
来源:互联网 发布:软件开发工作量统计表 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/04 18:54
--insert into 表名(字段列表) values(值列表)
insert into teacher(tname,tgender,tidcard,ttelephone) 

--update 表名 set 列名=值,列名2=值2... <where 条件>
update teacher set ttelephone='987654' where tid=10004
update student set address='北京奥运村' where gender='女'

--delete from 表名 <where 条件>
delete from teacher where tid=10004

--truncate table 表名

--select 列名 from 表名
-- <where 条件 order by 排序列名 desc/asc group by 分组列名 having 分组后条件筛选>

select * from teacher
select * from teacher where tgender='男'
--使用AS 起别名,使用常量添加新列,查询部分列
select 学校='中软ETC',tname 老师姓名,ttelephone 联系电话 from teacher
select 老师信息='老师姓名:'+tname+',联系电话:'+ttelephone from teacher

select * from teacher where ttelephone is not null

select * from teacher where 1<>1

select top 5 score from score order by score desc

select getdate()

select * from tclass where datediff(dd,cdate,getdate())=0

update set password=replace(replace(password,'O','0'),'i','1')

--使用LIKE 查询所有姓张的老师
select * from teacher where tname like '张%'

select * from score where score>=60 and score<=70
select * from score where score between 60 and 70

select * from student where state='福建省' or state='江西省'
select * from student where state in ('福建省','江西省')

select * from studnet where classid=1 or classid=2
select * from studnet where classid in (1,2)


select sum(score) 总分,avg(score) 平均分,count(*) 人数,max(score) 最高分,
min(score) 最低分 from score

select courseid,avg(score) from score group by courseid

select a.*,b.tname,b.ttelephone from tclass a inner join teacher b on(a.tid=b.tid)

select a.*,b.tname,b.ttelephone from tclass a,teacher b where a.tid=b.tid

select a.*,b.cname from teacher a left join tclass b on (a.tid=b.tid)
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