DS Bonus 2: QQ Account Management

来源:互联网 发布:域名不备案能解析吗 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 01:58


You are supposed to implement the functions of account"Log in" and "Register" for the most popular instantmessager QQ.  The most challenging partis that QQ now has more than a billion users.


Input Specification:

Each input file contains one test case.  For each case, the first line contains anintegerN (£105) - the total number ofqueries.  Then N lines follow, each contains a query in the format:

Command QQ_No Password

where "Command" is either"R" (meaning to register a new account, and hence followed by a newaccount number and a password), or "L" (meaning to log in with anexisting account, and hence followed by the account number and the password);"QQ_No" is an integer that is greater than 1000 and no more than 10digits long; and "Password" is a string with no less than 6 and nomore than 16 characters without any space.


Output Specification:

For each test case, print the correspondingmessage for each query in a line.  Themessages are:

l  If a new account is successfullyregistered, output "Register Successful";

l  If the new registering account numberalready exists, output "ERROR: Account Number Already Exists";

l  If log in successfully, output "Log inSuccessful";

l  If the log in account does not exist, output"ERROR: Account Not Exist";

l  If log in with a wrong password, output"ERROR: Wrong Password".


Sample Input:


L 1234567890 myQQ@qq.com

R 1234567890 myQQ@qq.com

R 1234567890 myQQ@qq.com

L 1234567890 myQQ@qq

L 1234567890 myQQ@qq.com


Sample Output:


ERROR: Account Not Exist

Register Successful

ERROR: Account Number Already Exists

ERROR: Wrong Password

Log in Successful



#include<stdio.h>#include<stdlib.h>#include<string.h>#define MinTableSize 5typedef struct QQ* Database; typedef struct HashEntry Cell;typedef struct HashT *HashTable;struct QQ{char id[15];char password[20];};enum KindOfEntry{Legitimate,Empty,Deleted};struct HashEntry{struct QQ user;enum KindOfEntry Info;};struct HashT{int tablesize;Cell *thecells;};int Isprime(int n){int i;if(n == 1)return 0;for(i = 2;i*i<=n;i++)if(n %i == 0)break;if(i*i<=n)return 0;else return 1;}int nextprime(int n){while(!Isprime(n)){n++;}return n;}int Hash(const char *key,int n){int hashval;hashval = 0;while(*key != '\0'){hashval = (hashval << 1) + *key++;}return hashval % n;}HashTable Initialize(int tablesize){HashTable h;int i;if(tablesize<MinTableSize){perror("Table size too small\n");return NULL;}h = (HashTable)malloc(sizeof(struct HashT));if(h == NULL){perror("Out of Space\n");return NULL;}h->tablesize = nextprime(tablesize);h->thecells = (Cell*)malloc(sizeof(Cell)*h->tablesize);if(h->thecells == NULL){perror("Out of Space\n");return NULL;}for(i = 0;i<h->tablesize;i++)h->thecells[i].Info = Empty;return h;}int Find(char *key,HashTable h){int currentpos;int collisionnum;collisionnum = 0;currentpos = Hash(key,h->tablesize);while(h->thecells[currentpos].Info != Empty&&strcmp(h->thecells[currentpos].user.id,key)){currentpos += 2*++collisionnum-1;if(currentpos>=h->tablesize)currentpos -= h->tablesize;}return currentpos;}void Insert(struct QQ key,HashTable h){int pos;pos = Find(key.id,h);if(h->thecells[pos].Info!=Legitimate){h->thecells[pos].Info = Legitimate;h->thecells[pos].user = key;}}struct QQ *findcount(HashTable h,char *count){int pos;pos = Find(count,h);if(h->thecells[pos].Info == Empty)return NULL;else return &h->thecells[pos].user;}void CountInsert(HashTable h,char *count,char *pwd){struct QQ user;strcpy(user.id,count);strcpy(user.password,pwd);Insert(user,h);}HashTable ReHash(HashTable h){Cell *oldcells;int oldsize,i;oldcells = h->thecells;oldsize = h->tablesize;h = Initialize(oldsize*2);for(i = 0;i<oldsize;i++)if(oldcells[i].Info == Legitimate)Insert(oldcells[i].user,h);free(oldcells);return h;}int main(){Database r,d,p;int n,size;HashTable h;char cmd,count[15],pwd[20],*s;scanf("%d",&n);getchar();r = NULL;size = 0;h = Initialize(100000);while(n--){scanf("%c%s%s",&cmd,&count,&pwd);getchar();d = findcount(h,count);if(cmd == 'L'){if(d == NULL)printf("ERROR: Account Not Exist\n");else if(strcmp(d->password,pwd))       printf("ERROR: Wrong Password\n"); else printf("Log in Successful\n");    }     else if(cmd == 'R') {    if(d != NULL)    printf("ERROR: Account Number Already Exists\n");    else{    printf("Register Successful\n");      CountInsert(h,count,pwd);      size++;      //if(size == h->tablesize/2)      //h = ReHash(h);    }    }}return 0;}


#include<stdio.h>#include<stdlib.h>#include<string.h>typedef struct QQ* Database; struct QQ{char id[15];char password[20];int height;Database left,right;};//Tree searchDatabase findcount(Database d,char *id){while(d != NULL){if(strcmp(id,d->id) == 0) break;else if(strcmp(id,d->id)<0) d = d->left;else if(strcmp(id,d->id)>0) d = d->right;    }    return d;}//AVL treeint height(Database r){if(r == NULL)return -1;else return r->height;}Database SingleRotateWithLeft(Database p){Database q;q = p->left;p->left  = q->right;q->right = p;p->height = height(p->left)>height(p->right)?height(p->left) + 1:height(p->right) + 1;q->height = height(q->left)>height(q->right)?height(q->left) + 1:height(q->right) + 1;return q;}Database SingleRotateWithRight(Database p){Database q;q = p->right;p->right  = q->left;q->left = p;p->height = height(p->left)>height(p->right)?height(p->left) + 1:height(p->right) + 1;q->height = height(q->left)>height(q->right)?height(q->left) + 1:height(q->right) + 1;return q;}Database DoubleRotateWithLeft(Database p){p->left = SingleRotateWithRight(p->left);return SingleRotateWithLeft(p);}Database DoubleRotateWithRight(Database p){p->right = SingleRotateWithLeft(p->right);return SingleRotateWithRight(p);}Database treeinsert(Database r,char *id,char *pwd){Database p;if(r == NULL){r = (Database)malloc(sizeof(struct QQ));if(r == NULL){printf("Out of Space\n");return NULL;}strcpy(r->id,id);strcpy(r->password,pwd);          r->left = r->right = NULL;        r->height = 0;  }else if(strcmp(id,r->id)<0){r->left = treeinsert(r->left,id,pwd);if(height(r->left) - height(r->right) == 2)if(strcmp(id,r->left->id)<0)r = SingleRotateWithLeft(r);else r = DoubleRotateWithLeft(r);}else if(strcmp(id,r->id)>0){r->right = treeinsert(r->right,id,pwd);if(height(r->right) - height(r->left) == 2)if(strcmp(id,r->right->id)>0)r = SingleRotateWithRight(r);else r = DoubleRotateWithRight(r);}r->height = height(r->left)>height(r->right)?height(r->left)+1:height(r->right)+1;return r;}int main(){Database r,d,p;int n;char cmd,count[15],pwd[20],*s;scanf("%d",&n);getchar();r = NULL;while(n--){scanf("%c%s%s",&cmd,&count,&pwd);getchar();d = findcount(r,count);if(cmd == 'L'){if(d == NULL)printf("ERROR: Account Not Exist\n");else if(strcmp(d->password,pwd))       printf("ERROR: Wrong Password\n"); else printf("Log in Successful\n");    }     else if(cmd == 'R') {    if(d != NULL)    printf("ERROR: Account Number Already Exists\n");    else{    printf("Register Successful\n");        r = treeinsert(r,count,pwd);    }    }}return 0;}

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