LotusScript 学习笔记4

来源:互联网 发布:智能小车惯性导航算法 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 04:42
LotusScript 学习笔记4


五、Procedures:Functions, Subs, and Properties




Function 定义:
[Public|Private] [Static] Function functionName [(parameters)][As dataType]



Example 1函数的定义和调用
'Define a function FOver with three Integer parameters:
'a variable, an array variable, and a list variable.
Function FOver(a As Integer, b() As Integer, c List As Integer)
End Function
Dim x As Integer
Dim y(5) As Integer
Dim z List As Integer
'Call the function FOver correctly, with arguments
'whose types match the types of the declared parameters.
Call FOver(x, y, z)

Example 2
'Define a function GLevel with one Integer list parameter.
Function GLevel (b List As Integer)
End Function
Dim z List As Integer
'Call the function GLevel incorrectly, passing a list
'argument by value.
Call GLevel ((z))
'Error: Illegal pass by value: Z
'A list argument cannot be passed by value.

Example 3
'Define a function FExpr with two Integer parameters;
'the second must always be passed by value.
Function FExpr(a As Integer, ByVal b As Integer)
End Function
Dim x As Integer, w As Integer
Dim y(5) As Integer
Dim z List As Integer
'Call the function FExpr correctly with two Integer
'arguments: a constant and a variable.
Call FExpr(TRUE, x)
'Both arguments are passed by value:
'the first, TRUE, because it is a constant;常量进行的乃是值传递
'and the second, x, because of the ByVal declaration
'in FExpr.
'The following call produces two error messages:
Call FExpr(TRUE, y)
'Error: Illegal pass by value: Y
'Error: Type mismatch on: Y
'Because Y is an array variable, it is an illegal argument to
'pass by value and its type does not match the declared
'parameter type.

Example 4
'When a function modifies one of its parameters,
'the argument value is changed after the function returns
'if the argument was passed by reference. The value is not
'changed if the argument was passed by value.
Function FTRefOrVal(a As Integer) As Integer
FTRefOrVal = a + 1
a = a + 5
End Function
Dim x As Integer, y As Integer
'Show results of passing argument by reference.引用传递
Print x, FTRefOrVal(x), x
'0 1 5
'The value of x was changed from 0 to 5 in FTRefOrVal.
'Show results of calling with argument by value
'(note the extra parentheses around y%).值传递
Print y, FTRefOrVal((y)), y
'0 1 0
'The value of the copy of y was changed from 0 to 5
'in FTRefOrVal. The value of y is unchanged.

FunctionName = returnValue,
For example:
Function Cubit(intArg%) As Double
'Return the cube of intArg%.
Cubit# = intArg% ^ 3
End Function
Function Left5(aString As String) As String
'Return the leftmost 5 characters of aString$.
Left5$ = Left$(aString$, 5)
End Function


传入fistName,space,lastName的String 数组,返回lastName,space,fistName的String 数组

Dim myVariantVarV As Variant
Dim anArray(1 to 3) As String
Dim X As Integer
anArray$(1) = "Alex Smith"
anArray$(2) = "Elizabeth Jones"
anArray$(3) = "Martin Minsky"
Function SwitchNames(arrayOfNames() As String) As Variant
'Declare a local array variable to pass back to the
'application as the return value of SwitchNames.
'Performing the operation on arrayOfNames, which is
'passed by reference, would change anArray if
'arrayOfNames were the return value of the function.
Dim newArrayOfNames(1 to 3) As String
Dim tempArray(1 to 2, 1 to 3) as String
Dim aSpace As Integer
For X% = 1 to 3
'Locate the space that separates first name from
'last name in arrayOfNames, then extract everything
'before the space to tempArray, then extract
'everything after the space to the corresponding
'location in tempArray’s second dimension.
aSpace% = Instr(arrayOfNames$(X%), " ")
tempArray$(1, X%) = Mid$(arrayOfNames$(X%), 1 , aSpace% - 1)
tempArray$(2, X%) = Mid$(arrayOfNames$(X%), aSpace% + 1,Len(arrayOfNames$(X%)))
For X% = 1 to 3
newArrayOfNames(X%) = tempArray(2, X%) & ", " & tempArray(1, X%)
SwitchNames = newArrayOfNames
End Function
MyVariantVarV = SwitchNames(anArray())
For X% = 1 to 3
print myVariantVarV(x%)
'Output: Smith, Alex
'Jones, Elizabeth
'Minsky, Martin
For x% = 1 to 3
Print anArray(x%)
'Output: Alex Smith
'Elizabeth Jones
'Martin Minsky

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