
来源:互联网 发布:javascript在线格式化 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/29 17:03

2、乐观锁( Optimistic Locking ) 
而乐观锁机制在一定程度上解决了这个问题。乐观锁,大多是基于数据版本( Version )记录机制实现。何谓数据版本?即为数据增加一个版本标识,在基于数据库表的版本解决方案中,一般是通过为数据库表增加一个 “version” 字段来实现。读取出数据时,将此版本号一同读出,之后更新时,对此版本号加一。此时,将提交数据的版本数据与数据库表对应记录的当前版本信息进行比对,如果提交的数据版本号大于数据库表当前版本号,则予以更新,否则认为是过期数据。





  1. 假设当当网上用户下单买了本书,这时数据库中有条订单号为001的订单,其中有个status字段是’有效’,表示该订单是有效的;
  2. 后台管理人员查询到这条001的订单,并且看到状态是有效的
  3. 用户发现下单的时候下错了,于是撤销订单,假设运行这样一条SQL: update order_table set status = ‘取消’ where order_id = 001;
  4. 后台管理人员由于在b这步看到状态有效的,这时,虽然用户在c这步已经撤销了订单,可是管理人员并未刷新界面,看到的订单状态还是有效的,于是点击”发货”按钮,将该订单发到物流部门,同时运行类似如下SQL,将订单状态改成已发货:update order_table set status = ‘已发货’ where order_id = 001




There are mechanisms employed to manage the actions of multiple concurrent users on a database – the purpose is to prevent lost updates and dirty reads. The two types of locking are Pessimistic and Optimistic Locking.

  • Pessimistic lockingA user who reads a record, with the intention of updating it, places an exclusive lock on the record to prevent other users from manipulating it. This means no one else can manipulate that record until the user releases the lock. The downside is that users can be locked out for a very long time, thereby slowing the overall system response and causing frustration.
    • Where to use pessimistic locking: This is mainly used in environments where data-contention (the degree of users request to the database system at any one time) is heavy; where the cost of protecting data through locks is less than the cost of rolling back transactions if concurrency conflicts occur. Pessimistic concurrency is best implemented when lock times will be short, as in programmatic processing of records. Pessimistic concurrency requires a persistent connection to the database and is not a scalable option when users are interacting with data, because records might be locked for relatively large periods of time. It is not appropriate for use in web application development.


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