272 - TEX Quotes

来源:互联网 发布:永恒之塔多玩数据库 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 22:28

eX Quotes 272 - TEX Quotes

TeX is a typesetting language developed by Donald Knuth. It takes sourcetext together with a few typesetting instructions and produces, one hopes,a beautiful document. Beautiful documents use `` and "to delimit quotations, rather than the mundane" which is what is providedby most keyboards. Keyboards typically do not have an oriented double-quote,but they do have a left-single-quote` and a right-single-quote'. Checkyour keyboard now to locate the left-single-quote key` (sometimes calledthe ``backquote key") and the right-single-quote key' (sometimescalled the ``apostrophe" or just ``quote"). Be carefulnot to confuse the left-single-quote` with the ``backslash" key\. TeX lets the user type two left-single-quotes`` to create a left-double-quote ``and two right-single-quotes '' to create a right-double-quote ''. Most typists,however, are accustomed to delimiting their quotations with the un-orienteddouble-quote".

If the source contained

"To be or not to be," quoth the bard, "that is the question."

then the typeset document produced by TeX would not contain the desiredform:

``To be or not to be," quoth the bard, ``that is the question."

In order to produce the desired form, the source file mustcontain the sequence:

``To be or not to be,'' quoth the bard, ``that is the question.''

You are to write a program which converts text containing double-quote (")characters into text that is identical except that double-quotes have beenreplaced by the two-character sequences required by TeX for delimiting quotationswith oriented double-quotes. The double-quote (") characters shouldbe replaced appropriately by either`` if the" opens a quotation andby '' if the " closes a quotation. Notice that the question of nestedquotations does not arise: The first" must be replaced by``, thenext by '', the next by ``, the next by '', the next by``, the next by '', and so on.

Input and Output

Input will consist of several lines of text containing an even number ofdouble-quote (") characters. Input is ended with an end-of-file character.The text must be output exactly as it was input except that:

  • the first " in each pair is replaced by two ` characters: `` and
  • the second " in each pair is replaced by two ' characters: ''.

Sample Input

"To be or not to be," quoth the Bard, "thatis the question".The programming contestant replied: "I must disagree.To `C' or not to `C', that is The Question!"

Sample Output

``To be or not to be,'' quoth the Bard, ``thatis the question''.The programming contestant replied: ``I must disagree.To `C' or not to `C', that is The Question!''
#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>
int main(){    char c[200];    int i,j,q=1;    while ((c[i]=getchar())!=EOF)       {        if (c[i]=='"')
                   if (q)                 printf("``");
                 else                printf("''");                q=!q;               }
else                printf("%c",c[i]);       }    return 0;}
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热门问题 老师的惩罚 人脸识别 我在镇武司摸鱼那些年 重生之率土为王 我在大康的咸鱼生活 盘龙之生命进化 天生仙种 凡人之先天五行 春回大明朝 姑娘不必设防,我是瞎子 南方公园完整破碎讲话嘴不动怎么办 同一个安全员被锁在两个项目怎么办 家长拖欠家教老师的课时费怎么办 合同没到期房东不退押金怎么办 租房合同没到期房东要违约怎么办 档案存放费交了一年的延期怎么办 天津房子卖了户口没地方迁怎么办 中国到美国读计算机硕士签证怎么办 在江苏大学去德国读研怎么办? 宿舍上下铺的床一动就响怎么办 自助取款机存款忘打印了凭条怎么办 高一新生跨省转学籍怎么办 网上买票不小心买成了学生票怎么办 做横幅标语字打出来老是歪的怎么办 创业板股票暂停上市后钱怎么办 新股东入股公司之前的亏损怎么办 目前公司账面亏损有人要入股怎么办 土地确权后没有土地的人怎么办 老板不发工资跑路了怎么办 别人登录了我的美团账号怎么办 月嫂家政公司快坚持不下去了怎么办 华硕飞马4a手机发热怎么办 超级必发指数手机页面没曲线怎么办 唐小僧理财暴雷了投资者该怎么办 教师资格证面试准考证号忘了怎么办 初中学校说处分不给毕业证怎么办? 自动档一键打火的车没电了怎么办 物流代收货款一直拿不到钱怎么办 丰巢快递柜收不到验证码怎么办 拼多多三级惩罚下架3天怎么办 在万达买的衣服穿一次烂了怎么办 内蒙古对于没有地的农民改怎么办 微信号码重新注册后回零钱怎么办 安卓系统文件苹果手机打不开怎么办 课题必须发表论文吗?查重怎么办 学信网学籍绑定输错5次怎么办 大学学校图书馆借的书丢了怎么办 借阅机里的图书不显示书名怎么办 苹果6s锁屏密码忘了怎么办 父亲去世后妈将父亲存款带走怎么办 狗和别的狗打架腿瘸了怎么办