Cheap Parajumpers Jackets Sale A usage to be regarded m navigation must be general and certain

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A usage to be regarded mChristian Louboutin UK sale navigation must be general and certain, not fluctuating and dependent on price.Whether due diligence has been used to avert loss is a<question for the jury. If the loes occurred from the carelessness or wantonness of'the navigators of another vessel brought into collision with the vessel, that does not excuse the carrier; he is answerable to the mipper, and tbe owners of the vessel occasioning the accident refunds over to him.Assumpsit upon a bill of lading against the owners of the steam boats Tecumseh and Amazon, for the loss of goods shipped by the plaintiffs. Plea non assumpsit.The bill of lading was for merchandize shipped on the Ama2on to New Orleans. On the left margin of the bill was a memorandum in these words: ^Shipped at Cincinnati on board steamer Tecumseh, to be re-shipped at Louisville per steamer Amazon.' It was25 L,ooQle29*2SUPREME COURT OF OHIO,Lawraoc* v. M*Gngor.admitted that the Tecumseh and Amazon were both owned by the defendants, and that in certain stages of the river, the Amazon, being the largest boat, was engaged in the lower trade below the falls of the Ohio, and that the Tecumseh was employed in the trade above the falls, and in taking freight to the Amazon below. When the goods in disputeCheap Parajumpers Jackets Sale were shipped, the Tecumseh was at Cincinnati, and the Amazon at Shippingport.A great many witnesses were examined before the jury. From the testimony it appeared that until about 1819, it was the general custom to transport merchandize at low water around the falls on drays. That about that time some carriers began to use flat boats to transport over the falls, and from that time to this, the use of flats for that purpose had been increasing, though both methods were still used. It was left uncertain which method now prevailed most. -The transportation over the falls in flats was preferred by many, because it kept the goods cleaner, exposed them less to the sun, left them in a better state for the market in the lower country, and was less expensive. That mode of passing the falls was more hazardous than by drays, but was counterbalanced by the advantage arising from the convenience of the transportation and condition of the goods. The insurance offices charged one eighth per cent, more premium for insurance, if the goods were intended to pass the falls in flats; but it frequently happened that carriers obtained leave to take over the falls in flats, either verbally* or by memorandum on the bill of lading;

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