
来源:互联网 发布:窗帘软件窗帘梦工场 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/09 02:28

#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <sys/types.h>#include <sys/socket.h>#include <unistd.h>#include <sys/un.h>#include <sys/select.h>#include <sys/poll.h>#include <string.h>#include <errno.h>#include "list.h"#define UNIX_DOMAIN "/tmp/UNIX.domain" #define CMD_1K 1024typedef int sint32;typedef unsigned int uint32;typedef unsigned char uint8;typedef struct cmd_head{ sint32 len;}cmd_head_t;typedef struct cmd_desc{ cmd_head_t head; uint8 data[0];}cmd_t;typedef struct data_node{ list_t node; cmd_t *cmd;}data_t;cmd_t *cmd_init(sint32 size,sint32 unit);sint32 cmd_set_len(cmd_t *cmd,sint32 len);sint32 my_recv(int socket,cmd_t *cmd);


#include "socket.h"cmd_t *cmd_init(sint32 size,sint32 unit){ return (cmd_t *)calloc(size,unit);}sint32 cmd_set_len(cmd_t *cmd,sint32 len){ if(cmd == NULL) { printf("%s %d err\n",__func__,__LINE__); return -1; } cmd->head.len = len; return 0;}sint32 my_recv(int socket,cmd_t *cmd){ uint8 *buf = NULL; sint32 templen = 0; sint32 temptemplen = 0; sint32 recvlen = 0; sint32 firstrecv = 0; buf = (uint8 *)cmd; do{ templen = 0; if(firstrecv == 0) { do { temptemplen = recv(socket,buf + templen, sizeof(cmd_head_t) - templen,0); if(!(temptemplen > 0)) { return -1; } else if((temptemplen + templen) < sizeof(cmd_head_t)) { templen += temptemplen; continue; } else if((temptemplen + templen) == sizeof(cmd_head_t)) { templen += temptemplen; break; } else { return -1; } }while(1); recvlen = templen; firstrecv++; } if((cmd->head.len + sizeof(cmd_head_t)) == recvlen) { printf("head.len=%d recvlen=%d\n",cmd->head.len,recvlen); break; } if((cmd->head.len + sizeof(cmd_head_t)) < recvlen) { printf("over recv len=%d,recvlen=%d\n",cmd->head.len,recvlen); break; } templen = recv(socket,buf + recvlen, (cmd->head.len + sizeof(cmd_head_t)) - recvlen,0); if(!(templen > 0)) { printf("%d recv err\n",__LINE__); return -1; } recvlen += templen; if (recvlen > (cmd->head.len + sizeof(cmd_head_t))){ printf("over recv, recvlen:%d, scmdlen:%d !\n", recvlen, (cmd->head.len + sizeof(cmd_head_t))); break; } }while(recvlen != (cmd->head.len + sizeof(cmd_head_t))); return recvlen;}


#ifndef _LIST_H#define _LIST_H1#undef NULL#if defined(__cplusplus)#define NULL 0#else#define NULL ((void *)0)#endif/* The definitions of this file are adopted from those which can be found in the Linux kernel headers to enable people familiar with the latter find their way in these sources as well. *//* Basic type for the double-link list. */typedef struct list_head{ struct list_head *next; struct list_head *prev;} list_t;#ifdef _LIST_H//# include <atomic.h>/* Define a variable with the head and tail of the list. */# define LIST_HEAD(name) \ list_t name = { &(name), &(name) }/* Initialize a new list head. */# define INIT_LIST_HEAD(ptr) \ (ptr)->next = (ptr)->prev = (ptr)static inline int list_empty(list_t *head){return (head->next== head) ;}/* Add new element at the head of the list. */static inline voidlist_add (list_t *newp, list_t *head){newp->next = head->next;newp->prev = head;head->next->prev = newp;head->next = newp;}static inline voidlist_add_tail(list_t *newp, list_t *head){newp->next = head;newp->prev = head->prev;head->prev->next= newp;head->prev = newp;}/*get the first element next to head*/static inline list_t *list_get_first(list_t *head){if(list_empty(head))return NULL;return head->next;}/* Remove element from list. */static inline voidlist_del (list_t *elem){elem->next->prev = elem->prev;elem->prev->next = elem->next;}/* Join two lists. */static inline voidlist_splice (list_t *add, list_t *head){ /* Do nothing if the list which gets added is empty. */ if (add != add->next) { add->next->prev = head; add->prev->next = head->next; head->next->prev = add->prev; head->next = add->next; }}/* Get typed element from list at a given position. */# define list_entry(ptr, type, member) \ ((type *) ((char *) (ptr) - (unsigned long) (&((type *) 0)->member)))/* Iterate forward over the elements of the list. */# define list_for_each(pos, head) \ for (pos = (head)->next; pos != (head); pos = pos->next)/* Iterate forward over the elements of the list. */# define list_for_each_prev(pos, head) \ for (pos = (head)->prev; pos != (head); pos = pos->prev)/* Iterate backwards over the elements list. The list elements can be removed from the list while doing this. */# define list_for_each_prev_safe(pos, p, head) \ for (pos = (head)->prev, p = pos->prev; \ pos != (head); \ pos = p, p = pos->prev)#endif /* _LIST_H */#endif/* list.h */


#include "socket.h"int main(){ sint32 sock; sint32 ret; sint32 num; uint8 buf2[10]; fd_set fdset; struct sockaddr_un send_addr; cmd_t *cmd = NULL; uint8 buf[] = "U can u up,No can no bb"; sock = socket(PF_UNIX,SOCK_STREAM,0); if(sock < 0) { printf("socket err\n"); return -1; } send_addr.sun_family = AF_UNIX; strcpy(send_addr.sun_path,UNIX_DOMAIN); ret = connect(sock,(struct sockaddr *)&send_addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_un)); if(ret == -1) { perror("connect err\n"); return -1; } FD_ZERO(&fdset); FD_SET(sock,&fdset); cmd = cmd_init(CMD_1K,sizeof(uint8)); if(cmd == NULL) { printf("cmd_init err\n"); return -1; } for(ret = 0;ret < 10;ret++) { memset(buf2,0,10); memset(cmd,0,sizeof(cmd_t)); memcpy(cmd->data,buf,strlen(buf) + 1); sprintf(buf2,"%d",ret); strcat(cmd->data,buf2); cmd_set_len(cmd,strlen(buf) + 1 + 1); num = send(sock,cmd,cmd->head.len + sizeof(cmd_head_t),0); if(ret < 0) { perror("send err"); break; } printf("The cmd(%d) %s has been send len %d\n",ret,cmd->data,num); } if(select(sock + 1,&fdset,NULL,NULL,NULL) < 0) { perror("select err"); return -1; } if(FD_ISSET(sock,&fdset)) { ret = 0; do{ if(ret == 10) { break; } memset(cmd->data,0,CMD_1K - sizeof(cmd_head_t)); num = my_recv(sock,cmd); ret ++; printf("I recv cmd(%d:%d) %s\n",ret,num,cmd->data); }while(num > 0); } close(sock);}


#include "socket.h"list_t data_list;int fd;void *data_proc(void *prg){ list_t *p = NULL; data_t *node = NULL; for(;;) { while((p = list_get_first(&data_list)) != NULL) { node = list_entry(p,data_t,node); printf("send(%s):%d \n",node->cmd->data,node->cmd->head.len + sizeof(cmd_head_t)); send(fd,node->cmd,node->cmd->head.len + sizeof(cmd_head_t),0); list_del(&node->node); free(node); } }}int main(){ sint32 sock; sint32 recv; sint32 num; sint32 ret; sint32 len; sint32 on=1; pthread_t pid = 0; data_t *data = NULL; cmd_t *recv_cmd = NULL; struct sockaddr_un clt_addr; struct sockaddr_un srv_addr; struct pollfd pfd; INIT_LIST_HEAD(&data_list); if(pthread_create(&pid,NULL,data_proc,NULL) < 0) { perror("thread create err"); return -1; } sock = socket(PF_UNIX,SOCK_STREAM,0); if(sock<0) { perror("cannot create communication socket"); return 1; } if((setsockopt(sock,SOL_SOCKET,SO_REUSEADDR,&on,sizeof(on)))<0) { perror("setsockopt failed"); return -1; } recv_cmd = cmd_init(CMD_1K,sizeof(uint8)); if(recv_cmd == NULL) { printf("cmd init err\n"); close(sock); return -1; } srv_addr.sun_family=AF_UNIX; strcpy(srv_addr.sun_path,UNIX_DOMAIN); unlink(UNIX_DOMAIN); ret=bind(sock,(struct sockaddr*)&srv_addr,sizeof(struct sockaddr_un)); if(ret==-1) { perror("cannot bind server socket"); close(sock); unlink(UNIX_DOMAIN); return -1; } ret=listen(sock,1); if(ret==-1) { perror("cannot listen the client connect request"); close(sock); unlink(UNIX_DOMAIN); return -1; } pfd.fd = sock; = POLLIN; len=sizeof(struct sockaddr_un); for(;;) { poll(&pfd,1,-1); recv = accept(sock,(struct sockaddr*)&clt_addr,&len); if(sock<0) { perror("cannot accept client connect request"); close(sock); unlink(UNIX_DOMAIN); return -1; } fd = recv; ret = 0; do{ memset(recv_cmd->data,0,CMD_1K - sizeof(cmd_head_t)); printf("before recv\n"); num=my_recv(recv,recv_cmd); ret++; printf("Message from client (%d:%d)) :%s\n",ret,num,recv_cmd->data); if(num > 0) { data = (data_t *)calloc(sizeof(data_t),sizeof(char)); if(data == NULL) { printf("calloc err\n"); continue; } data->cmd = cmd_init(CMD_1K,sizeof(uint8)); memcpy(data->cmd->data,recv_cmd->data,num - sizeof(cmd_head_t)); data->cmd->head.len = num - sizeof(cmd_head_t); list_add_tail(&data->node,&data_list); } }while(num > 0); } printf("Game voer\n"); close(sock); unlink(UNIX_DOMAIN); return 0;}


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