Unpack Png Files From The Plist File

来源:互联网 发布:xampp配置mysql端口 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 05:47

first, make sure you have both the png and plist files in the same directory, in my case: freeGifts.plist and freeGifts.png

second, save the following script as unpack_plist.py

then, python unpack_plist.py freeGifts, it will generate lots of png files to a directory named freeGifts

requirement: python, PIL

#! /usr/lical/bin/pythonimport os,Image,sysfrom xml.etree import ElementTreedef tree_to_dict(tree):    d = {}    for index, item in enumerate(tree):        if item.tag == 'key':            if tree[index+1].tag == 'string':                d[item.text] = tree[index + 1].text            elif tree[index + 1].tag == 'true':                d[item.text] = True            elif tree[index + 1].tag == 'false':                d[item.text] = False            elif tree[index+1].tag == 'dict':                d[item.text] = tree_to_dict(tree[index+1])    return ddef gen_png_from_plist(plist_filename, png_filename):    file_path = plist_filename.replace('.plist', '')    big_image = Image.open(png_filename)    root = ElementTree.fromstring(open(plist_filename, 'r').read())    plist_dict = tree_to_dict(root[0])    to_list = lambda x: x.replace('{','').replace('}','').split(',')    for k,v in plist_dict['frames'].items():        rectlist = to_list(v['frame'])        width = int( rectlist[3] if v['rotated'] else rectlist[2] )        height = int( rectlist[2] if v['rotated'] else rectlist[3] )        box=(             int(rectlist[0]),            int(rectlist[1]),            int(rectlist[0]) + width,            int(rectlist[1]) + height,            )        sizelist = [ int(x) for x in to_list(v['sourceSize'])]        rect_on_big = big_image.crop(box)        result_image = Image.new('RGBA', sizelist, (0,0,0,0))        result_box=(            ( sizelist[0] - width )/2,            ( sizelist[1] - height )/2,            ( sizelist[0] + width )/2,            ( sizelist[1] + height )/2            )        result_image.paste(rect_on_big, result_box, mask=0)        if v['rotated']:            result_image = result_image.rotate(90)        if not os.path.isdir(file_path):            os.mkdir(file_path)        outfile = (file_path+'/' + k).replace('gift_', '')        print outfile, "generated"        result_image.save(outfile)if __name__ == '__main__':    filename = sys.argv[1]    plist_filename = filename + '.plist'    png_filename = filename + '.png'    if (os.path.exists(plist_filename) and os.path.exists(png_filename)):        gen_png_from_plist( plist_filename, png_filename )    else:        print "make sure you have boith plist and png files in the same directory"


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