Jest Start

来源:互联网 发布:使命召唤fa7.62l数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 23:25

Jest is a Java HTTP Rest client for Elasticsearch.It is actively developed and tested by Searchly.

A sample Java application using Jest can be found on GitHub


Ensure you have added Sonatype repository to your pom.xml

With Maven add Jest dependency to your pom.xml

Install Jest via Maven


Create a Jest Client (Change apiKey with your api key):


Create an index via Jest with ease;

Create new document.

Index article to “articles” index with “article” type.


Search queries can be either JSON String or ElasticSearch SearchSourceBuilder object.

With Json string;


With SearchSourceBuilder; (Add ElasticSearch as dependency if you want to use SearchSourceBuilder).

Useful Resources

  • Check out documentation of Jest here.
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