
来源:互联网 发布:o2o源码 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/13 08:02


this is sqlite ORM (an automatic database operation) 
thread-safe and not afraid of recursive deadlock

QQ群号 113767274 有什么问题或者改进的地方大家一起讨论

推荐个 json 和 model 互转非常好用的工具类 支持 NSData 直接转换成 model array

Big Upgrade 2.0

Supported NSArray,NSDictionaryModelClassNSNumberNSStringNSDateNSDataUIColor,UIImageCGRectCGPointCGSizeNSRangeint,char,floatdoublelong.. attribute to insert and select automation.

全面支持 NSArray,NSDictionaryModelClassNSNumberNSStringNSDateNSDataUIColor,UIImageCGRectCGPointCGSizeNSRangeint,char,floatdoublelong.. 等属性的自动化操作(插入和查询)


  • iOS 4.3+
  • ARC only
  • FMDB(

Adding to your project

If you are using CocoaPods, then, just add this line to your PodFile

pod 'LKDBHelper', :head

If you are using Encryption, Order can not be wrong

pod 'FMDB/SQLCipher',:headpod 'LKDBHelper',:head

@property(strong,nonatomic)NSString* encryptionKey;

Basic usage

1 . Create a new Objective-C class for your data model

@interface LKTest : NSObject@property(copy,nonatomic)NSString* name;@property NSUInteger  age;@property BOOL isGirl;@property(strong,nonatomic)LKTestForeign* address;@property(strong,nonatomic)NSArray* blah;@property(strong,nonatomic)NSDictionary* hoho;@property char like;...

2 . in the *.m file, overwirte getTableName function (option)

+(NSString *)getTableName{    return @"LKTestTable";}

3 . in the *.m file, overwirte callback function (option)

@interface NSObject(LKDBHelper_Delegate)+(void)dbDidCreateTable:(LKDBHelper*)helper tableName:(NSString*)tableName;+(void)dbDidAlterTable:(LKDBHelper*)helper tableName:(NSString*)tableName addColumns:(NSArray*)columns;+(BOOL)dbWillInsert:(NSObject*)entity;+(void)dbDidInserted:(NSObject*)entity result:(BOOL)result;+(BOOL)dbWillUpdate:(NSObject*)entity;+(void)dbDidUpdated:(NSObject*)entity result:(BOOL)result;+(BOOL)dbWillDelete:(NSObject*)entity;+(void)dbDidDeleted:(NSObject*)entity result:(BOOL)result;///data read finish+(void)dbDidSeleted:(NSObject*)entity;@end

4 . Initialize your model with data and insert to database

    LKTestForeign* foreign = [[LKTestForeign alloc]init];    foreign.address = @":asdasdasdsadasdsdas";    foreign.postcode  = 123341;    foreign.addid = 213214;    //插入数据    insert table row    LKTest* test = [[LKTest alloc]init]; = @"zhan san";    test.age = 16;    //外键 foreign key    test.address = foreign;    test.blah = @[@"1",@"2",@"3"];    test.blah = @[@"0",@[@1],@{@"2":@2},foreign];    test.hoho = @{@"array":test.blah,@"foreign":foreign,@"normal":@123456,@"date":[NSDate date]};    ///warning: NSDate没做处理  所以不能在 NSArray 里 或者 NSDictionry 里面使用NSDate    //异步 插入第一条 数据   Insert the first    [test saveToDB];    //or    //[globalHelper insertToDB:test];

5 . select 、 delete 、 update 、 isExists 、 rowCount ...

    select:        NSMutableArray* array = [LKTest searchWithWhere:nil orderBy:nil offset:0 count:100];        for (id obj in arraySync) {            addText(@"%@",[obj printAllPropertys]);        }    delete:        [LKTest deleteToDB:test];    update: = "rename";        [LKTest updateToDB:test where:nil];    isExists:        [LKTest isExistsWithModel:test];    rowCount:        [LKTest rowCountWithWhere:nil];

6 . Description of parameters "where"

 For example:         single:  @"rowid = 1"                         or      @{@"rowid":@1}        more:    @"rowid = 1 and sex = 0"             or      @{@"rowid":@1,@"sex":@0}                    when where is "or" type , such as @"rowid = 1 or sex = 0"                    you only use NSString        array:   @"rowid in (1,2,3)"                  or      @{@"rowid":@[@1,@2,@3]}        composite:  @"rowid in (1,2,3) and sex=0 "      or      @{@"rowid":@[@1,@2,@3],@"sex":@0}        If you want to be judged , only use NSString        For example: @"date >= '2013-04-01 00:00:00'"

table mapping

overwirte getTableMapping Function (option)

+(NSDictionary *)getTableMapping{    //return nil     return @{@"name":LKSQLInherit,             @"MyAge":@"age",             @"img":LKSQLInherit,             @"MyDate":@"date",             @"color":LKSQLInherit,             @"address":LKSQLUserCalculate};}

table update (option)

+(void)dbDidAlterTable:(LKDBHelper *)helper tableName:(NSString *)tableName addColumns:(NSArray *)columns{    for (int i=0; i<columns.count; i++)    {        LKDBProperty* p = [columns objectAtIndex:i];        if([p.propertyName isEqualToString:@"error"])        {            [helper executeDB:^(FMDatabase *db) {                NSString* sql = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"update %@ set error = name",tableName];                [db executeUpdate:sql];            }];        }    }}

set column attribute (option)

+(void)columnAttributeWithProperty:(LKDBProperty *)property{    if([property.sqlColumnName isEqualToString:@"MyAge"])    {        property.defaultValue = @"15";    }    if([property.propertyName isEqualToString:@"date"])    {        property.isUnique = YES;        property.checkValue = @"MyDate > '2000-01-01 00:00:00'";        property.length = 30;    }}

demo screenshot

demo screenshot 
table test data

foreign key data

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