last day on windows programming

来源:互联网 发布:单片机 液晶屏与电机 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 01:20




/* Demonstrate a bitmap */#include <windows.h>#include <string.h>#include <stdio.h>#include "resource.h"#include <iostream>#include <cstring>#include <string>#include <ctime>#define sunnum 9using namespace std;#define ID_TIMER1  1000#define ID_TIMER2  1001#define ID_TIMER3  1002static int hitcount = 0;LRESULT CALLBACK WindowFunc(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM);BOOL CALLBACK DialogFunc(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM);char szWinName[] = "MyWin"; HBITMAP hOpen;HBITMAP hstartup, hmstartup, hstartdown,hmstartdown; HBITMAP hbk, hsun, hmsun,hboom,hmboom,hwhite;HBITMAP harrow, hmarrow, hbow, hmbow;HINSTANCE hInst; //实例代号void PutBit(HWND hwnd, HBITMAP hBit, int X, int Y, int Width, int Height, DWORD dwHow){HDC DC, memDC;HGDIOBJ hOldBit;DC = GetDC(hwnd); /* get device context */memDC = CreateCompatibleDC(DC);  /* create compatible DC */SelectObject(memDC, hBit);BitBlt(DC, X, Y, X+Width, Y+Height, memDC, 0, 0, dwHow);  /* display image */ReleaseDC(hwnd, DC);//SelectObject(memDC, hOldBit);DeleteDC(memDC); /* free the memory context */}int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hThisInst, HINSTANCE hPrevInst, LPSTR lpszArgs, int nWinMode){HWND hwnd;MSG msg;WNDCLASSEX wcl;HACCEL hAccel;wcl.cbSize = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX);wcl.hInstance = hThisInst; wcl.lpszClassName = szWinName; wcl.lpfnWndProc = WindowFunc; /* window function */ = 0; /* default style */wcl.hIcon = LoadIcon(hThisInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(127)); /* standard icon */wcl.hIconSm = NULL; /* SMALL ICON */wcl.hCursor = LoadCursor(hThisInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(130)); /* cursor style *//* Specify name of menu resource. This will be overridden. */wcl.lpszMenuName = MAKEINTRESOURCE(128); /* main menu */wcl.cbClsExtra = 0; /* no extra information needed */wcl.cbWndExtra = 0;/* no extra information needed *//* Make the windows backgraoud white */wcl.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH);/* Register the window class. */if (!RegisterClassEx(&wcl))return 0;hInst = hThisInst;/* Now that a window class has been registered, a window can be created. */hwnd = CreateWindow(szWinName,/* name of window class */"后羿射日", /* title */WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, /* window style - normal */CW_USEDEFAULT,/* X coordinate - let Winodws decide */CW_USEDEFAULT,/* Y coordinate - let Windows decide */800,/* width - let Windows decide */450,/* height - let Windows decide */HWND_DESKTOP, /* no parent window */NULL,  /*  no menu */hThisInst, /* handle of this instance of the program */NULL /* no additional arguments */);/* Load accelerators. */hAccel = LoadAccelerators(hThisInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(135));/* Display the windows. */ShowWindow(hwnd, nWinMode);UpdateWindow(hwnd);/* Createthe message loop. */while (GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)){if (!TranslateAccelerator(hwnd, hAccel, &msg))//对加速键的处理{TranslateMessage(&msg); /* translate keyboard messages */DispatchMessage(&msg); /* return control to Windows 98 */}}return msg.wParam;}LRESULT CALLBACK WindowFunc(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam){HMENU hMenu;HDC hdc;//static HINSTANCE hInstance;PAINTSTRUCT ps;SIZE size;BITMAP bitmap;static RECT rect;static POINT mouse;static POINT sunp[1200];static bool start = false;static bool arrowup = false;static int seed, i = 0;seed = time_t(NULL);static int time = 3000;//timer1间隔static int count = 0;static int timeleft = sunnum;//太阳个数static int flag = 0;static int bowx = 350;static int arrowx = 400, arrowy = 350;static bool hit[1200] = { false };static int response;char ctimes[100], ctimeleft[100];switch (message) {case WM_CREATE:hOpen = LoadBitmap(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(101));hstartup = LoadBitmap(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(103));hmstartup = LoadBitmap(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(104));hstartdown = LoadBitmap(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(105));hbk = LoadBitmap(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(109));hsun = LoadBitmap(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(113));hmsun = LoadBitmap(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(114));hboom = LoadBitmap(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(115));hmboom = LoadBitmap(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(116));harrow = LoadBitmap(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(120));hmarrow = LoadBitmap(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(121));hbow = LoadBitmap(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(122));hmbow = LoadBitmap(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(123));SetTimer(hwnd, ID_TIMER1, time, NULL);//太阳SetTimer(hwnd, ID_TIMER2, 5, NULL);//判断箭是否射中太阳SetTimer(hwnd, ID_TIMER3, 5, NULL);//箭上移srand(seed);seed = rand();srand(seed);for (int j = 0; j < 1200; j++){sunp[j].x = rand() % 730;sunp[j].y = rand() % 100;}return 0;case WM_LBUTTONDOWN:mouse.x = LOWORD(lParam);mouse.y = HIWORD(lParam);if (mouse.x > 540 && mouse.x<764 && mouse.y>150 && mouse.y < 224){flag = 1;}return 0;case WM_LBUTTONUP:if (flag == 1)start = true;InvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, false);return 0;case WM_PAINT:hdc = BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps);if (start == false){PutBit(hwnd, hOpen, 0, 0, 800, 450, SRCCOPY);PutBit(hwnd, hstartup, 540, 150, 224, 74, SRCINVERT);PutBit(hwnd, hmstartup, 540, 150, 224, 74, SRCAND);PutBit(hwnd, hstartup, 540, 150, 224, 74, SRCINVERT);}//太阳和背景else{PutBit(hwnd, hbk, 0, 0, 800, 450, SRCCOPY);if (hit[i] == true){PutBit(hwnd, hboom, sunp[i].x - 5, sunp[i].y - 5, 70, 70, SRCINVERT);PutBit(hwnd, hmboom, sunp[i].x - 5, sunp[i].y - 5, 70, 70, SRCAND);PutBit(hwnd, hboom, sunp[i].x - 5, sunp[i].y - 5, 70, 70, SRCINVERT);}else{PutBit(hwnd, hsun, sunp[i].x, sunp[i].y, 60, 60, SRCINVERT);PutBit(hwnd, hmsun, sunp[i].x, sunp[i].y, 60, 60, SRCAND);PutBit(hwnd, hsun, sunp[i].x, sunp[i].y, 60, 60, SRCINVERT);}PutBit(hwnd, hbow, bowx, 350, 100, 71, SRCINVERT);PutBit(hwnd, hmbow, bowx, 350, 100, 71, SRCAND);PutBit(hwnd, hbow, bowx, 350, 100, 71, SRCINVERT);PutBit(hwnd, harrow, arrowx, arrowy, 4, 71, SRCINVERT);PutBit(hwnd, hmarrow, arrowx, arrowy, 4, 71, SRCAND);PutBit(hwnd, harrow, arrowx, arrowy, 4, 71, SRCINVERT);TextOut(hdc, 0, 0, TEXT("得分:"), 6);TextOut(hdc, 62, 0, TEXT("剩余太阳:"),10);sprintf_s(ctimes, "%i", hitcount);sprintf_s(ctimeleft, "%i", timeleft);if (hitcount>=10)TextOut(hdc, 45, 0, ctimes, 2);else TextOut(hdc, 45, 0, ctimes, 1);if (timeleft<10)TextOut(hdc, 132, 0, ctimeleft, 1);elseTextOut(hdc, 132, 0, ctimeleft, 2);}EndPaint(hwnd, &ps);break;case WM_KEYDOWN:switch (wParam){case VK_LEFT:if (bowx >= 50){bowx = bowx - 50;if (arrowup == false)arrowx = bowx + 50;}flag = 0;InvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, false);break;case VK_RIGHT:if (bowx <= 650){bowx = bowx + 50;if (arrowup == false)arrowx = bowx + 50;}flag = 0;InvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, false);break;case VK_SPACE:if (arrowup==false)arrowup = true;    break;}case WM_TIMER:switch (wParam){case ID_TIMER1://出现太阳if (start == true){timeleft --;//用来输出剩余太阳个数count++;//用来结束计时器i++;//用来画太阳InvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, false);}if (count == sunnum+1)//太阳个数{KillTimer(hwnd, ID_TIMER1);DialogBox(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(132), hwnd, (DLGPROC)DialogFunc);if (time>1000)SetTimer(hwnd, ID_TIMER1, time - 1000, NULL);//太阳else SetTimer(hwnd, ID_TIMER1, time, NULL);hitcount = 0;count = 0;timeleft = sunnum;start = false;//sprintf_s(ctimes, "你射中了%i个太阳", hitcount);//MessageBox(NULL, ctimes, TEXT("Game over"), 0);//start = false;//PostQuitMessage(0);}break;case ID_TIMER3://箭上移if (start == true){if (arrowup == false)arrowx = bowx+50;else{if (arrowy < -71){arrowy = 350;arrowx = bowx + 50;arrowup = false;InvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, false);}else{arrowy = arrowy - 5;InvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, false);}}}break;case ID_TIMER2:if (start == true) {if (sunp[i].x <= arrowx&&arrowx <= sunp[i].x + 60 && sunp[i].y <= arrowy&&arrowy <= sunp[i].y + 30){hit[i] = true;hitcount++;arrowy = 350;arrowx = bowx+50;arrowup = false;InvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, false);}}break;}return 0;case WM_COMMAND:hMenu = GetMenu(hwnd);switch (LOWORD(wParam)) {case IDM_START:if (start==false)start = true;return 0;case IDM_EXIT:response = MessageBox(hwnd, "真的退出游戏?", "退出游戏", MB_YESNO);if (response == IDYES)PostQuitMessage(0);return 0;case IDM_ABOUT:MessageBox(hwnd, "开发者\n12122558 彭素素\n12122563 李玉玮\n12122571 徐泉华\n上海大学计算机工程与科学学院\n联系方式", "关于我们", MB_OK);return 0;case IDM_HELP:MessageBox(hwnd, "键盘左右键移动弓箭,空格射箭,射下8个太阳", "帮助", MB_OK);return 0;}return 0;case WM_DESTROY:DeleteObject(hOpen);DeleteObject(hstartup);DeleteObject(hmstartup);DeleteObject(hstartdown);DeleteObject(hbk);DeleteObject(hmsun);DeleteObject(hsun);DeleteObject(hboom);DeleteObject(harrow);DeleteObject(hmarrow);DeleteObject(hbow);DeleteObject(hmbow);PostQuitMessage(0);break;}return DefWindowProc(hwnd, message, wParam, lParam);}BOOL CALLBACK DialogFunc(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam){char str[100], name[50];switch (message) {case WM_COMMAND:switch (LOWORD(wParam)) {case IDOK:GetDlgItemText(hwnd, IDC_EDIT1, name, 80);if (hitcount<8)sprintf_s(str, "%s, 你射中了%i个太阳,剩余太阳多于一个,你被热死了\n点击鼠标再来一局,键盘左右键回到开始界面", name,hitcount);else if (hitcount=9)sprintf_s(str, "%s, 你射中了%i个太阳,已经没有剩余太阳了,你被冷死了\n点击鼠标再来一局,键盘左右键回到开始界面", name, hitcount);elsesprintf_s(str, "%s, 你射中了%i个太阳,你成为了新一代后羿!\n点击鼠标再来一局,键盘左右键回到开始界面", name, hitcount);MessageBox(hwnd, str, "游戏结束", MB_OK);EndDialog(hwnd, 0);return 1;}break;}return 0;}

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