shell 常用命令

来源:互联网 发布:modo软件众筹 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/23 19:15
; file and directory operations(define (pwd)  (cd))(define (ls . dir)  (directory-list     (if (null? dir)         (cd)        (car dir))))(cd "somedir");(file-regular? path) ;(file-directory? path) ;(file-symbolic-link? path) ;(file-exists? path) (define (time-info t)  (define d (time-utc->date t))  (format "~10a ~12a"           (format "~a:~a:~a"                   (date-hour d) (date-minute d) (date-second d))          (format "~a-~a-~a"                  (date-year d) (date-month d) (date-day d))))(define (file-size f)  (define KB (expt 2 10))  (define MB (expt 2 20))  (define GB (expt 2 30))  (call-with-input-file f     (lambda (p)       (let ((s (file-length p)))        (cond          ((< s KB) s)          ((< s MB) (format "~,2fK" (inexact (/ s KB))))          ((< s GB) (format "~,2fM" (inexact (/ s MB))))          (else (format "~,2fG" (inexact (/ s GB)))))))))(define (file-info f)  (cond    ((file-regular? f)      (printf "~20a\t~a\t~a\n" f (time-info (file-change-time f)) (file-size f)))    ((file-directory? f)     (printf "~20a\t~a\n"  (format "~a/" f) (time-info (file-change-time f))))    ((file-sysbolic-link? f)     (printf "~20a\t~a\n" (format "~a@" f)  (time-info (file-change-time f))))))(define (ll . path)  (if (null? path)      (ll ".")      (let ((p (car path)))        (if (file-exists? p)            (if (file-regular? p)                 (file-info p)                (let ((orig (cd))                      (items (directory-list p)))                  (cd p)                  (map (lambda (item) (file-info item)) items)                  (cd orig)))))));(mkdir path)(define (mkdirs path)  (define orig (cd))  (let mk ((p path))    (if (not (file-exists? p))        (let ((top (path-first p)))          (if (string=? "" top)              (mkdir p)              (begin                (if (not (file-exists? top)) (mkdir top))                (if (file-directory? top)                    (begin (cd top) (mk (path-rest p)))))))))  (cd orig));(delete-file path);(delete-directory path);(rename-file old-pathname new-pathname) (define (rm dir)  (if (file-exists? dir)      (if (file-regular? dir)          (delete-file dir)          (let rmdir ((p dir))            (define orig (cd))            (define items (directory-list p))            (cd p)            (map (lambda (item)                    (if (file-regular? item)                       (delete-file item)                       (rmdir item)))                 items)            (cd orig)            (delete-directory p)))))(define (cp-file src dst)  (let ((in (open-file-input-port src))        (out (open-file-output-port dst (file-options no-fail))))    (let loop ()      (define buf (get-bytevector-n in 1024))      (if (eof-object? buf)          (begin (close-port in) (close-port out))          (begin (put-bytevector out buf) (loop))))))(define (cp-dir src dst)  (map (lambda (item)          (cp (string-append src (string (directory-separator)) item) dst))        (directory-list src)))(define (cp src dst)  (if (file-exists? src)      (if (file-regular? src)          (if (file-directory? dst)              (cp-file src (string-append dst (string (directory-separator)) (path-last src)))              (begin                (if (not (file-exists? dst)) (mkdirs (path-parent dst)))                (cp-file src dst)))          (if (not (file-exists? dst))               (begin (mkdirs dst) (cp-dir src dst))              (if (file-directory? dst)                  (let ((new-dst (string-append dst (string (directory-separator)) (path-last src))))                    (if (not (file-exists? new-dst)) (mkdir new-dst))                    (if (file-directory? new-dst) (cp-dir src new-dst))))))))(define (mv src dst)  (cp src dst)  (rm src))(define renamez rename-file) ; in same disk(define (echo str . file)  (if (null? file)      (put-string (current-output-port)  str)      (let ((p (open-output-file (car file) 'append)))        (put-string p str)        (close-output-port p))))(define (cat file)  (let ((p (open-input-file file)))    (display (get-string-all p))    (close-input-port p)))(define (contain? str patt)  (not (< (string-find str patt) 0))); find filename similar to patt in directory of dir(define (ff patt . dir)  (if (null? dir)      (ff patt ".")      (let ((f (car dir)))        (if (file-exists? f)            (begin              (if (contain? (path-last f) patt) (printf "~a\n"f))              (if (file-directory? f)                  (map (lambda (i)                         (ff patt (format "~a~a~a" f (directory-separator) i)))                       (directory-list f)))))        '()))); grep wd in directory of file(define (fw wd . file)  (if (null? file)      (fw wd ".")      (let ((f (car file)))        (cond          ((file-regular? f)           (call-with-input-file f             (lambda (p)               (let parse ((ln 1) (line (get-line p)))                 (if (not (eof-object? line))                     (begin                       (if (contain? line wd)                           (printf "~a:~a ~a\n" f ln line))                       (parse (+ ln 1) (get-line p))))                 '()))))          ((file-directory? f)           (map (lambda (i)                   (fw wd (format "~a~a~a" f (directory-separator) i)))                (directory-list f))           '())))))

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