
来源:互联网 发布:家有n多宝贝 淘宝 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 01:42





在《Learning Node 2nd》中原文如下:

Searching for Modules
Node.js uses a pretty straightforward set of rules for finding modules requested with the require function:

1. If the requested module is a built-in one—such as http or fs—Node uses that.

2. If the module name in the require function begins with a path component— ./ , ../ , or / — Node looks in the specified directory for that module and tries to load it there. If you don’t specify a .js extension on your module name, Node first looks for a folder-based
module of that name. If it does not find that, it then adds the extensions .js, .json, .node,and in turn tries to load modules of those types. (Modules with the extension .node are compiled add-on modules.)
3. If the module name does not have a path component at the beginning, Node looks in the node_modules / subfolder of the current folder for the module there. If it is found,that is loaded; otherwise, Node works its way up the path tree of the current location
looking for node_modules/ folders there. If those continue to fail, it looks in some standard default locations, such as /usr/lib or /usr/local/lib.
4. If the module isn’t found in any of these locations, an error is thrown.


个人觉得C语言的头文件和Node.js中的module是一个意思,可以说都是库文件,不同的是引用方法和搜寻规则,Node.js中通过require('Module')函数实现引用,并不像C编译器中区分#include <.h>和#include ".h"。

区别于很多非Node.js系统,Node.js并不会把模块、引用部件或动态库集中存储在一个中央位置,当需要请求很多包而这些包本身又需要调用不同版本的模块时这种存储方式就会相当麻烦,在Node中,可以任意包含不同版本的模块,Node的命名空间和模块规则决定了这样的调用根本不会引起冲突。而且为了满足项目的需求可以对项目所引用的个别模块和部件进行升级或更改操作,而这些操作并不会影响到Node 模块系统的其它模块。

在《Learning Node 2nd》中原文如下:

This is one of the most powerful and awesome features of the Node.js module system! In so many
other systems, modules, widgets, or dynamic libraries are all stored in a central location, which
creates versioning nightmares when you require packages that themselves require different
versions of some other module. In Node, they are free to include these different versions of the
other modules, and Node’s namespace and module rules mean that they do not interfere with
each other at all! Individual modules and portions of a project are free to include, update, or
modify included modules as they see fit without affecting the rest of the system.

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