
来源:互联网 发布:sql基础语言 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/04 22:35

Public Sub ExcelToMshfgrd(FileName As String, ByRef RowCount As Integer, ByRef ColCount As Integer, mshg As MSHFlexGrid)                      '直接导入Excel内容到MshFlexGrid

         If InStr(FileName, ".xls") = 0 Then
            MsgBox "请选择 Excel 文件", vbInformation, "请选择正确文件格式"
            Exit Sub
         End If
          Dim oExcel     As Excel.Application         '用前期绑定
          Set oExcel = New Excel.Application
          Dim wsBook     As Workbook         '定义工作簿
          Dim wsSheet     As Worksheet     '定义工作表
          With oExcel
                  .Visible = False
                  Set wsBook = .ActiveWorkbook
                  Set wsBook = .Workbooks.Open(FileName)
                  Set wsSheet = .ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(1)    '读取 Sheet1的数据
          End With
          '读取的Excel,基本格式为  第一行: 主标题 ,第二行 列标题 ,第三行开始正式内容
          With wsSheet
            '      If .Cells(1, 1) = "" Then   '对第一行内容进行检测,也可忽略
             '             MsgBox "请从第一个单元格开始填写数据", vbOKOnly
            '              Exit Sub
             '     End If
                  .Cells(1, 1).Select
'                  If ColCount = .Cells.CurrentRegion.Columns.count Then
'                  End If
                    RowCount = .Cells.CurrentRegion.Rows.count
                    ColCount = .Cells.CurrentRegion.Columns.count
                    With mshg
                            .MergeCells = flexMergeRestrictRows '
                            .MergeRow(0) = True     '合并主标题
                        .Rows = RowCount '+ 1
                        .Cols = ColCount + 1
                        For i = 1 To ColCount
                          .TextMatrix(0, i) = wsSheet.Cells(1, 1)   '读取主标题
                          .TextMatrix(1, i) = wsSheet.Cells(2, i)   '读取列标题
                        For i = 3 To RowCount                       '读取选择的内容
                          .TextMatrix(i - 1, 0) = i - 2                '读取行数
                              For j = 1 To ColCount
                                      .TextMatrix(i - 1, j) = wsSheet.Cells(i, j)

                    End With
          End With
          wsBook.Close False
          oExcel.Quit     '退出
          If Not (wsBook Is Nothing) Then
                  Set wsBook = Nothing    
          End If
          If Not (wsSheet Is Nothing) Then
                  Set wsSheet = Nothing
          End If
          If Not (oExcel Is Nothing) Then
                  Set oExcel = Nothing              
          End If
End Sub