
来源:互联网 发布:网络教育高中升本科 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 12:09


create table CHINESE(  TID     NUMBER not null,  STUDENT VARCHAR2(50))
create table ENGLISH(  TID     NUMBER not null,  STUDENT VARCHAR2(50))
create table MATH(  TID     NUMBER not null,  STUDENT VARCHAR2(50))




Select a.student from english aUnion Select b.student from chinese bUnion Select c.student from math c

Select distinct case when a.student is null then                      case when b.student is null then                                c.student                          else b.student end                     else a.student end  studentfrom english  a full join chinese b on a.student =b.student full join math c on a.student=c.student and a.student=b.student



Select a.student from english aintersect Select b.student from chinese bintersect Select c.student from math c


Select distinct a.studentfrom english  a inner join chinese b on a.student =b.student inner join math c    on a.student=c.student and a.student=b.student



Select a.student from english aintersect Select b.student from chinese bminus Select c.student from math c


Select distinct a.studentfrom chinese ainner join english b on a.student = b.studentleft join math c on a.student=c.student or b.student=c.studentwhere c.student is null 



Select a.student from english aunion Select b.student from chinese bintersect Select c.student from math c


select c.studentfrom chinese afull join english b on a.student=b.student inner join math c on (a.student=c.student or b.student=c.student)



Select a.student from english aunionSelect b.student from chinese bminusSelect c.student from math c


Select distinct case when a.student is null                      then b.student                      else a.student endfrom chinese a full join english b on a.student = b.student left join math c on (c.student=a.student or c.student=b.student )where c.student is null



Select c.student from math c minus(Select a.student from chinese aunionSelect b.student from english b)


Select distinct c.student from chinese afull join english b on a.student=b.student right join math c on a.student=c.student or b.student=c.studentwhere a.student is null and b.student is null




(Select a.student from chinese aunionSelect b.student from english bintersect Select c.student from math c)union(Select a.student from chinese aintersectSelect b.student from english b)


Select distinct case when a.student is null then                      case when b.student is null then                                c.student                          else b.student end                     else a.student end  studentfrom chinese a full join english b on a.student=b.studentfull join math c on a.student=c.student or b.student =c.studentwhere (a.student is not null and b.student is not null ) or (a.student is not null and c.student is not null )or (b.student is not null and c.student is not null )



(Select c.student from english c minus(Select a.student from chinese aunionSelect b.student from math b))union(Select c.student from chinese c minus(Select a.student from math aunionSelect b.student from english b))union(Select c.student from math c minus(Select a.student from chinese aunionSelect b.student from english b))

Select distinct case when a.student is null then                      case when b.student is null then                                c.student                          else b.student end                     else a.student end  studentfrom chinese a full join english b on a.student=b.studentfull join math c on a.student=c.student or b.student =c.studentwhere (a.student is null and b.student is null )or (a.student is null and c.student is null )or(b.student is null and c.student is null )


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