读书笔记-《Algorithms in Java》-序言-07/10/11

来源:互联网 发布:websocket java后端 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/23 01:12
2007年10月11日 21:00:01
2007年10月12日 8:35:34 翻译

Form:《Algorithms in Java: Parts 1-4, Third Edition》

1、Most algorithms of interest involve methods of organizing the data involved in the computation. Objects created in this way are called data structures, and they also are central objects of study in computer science. Thus, algorithms and data structures go hand in hand.

2、Careful algorithm design is an extremely effective part of the process of solving a huge problem, whatever the applications area.

3、When a huge or complex computer program is to be developed, a great deal of effort must go into understanding and defining the problem to be solved, managing its complexity, and decomposing it into smaller subtasks that can be implemented easily.

4、The Java libraries contain implementations of a host of fundamental algorithms. However, implementing simple versions of basic algorithms helps us to understand them better and thus to more effectively use and tune advanced versions from a library. More important, the opportunity to reimplement basic algorithms arises frequently. The primary reason to do so is that we are faced, all too often, with completely new computing environments (hardware and software) with new features that old implementations may not use to best advantage. In other words, we often implement basic algorithms tailored to our problem, rather than depending on a system routine, to make our solutions more portable and longer lasting. Another common reason to reimplement basic algorithms is that, despite the advances embodied in Java, the mechanisms that we use for sharing software are not always sufficiently powerful to allow us to conveniently tailor library programs to perform effectively on specific tasks.

5、Computer programs are often overoptimized. It may not be worthwhile to take pains to ensure that an implementation of a particular algorithm is the most efficient possible unless the algorithm is to be used for an enormous task or is to be used many times.
(在Joshua Bloch著的《Effective Java》中有过相同的论述,很有意思。他提出两条:第一条,如果你不是专家的话,请不要做优化。第二条,如果你是专家的话,很好,请参看第一条。

6、 We do pay careful attention to carefully coding the critical parts of the algorithms, and take pains to note where low-level optimization effort could be most beneficial.

7、The choice of the best algorithm for a particular task can be a complicated process, perhaps involving sophisticated mathematical analysis. The branch of computer science that comprises the study of such questions is called analysis of algorithms.

8、We should not use an algorithm without having an idea of what resources it might consume, and we strive to be aware of how our algorithms might be expected to perform.