Android FragmentPagerAdapter Example

来源:互联网 发布:学生开淘宝店怎么样 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 11:13

How cool is it to have an app which has swipe views, it makes app interactive and fun to use, right? So being a mobile app consultant atTruiton I was working on an app where segmented forms were to be filled by user. I thought why not use swipe tabs and sliding views. I searched and found this can be implemented by Android ViewPager class, which is used in conjunction with AndroidFragmentPagerAdapter class or Android FragmentStatePagerAdapter class. Since any sort of software development requires precision and accuracy in work my purpose was solved by the later one. Still I decided to write a tutorial about Android FragmentPagerAdapter Example.

There are two ways to implement Android ViewPager class, but this tutorial only focuses on Android FragmentPagerAdapter with an example. Now since both adapters have different ways of working, you might want to read about the other one too, have a look at my series on PagerAdapters :

  1. Android FragmentStatePagerAdapter
  2. Android FragmentPagerAdapter
  3. Android FragmentPagerAdapter vs FragmentStatePagerAdapter

In my previous tutorial I mentioned a case, if we wish to keep the fragment in the memory. Here steps inAndroid FragmentPagerAdapter, the main advantage of using Android FragmentPagerAdapter is that, it keeps the fragment in memory. This definitely increases the memory usage, therefore it is advised to use AndroidFragmentPagerAdapter only when there are less number of fragments. If you app has non changing fragments like, fragments with images or static text it might work even better. But using AndroidFragmentPagerAdapter for large number of fragments would result choppy and laggy UX.

Android FragmentPagerAdapter Example

Lets start with the main activity, this activity is where the Android FragmentPagerAdapter class is declared. Have a look

In the above class one can see that MainActivity extends FragmentActivity and in this class, bothMyAdapter and ViewPager class are instantiated. If you look closely you would find thatMyAdapter class extends Android FragmentPagerAdapter class. Lets have a look at the extended AndroidFragmentPagerAdapter class, here exists a method by the name of getItem. ThisgetItem method is the one which calls all the fragments which are to be displayed according to the position. is displayed by layoutfragment_pager.xml.

Above is the main layout where all fragments would be displayed. Have a look tag, since this tag is used here, this app would run onandroid devices lower than API version 11 too. Next lets have a look at

In the above class a static method by the name ofinit is declared. This init method is called in the extended AndroidFragmentPagerAdapter class with position of the fragment as argument. This argument is later on used in onCreate and onCreateView method of this ImageFragment. The layout file for this class isfragment_image.xml.

Now have a look at the second type of fragment used in Android FragmentPagerAdapter Example,

In the above class, the only difference is, that ListFragment is used, rest is same as in ImageFragment. It has astatic init method which is called from extended AndroidFragmentPagerAdapter. It uses layout fragment_pager_list.xml :

After defining all the classes and layouts your app should look like screenshots below

In this tutorial I defined a class which extended FragmentActivity, and instantiated extended version of AndroidFragmentPagerAdapter and ViewPager. This whole Android FragmentPagerAdapter example is made with support library, hence this would run on allandroid devices. Again to sum up, I would say that use Android FragmentPagerAdapter only when you have low amount of fragments that you want to keep in memory. Otherwise it will create a memory overhead and affect your app’s performance. This would work even better with non changing fragments. If you still have concerns on which PagerAdapter to use, have a look atAndroid FragmentPagerAdapter vs FragmentStatePagerAdapter. Hope this helped you out, if it did please like and share this with your friends on Google+ and Facebook. Also like our Facebookpage for updates.

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