Courier New;">public class ThreadLocalTest {        public static void main(String[] args) {        Judge.prepare();        new Player(1).start();        new Player(2).start();        new Player(3).start();    }    }class Judge {        public static int MAX_VALUE = 10;    private static int targetValue;        public static void prepare() {        Random random = new Random();        targetValue = random.nextInt(MAX_VALUE) + 1;    }        public static boolean judge(int value) {        return value == targetValue;    }    }class Player extends Thread {        private int playerId;        public Player(int playerId) {        this.playerId = playerId;    }        @Override    public void run() {        boolean success = false;        while(!success) {            int value = Attempt.guess(Judge.MAX_VALUE);            success = Judge.judge(value);            System.out.println(String.format("Plyaer %s Attempts %s and %s", playerId, value, success ? " Success" : "Failed"));        }"[IFNO] Plyaer %s Completed by ", playerId));    }    }class Attempt {        private static ThreadLocal<Record> history = new ThreadLocal<Record>();        public static int guess(int maxValue) {        Record record = getRecord();        Random random = new Random();        int value = 0;        do {            value = random.nextInt(maxValue) + 1;        } while (record.contains(value));;        return value;    }        public static void review(String info) {        System.out.println(info + getRecord());    }        private static Record getRecord() {        Record record = history.get();        if(record == null) {            record = new Record();            history.set(record);        }        return record;    }    }class Record {        private List<Integer> attemptList = new ArrayList<Integer>();;        public void save(int value) {        attemptList.add(value);    }        public boolean contains(int value) {        return attemptList.contains(value);    }        @Override    public String toString() {        StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();        buffer.append(attemptList.size() + " Times: ");        int count = 1;        for(Integer attempt : attemptList) {            buffer.append(attempt);            if(count < attemptList.size()) {                buffer.append(", ");                count++;            }        }        return buffer.toString();    }    }</span>


Plyaer 1 Attempts 8 and Failed
Plyaer 1 Attempts 3 and Failed
Plyaer 1 Attempts 2 and  Success
[IFNO] Plyaer 1 Completed by 3 Times: 8, 3, 2
Plyaer 3 Attempts 5 and Failed
Plyaer 3 Attempts 8 and Failed
Plyaer 3 Attempts 7 and Failed
Plyaer 3 Attempts 1 and Failed
Plyaer 3 Attempts 3 and Failed
Plyaer 3 Attempts 10 and Failed
Plyaer 3 Attempts 2 and  Success
[IFNO] Plyaer 3 Completed by 7 Times: 5, 8, 7, 1, 3, 10, 2
Plyaer 2 Attempts 10 and Failed
Plyaer 2 Attempts 9 and Failed
Plyaer 2 Attempts 4 and Failed
Plyaer 2 Attempts 6 and Failed
Plyaer 2 Attempts 5 and Failed
Plyaer 2 Attempts 3 and Failed
Plyaer 2 Attempts 7 and Failed
Plyaer 2 Attempts 1 and Failed
Plyaer 2 Attempts 2 and  Success
[IFNO] Plyaer 2 Completed by 9 Times: 10, 9, 4, 6, 5, 3, 7, 1, 2


<span style="font-family:Courier New;">public class ThreadLocal<T> {    ...    public T get() {        Thread t = Thread.currentThread();        ThreadLocalMap map = getMap(t);        if (map != null) {            ThreadLocalMap.Entry e = map.getEntry(this);            if (e != null)                return (T)e.value;        }        return setInitialValue();    }    ThreadLocalMap getMap(Thread t) {        return t.threadLocals;    }    ...}</span>

执行get()时首先获取当前的Thread,再获取Thread中的ThreadLocalMap - t.threadLocals,并以自身为key取出实际的value。于是可以看出,ThreadLocal的变量实际还是保存在Thread中的,容器是一个Map,Thread用到多少ThreadLocal变量,就会有多少以其为key的Entry。








/** * 将request,response放到ThreadLocal方便普通java类调用 */public class MyCustomContext {private static ThreadLocal<HttpServletRequest> myRequest = new ThreadLocal<HttpServletRequest>();private static ThreadLocal<HttpServletResponse> myResponse = new ThreadLocal<HttpServletResponse>();/** * 获取当前登录用户 */public static  SysUserEntity getLoginUser() {return (SysUserEntity) getMySession().getAttribute("login_user");}/** * 将request、response放入ThreadLocal容器 */public static void setAll(HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response){myRequest.set(request);myResponse.set(response);}/** * 获得request * @return */public static HttpServletRequest getMyRequest(){return myRequest.get();}/** * 获得session */public static HttpSession getMySession(){HttpServletRequest request = getMyRequest();if(null == request){throw new MyRuntimeException("myRequest未赋值,无法获取session");}return request.getSession();}public static void setMyRequest(HttpServletRequest request){myRequest.set(request);}/** * 获得response */public static HttpServletResponse getMyResponse(){return myResponse.get();}public static void setMyRequest(HttpServletResponse response){myResponse.set(response);}public static void removeMyRequest(){myRequest.remove();}public static void removeMyResponse(){myResponse.remove();}public static void remoceAll(){myRequest.remove();myResponse.remove();}}

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