使用微博API(nearby timeline接口)搜集含GPS新浪微博数据

来源:互联网 发布:js canvas api 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 14:25









'''CollectGeoInPeriod can collect geospatial weibo data of defined zone that is circular region in periodIn this class, just need change the period hour after hour to fetch weibo of the defined zone so that collect as much data as possible'''class CollectGeoInPeriod:    '''    constructor    @paraments:        accessToken: the access token for calling weibo api        lat, longt: the center of defined circular zone, which is defined by latitude and longitude        radius: the radius of defined circular zone        queue: the synchronized container to hold weibo data    '''    def __init__(self, accessToken, lat, longt, queue, radius=10000):        self.logger = logging.getLogger('main.geoInPeriod')        self.client = self.initWBAPI(accessToken)        self.lat = lat        self.longt = longt        self.radius = radius        self.queue = queue    def logSep(self):        self.logger.info('-----------------------------------------------------')            def log(self, info):        self.logger.info(info)        self.logger.info('Latitude: ' + str(self.lat))        self.logger.info('Longitude: ' + str(self.longt))        self.logger.info('Radius: ' + str(self.radius))    '''    initialize the weibo api client    @paraments:        accessToken: the access token for calling weibo api. (such as '2.00BTaqXF06XASO33243564b69kVghB')    @return:        client: a client of weibo api    '''    def initWBAPI(self, accessToken):                client = weibo.APIClient()        client.set_access_token(accessToken)        return client    '''    transfer the format time to unix time    @paraments:        date: a date string which has strict format. (Date Format Example: 2013-06-09 00:30:00)    @return:        unix timestamp, integer numbers, which must be required by the weibo api    '''    def getUnixTime(self, date):        return int(time.mktime(time.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')))    '''    call the weibo api for weibo data    @paraments:        the request paraments are listed in url:http://open.weibo.com/wiki/2/place/nearby_timeline    @return:        the dict contains response weibo data or null,        the format turns to example in page(http://open.weibo.com/wiki/2/place/nearby_timeline)    '''    def fetchContent(self, page, count, starttime, endtime):        return self.client.place.nearby_timeline.get(lat=self.lat,                               long=self.longt,                               starttime=self.getUnixTime(starttime),                               endtime=self.getUnixTime(endtime),                               count=count,                               range=self.radius,                               page=page)    '''    Give a circular region, collect the data in short period and store them in queue.    @paraments:        starttime: the start time of the period        endtime: the end time of the period        maxTryNum: set max numbers to try when the internet is poor    '''    def downloadInPeriod(self, starttime, endtime, maxTryNum = 4):        page = 1        count = 50        actualSize = 0        expectedTotal = 0        isReapeated = ''        while(True):            for tryNum in range(maxTryNum):                try:                    content = self.fetchContent(page, count, starttime, endtime)                    break                except Exception, e:                    if tryNum < (maxTryNum-1):                        time.sleep(10)                        self.logger.info('Retry...')                        self.logSep()                        continue                    else:                        self.log('Exception: ' + str(e))                        self.logger.info('TimeScope: ' + starttime + ' -- ' + endtime)                        self.logSep()                        return False            ## check whether the response is null or not            if type(content) == list:                self.logger.info('Return Null!!!')                self.logger.info('Expected Total Number: ' + str(expectedTotal))                self.logger.info('Actual Weibo Number: ' + str(actualSize))                self.logger.info('TimeScope: ' + starttime + ' -- ' + endtime + ' IS OVER!')                self.logSep()                return True            expectedTotal = content['total_number']            statusList = content['statuses']            ## check whether the return is empty or not            if (not statusList) or (not len(statusList)):                self.logger.info('Return Zero!!!')                self.logger.info('Expected Total Number: ' + str(expectedTotal))                self.logger.info('Actual Weibo Number: ' + str(actualSize))                self.logger.info('TimeScope: ' + starttime + ' -- ' + endtime + ' IS OVER!')                self.logSep()                return True            ##  check whether the returning contents are repeated or not            if isReapeated == statusList[0]['mid']:                self.log('Reapeat!!! #Page' + str(page))                self.logger.info('TimeScope: ' + starttime + ' -- ' + endtime)                self.logger.info('Expected Total Number: ' + str(expectedTotal))                self.logger.info('Actual Weibo Number: ' + str(actualSize))                self.logSep()                                self.logger.info('sleeping 80 seconds...')                time.sleep(80)                page += 1                continue            else:                isReapeated = statusList[0]['mid']            ##  store the status collected in queue              for status in statusList:                self.queue.put(status)             ##  check whether is over and recompute the next count            curSize = len(statusList)            actualSize += curSize            if expectedTotal == actualSize:                self.logger.info('Return Full...')                self.logger.info('TimeScope: ' + starttime + ' -- ' + endtime + ' IS OVER!')                self.logSep()                return True            elif expectedTotal - actualSize >= 50:                count = 50            elif expectedTotal - actualSize >= 20:                count = expectedTotal - actualSize            else:                count = 20            ##  ready for next page            page += 1

'''GraspGeo is the class to grasp the statuses in special area, extending the Thread classUse a instance of GraspGeo to collect a specified area within specified period'''class GraspGeo(threading.Thread):    def __init__(self, queue, threadName, accessToken, lat, longt, starttime, endtime, hasEnd=1):        threading.Thread.__init__(self, name=threadName)        self.name = threadName        self.collecGeo = CollectGeoInPeriod(accessToken, lat, longt, queue)        self.starttime = starttime        self.endtime = self.getEndtime(starttime)        self.hasEnd = hasEnd        self.END = endtime        self.logger = logging.getLogger('main.geoNearPoint.' + self.name)        self.start()    def getEndtime(self, starttime, interval = 60*60):        start_datetime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(time.strptime(starttime, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')))        end_datetime = start_datetime + datetime.timedelta(seconds = interval)        endtime = end_datetime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')        return endtime    def notEnd(self):        if self.hasEnd:            return (time.strptime(self.starttime,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) < (time.strptime(self.END,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))        else:            return True            def run(self):        while self.notEnd():            self.logger.info('TimeScope: ' + self.starttime + ' -- ' + self.endtime)            if self.collecGeo.downloadInPeriod(self.starttime, self.endtime):                self.starttime = self.endtime                self.endtime = self.getEndtime(self.starttime)            else:                self.collecGeo.log('Intenet Error!')                self.logger.error('TimeScope: ' + self.starttime + ' -- ' + self.endtime)        else:            self.logger.info('+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++')            self.logger.info(self.name + ' Task Overs!')            self.collecGeo.log('Task Infomation')            self.logger.info('TimeScope: ' + self.starttime + ' -- ' + self.endtime)            self.logger.info('+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++')            self.collecGeo = None

'''Import the collected date into the mongodb'''class ImportDB(threading.Thread):    def __init__(self, queue):        threading.Thread.__init__(self)        self.queue = queue        self.conn = pymongo.MongoClient(dbURL)        self.status = conn[database][collection]        self.goon = True        self.logger = logging.getLogger('main.importDB')        self.start()    def formatTime(self, starttime):        return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(time.strptime(starttime, '%a %b %d %H:%M:%S +0800 %Y')))    def run(self):        while self.goon:            try:                ##  extract one from queue                record = self.queue.get(block=True, timeout=120)                ##  import record into MongoDB                ##  exchange the position of latitude and longitude to maximum compatibility of the mongodb geospatial index                if record and ('geo' in record) and record['geo'] and ('coordinates' in record['geo']):                    record['geo']['coordinates'] = record['geo']['coordinates'][::-1]                    record['created_at'] = self.formatTime(record['created_at'])                    try:                        self.status.insert(record)                        ##  signals to queue job is done                        self.queue.task_done()                    except Exception, e:                        #self.logger.debug(str(e))                        pass                else:                    time.sleep(3)            except Exception,e:                self.goon = False                self.conn.close()

##  initialize logging                logger = logging.getLogger('main')logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)filehandler = logging.FileHandler('collect.log')filehandler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)streamhandler = logging.StreamHandler()streamhandler.setLevel(logging.INFO)formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s: %(message)s')filehandler.setFormatter(formatter)streamhandler.setFormatter(formatter)logger.addHandler(filehandler)logger.addHandler(streamhandler)##  initialize the paraments config = open('config.yaml')params = yaml.load(config)config.close()points = params['points']for point in points:    logger.info('name:%s' %point['name'])    logger.info('latitude:%s  longtude:%s' %(point['lat'], point['longt']))        starttime = params['starttime']endtime = params['endtime']dbURL = params['dbURL']dbThreadNum = params['dbThreadNum']database = params['database']collection = params['collection']logger.info('starttime:%s  endtime:%s' %(starttime, endtime))logger.info('dbThreadNum:%s' %dbThreadNum)logger.info('database:%s  collection:%s' %(database, collection))def main():        queue = Queue.Queue(0)    p = []    q = []    for point in points:        t = GraspGeo(queue, point['name'], point['accessToken'], point['lat'], point['longt'], starttime, endtime)        p.append(t)    #import data to mongodb    for j in xrange(dbThreadNum):        dt = ImportDB(queue)        q.append(dt)            #wait on the queue until everything has been processed    for m in xrange(dbThreadNum):        if q[m].isAlive():q[m].join()    queue.join()        #print 'ALL OVER!'    #logger.info('ALL OVER!')if __name__ == '__main__':    main()

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